"Why not?" Fu Chaolang ignored the opposition of the agent directly and asked Shen Liyang frankly.

Shen Liyang thought about his words, "you should think more about your fans. They regard you as their boyfriends. If you come out of the cabinet suddenly, they can't accept it for a while."

Fu Chaolang: "they will know sooner or later, because I will definitely give Li Shu a fair and aboveboard identity."

Shen Liyang: Actually, I really don't need it.

"Or There are other reasons why you are so secretive? " Fu Chaolang is very keen at this time.

Seeing this, Shen Liyang could only bite his teeth and said, "in fact My brother he... "

"Don't fool me with the Korean drama. Why, his first love comes back from the dead again, and two people want to live together?" Fu Chaolang suddenly asked.

Shen Liyang: This is her line.

"My brother he I'm in love with someone else. " The typical broken pot is broken, and the slag man's label is wrapped tightly on his body.

Fu Chaolang: "you, what, what?"

Shen Yang is always tired of the old man. I always like the old man

"Who is it? Shen Liyang, if you can't tell me an accurate person, I'll think you're playing me! "

At that time, Shen Liyang seemed to hear the voice of Su Yi downstairs, vaguely passed over, "that is..."

"Dong Dong Dong" a loud knock on the door sounded, and then the door was pushed open by Su Yi. Before he came in, he called out in a loud voice: "Shen Liyang, how about the clothes I chose for your brother?"

Shen Liyang did not come to remember the reply, but heard Fu Chaolang's voice, which was similar to gnashing his teeth at the end of the mobile phone: " Su Yi! It was him

Shen Liyang: "no, listen to me Hello? Fu Chaolang? Fu Chaolang

Shen Liyang looks at the phone that has been hung up, and ten thousand grass mud horses gallop past in his heart.

There's been a lot of misunderstanding.

"Why are you so selective?" Shen Liyang looks at Su Yi at the door.

Dr. Su was also confused, "Why are you so fierce? I just want you to look at your clothes and not to see them pulled down. "

As a result, come and go in a hurry, turn around and leave.

Shen Liyang: She really suspected at the moment that this guy was here to make trouble.

I don't know what Fu Chaolang, who has been stimulated, will do.

But Maybe I don't want to make such an amazing move as public disclosure.

Facts have proved that Fu Chaolang at the other end of the mobile phone did not mention the matter of coming out of the cabinet with his agent, because he was too busy to have time.

"Hiss --"

the agent was shocked when he saw his brutally tearing the newly bought clothes with bare hands.

"Chao Lang What are you doing

"He's already been given clothes. What else do I keep? Chinese new year

In his anger, the agent only let him vent, as long as not in front of the media nonsense.

He is here "tear pull" vent, but the agent can't wait any longer, quickly contact the relevant personnel to move up, must calm down the storm this time.

When the two sides are in full swing, "detective life" also ushered in an unprecedented height.

, especially Shen Li Yang's self operation "show spray" to find out the divine operation of footprints in the program, and a lot of people doubt whether Shen Li Yang took the script from the beginning, or opened the plug with money. Do you want to promote new people?

We don't doubt the script from the director, that is to say, this is the answer to our question. If she hadn't cut off the time, the editing group would not have been busy with the time.

make complaints about the public "Tucao" of the program group. The group is busy, and the netizens are laughing at the loss: BUG bug, which is more appropriate.

Shen Yangte's "more than two brain mending" group has asked her to buy more than two brain mending clips for her.

Just as Shen Liyang touched his jaw and wondered whether he would like to order some takeaway chicken legs, the efficiency of Jiangwan gold medal agent was reflected.

In less than an hour of netizens' appeal, the editing group of "detective life" posted a picture of big drumsticks on the microblog, with the following text: Thank you for the compensation of bug, but I still hope that next time, please give more often to the bald young dog head to protect his life.

"The variety show has a good effect. The number of fans on your microblog has increased by nearly one million, which is a good start The movie "spring in the palace" will also be released at the end of this month, and you and Fu Chaolang will have to hear from you, but at present Some of his side is not optimistic. I don't know if he will temporarily reduce his appearance in order to avoid the wind in a short timeIf Fu Chaolang doesn't show up during the publicity period, the box office of the day will be affected.

Shen Liyang: "evening sister, to what extent will an artist's open love affair affect his performing career?"

Jiang Wan took a look at her: "this is different from person to person, but it depends on the positioning. The business value of Fu Chaolang, who started his business with traffic, depends on the data and the products he represents. To put it bluntly, it is the realization of fans. Open love means the disillusionment of fans. Stepping back is a common thing However, you don't have to worry. Fu Chaolang is different from Xiaosheng who only relies on the flow. The capital behind him is firm. As long as he doesn't commit suicide by playing with fire, even if his love affair is exposed, it will only have an impact in a short time. It's not difficult to make a comeback in the future. "

"However, this is also the reason why I don't want you to take the flow route, but to take the strength school. Originally, your appearance marketing and beauty are superior, which is easy to do, and can become popular in a short time. However, such popularity is not solid, and it will be haunted by labels after you become famous. It will take many years for you to change the inherent impression of the public. However, it is different to take the strength line to become popular. Although it takes a long time, the advantage of being steady and steady is that the public will focus more on your works and achievements, and your love and marriage will not cause fans to talk The debate. "

The shortcut is easy to take, but it must be uneven. What Jiang Wan wants to hold out is the movie queen, not the simple entertainment star.

It's also the key for her to be a gold broker in the circle.

“…… Night elder sister, that side, is pulling to step on our Li Yang again The assistant came up and said in a deep voice, holding a flat panel.

Jiang Wan looked at the online manuscript with a sneer: "this Zhao Xuerou is really a big appetite, pull step on Fu Chaolang does not count, but also want to drag you into the water."

Assistant: "now what to do Wait It seems that we don't have to interfere.

Assistant looks at the hot search that suddenly jumps out

"Fu Chaolang himself came down and slapped Zhao Xuerou in the face."