"Do you think Shen Liyang and her brother are really similar?" Fu Chaolang said in a low voice.

The agent looked at him strangely: "other people are brothers and sisters. Isn't that normal?"

"Is it?" But what Fu Zhaolang felt as like as two peas, was that even twins, like a figure in a mold, could be found almost completely the same as their height and dress.

The agent thought he was a little bit of a nagging, "what's the matter with you? Do you still have time to worry about these things? It's better to worry about Shen liyang's denial. In the future, how should you restrain yourself, so as not to be turned over by netizens and cause a crisis of trust. "

Fu Chaolang put away his mobile phone, pressed his eyebrows and said carelessly: "it's all solved. Don't worry about it."

A carefree agent:.... " Isn't that good intentions that don't pay off?


"My little Liyang is really kind. Can't a cold voice satisfy you? Need you to find another man to fill the void? " The cloud on the car is envious, the tone seems to be lazy and serious, and her fingers hook her long hair, rolling back and forth at the fingertips repeatedly.

When Shen Liyang turned his head, his long hair was caught by his fingers. His scalp hurt a little, and some of him pulled his hair back from his hand. "I gave Fu Chaolang that was revolutionary friendship."

Yun Yixian: "revolutionary friendship? Not an ex boyfriend? "

The three words of ex boyfriend came out of his mouth, and Shen liyang's eyelids immediately jumped two or three times, "you Check me out? "

Cloud a envy casually lean on the back of the chair, lazy to the extreme, eyes bleary like Zhang Fei Zhang, "how?"

Boss Yun is very arrogant, voice over: I checked, how can you take me?

Shen Liyang grinds his teeth secretly, though She also, really can't do anything.

"When are you going back?"

Cloud one envies to pinch up her mandible, the beautiful eye shows a kind of Yin Li light: "how, you are driving me?"

Shen Liyang tried to take off his finger, but it didn't succeed. She thought that her chin must have been red and she had no good airway: "you love to walk. How dare I catch you?"

Yun Yi Xian loosened his hand and sneered: "there are still things you dare not do, the following offend, deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors. Which one of you has done less?"

Shen Liyang: Which one did she make?

The thin cold sound on the balcony heard the sound of parking downstairs. His deep eyes glanced at him carelessly. He didn't care about it. He just wanted to see if Shen Liyang came back.

As a result

She came down from a car and waved goodbye to the people in the car.

Thin cold sound eyes light deep toward the window position a light glance, and cloud envy also keen to observe the surrounding line of sight, down the window.

Four eyes are opposite, cloud one envies lip corner cold hook for a while, called to prepare to turn to leave Shen Li Yang.

Shen Liyang turned his head suspiciously: "hmm? Something else? "

Yun Yi Xian pushes open the door to get out of the car. In Shen Li Yang's question, he reaches out his hand to her.

Shen Liyang subconsciously stepped back and said, "what do you want to do?"

This is the territory of the president. Is he brave enough to start here?

Yun Yixian seems to understand her defense, and she did not say the meaning of the export, originally want to warm the day did not move back, dim raised eyebrows, "tomorrow on time to film, my time is very precious."

Shen Liyang:

So precious time, what do you want to do?

make complaints about her silent Tucao. "Why?" Do you have something to say? "

Shen Li Yang shook his head: "have a good journey."

When the car drove away in front of him, Shen Liyang turned to the villa with ease.

In the car.

In the rearview mirror, David took a look at the back: "chief, just let s live in the house of Bo Han Sheng all the time?"

Cloud one envies grind to rub the ring on the hand, "she is not happy in it very much."

David: "but In case s marries Bo Hansheng, how... "

The word "do" was stuck in his throat. It was not that he didn't want to go on, but that the temperature on the back seat dropped to freezing point at the moment when he said "s married a cold voice".

"She is my bride. She was, is, will be No one can take her away from me

Cloud one envies Mou color to sink cold to say.

But under the pressure, Dawei still had to tell him: If s stays like this, it will not be the same as it was then... "

Yun Yixian's fingers and joints are knocking at the position of the knee. He says, "wait a second..."

When the play is over, we will wait a few more days. We have been waiting so long, and we will not miss these days.

However, Yun Yixian thinks that he has taken everything into consideration, but he only forgets what is called -- man proposes, God disposes.Shen Liyang in the villa doesn't know if it's her own illusion. She feels that President Bo seems to be silent today.

Shen Liyang stabbed his eyes at Xiao Bao sitting beside him.

Xiaobao saw her looking at himself, Meng Meng's big eyes blinked, "numb?"

Shen Liyang held him in his arms and asked in a low voice, "what's wrong with your father?"

Xiaobao looked at the cold voice of thin eyes, and then looked at her. His face pondered for a moment, and answered with a solemn and sincere voice: "I'm sorry It is said in the book that if a man sees his beloved girl with another man, he will be very unhappy and call Well It's called vinegar. "

Shen Liyang listened to his tearful reply and was stunned: "jealous?"

Xiaobao tilted his head and thought, "that's a good-looking and handsome millet."

Shen Li was shocked.


Is the thin cold sound of video conference going on even more distracted than ever before?

"Mr. Bo?"

When the high-level, who has been slow to get a response, looks at the screen like Caton, hesitantly shouts twice.

President Bo's eyes just turned around at this time, "do as you say. If there is any problem in the process, please ask manager Li to join us..."

"Yes, the following is about the development of the fourth construction project in Guanzhen area..."

The understanding was carried out in an orderly manner, and the thin voice was followed by the cold voice, but he seldom spoke. Such a state could not help but make a few high-level people at the other end of the video to have some uncertainty and caution, for fear of any flaws and errors.

Shen Liyang outside the door took the coffee from the servant's hand. "I'll do it. You'll be busy first."

The servant nodded and, before leaving, did not forget to tell her: "when the young lady goes in, be quiet. Mr. Bo is in a meeting and doesn't like any movement."

Shen Liyang: "I know."

It's just Most of the time, things happen beyond expectation.

Shen Liyang came here after taking a bath. I don't know if he has been soaking in the bath for a long time. When he pushes the door open and supports the tray with one hand, his hands slip and "crackles" --
