"What's going on here?! How can online wind reviews change suddenly? "

Zhao Xuerou looked at the one-sided painting style which was originally under the rhythm of the water army. Suddenly, she suddenly turned to the bottom. She began to praise Shen liyang's acting skills and her CP sense with Fu Chaolang. She was angry and wanted to lift the table.

Agent: "this As an investor, Xingyao entertainment has launched an official blog. They are entertainment companies backed by Bo's group. Naturally, they have to sell them a few faces. Moreover, Fu Chaolang and Wu Shihong have also come forward to speak for her, saying that there is no problem with Shen liyang's style in the production team

Shen liyang's wind reviews are on the rise. With her representative works, I'm afraid it won't be as easy as before if she wanted to move her again in the future. "

"What do you say? Can I know? " She preemptively let people with rhythm, is to explosion-proof Shen Liyang, the result now she is still received praise.

For Zhao Xuerou, it is absolutely impossible to accept.

"Try to find a way for me, she can't be red!"

The agent looked embarrassed: "this This is not red, not we can has the final say, her acting skills have been recognized by fans, and now the fans are increasing every day. If there is no stone hammer to rush to work, I am afraid that we will be found to us.

That's really thankless, and it will cause a backlash.

Zhao Xuerou began to smash things impatiently. "Then she repeated the old trick, saying that she seduced Fu Chaolang openly in the production team. The group of female fans of Fu Chaolang were not like a group of dogs, loyal. If you knew someone wanted to seduce their brother, could you still be indifferent?"

Agent: "this Fu Chaolang has also sent a micro blog to clarify the means that have been used last time. We can't use this rhythm any more. "

Zhao Xuerou: "then look for someone else. Can't a crew find a few people who don't like her?"

Agent: "I've thought about what you said, but I asked people to inquire about it. Shen liyang's wind review on the crew is really good. Everyone praises her. It's obviously not good to pour black water on her."

"Neither this nor that. You're going to give me a way to do it!" Zhao Xuerou shouts.

“…… Xuerou, or we will let her go this time. You can see that there are not many black spots on her body. But it doesn't mean there won't be any in the future. As long as she comes in formally, she will show her weakness sooner or later. Then, we'll hit again and hit the target again

The agent gave her advice, "and, think about it, Shen Liyang has a tendency to become popular, but as long as she is still entertaining at the new moon, she is inferior to you Since you are her elder martial sister, why don't you take this opportunity to show your generosity and say something to her online

Zhao Xuerou was angry. When she heard her words, she couldn't get angry. She said in a sharp voice: "are you crazy, aren't you?"?! Why should I speak to her? "

The agent quickly reassured: "she is now the center of the topic. As long as it is related to her topic, you can easily get on the hot search. You can just send two sentences casually to show your concern, and then you can brush off a wave of passers-by's favor. Then I will let the team operate. We can also increase the heat by taking advantage of her east wind, so she is a stepping stone for you. ”

after listening to her, Zhao Xuerou changed her face and handed her her her mobile phone: "you can do it, I can't write that kind of disgusting words."

The agent's face stiffened for a moment, then the smile was a little embarrassed, "yes, of course, I'll send it. You can't worry about this kind of thing."

Zhao Xuerou leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes.


"Spring in the palace" is a three pole film that can be used to market actresses' acting skills. Has the domestic standard been lowered to this level

Bai Xingwan looks at the discussion of Shen liyang's acting skills on hot search, and sneers scornfully.

"It's not true. The current domestic atmosphere is really not good. The audience's requirements are really very low. Only our star night sister's outstanding performance level can be called acting skills." When the assistant heard her, the flattering voice followed.

Bai Xingwan chuckled and opened one of the videos to comment on it. As a result, he saw Shen Liyang dressed in red, holding his ashes, looking at the palace wall from a distance, and jumping down from a high place.

It is the yearning after the dust has settled, such as ashes, is the despair that wants to seek relief from the bottom of my heart. It is just a look, a look that wants to think, which can make people feel her despair and helplessness.

Very short clip video, this scene is less than a minute, only a few seconds, but the white star evening looked frowned.

The assistant sees the situation to say: "star evening elder sister you don't force oneself, lest saw the hot eye."

However, Bai Xingwan, who just despised him, had to admit at this moment that he was shocked.

"This is really Is it her first play? " Bai Xingwan looks at the comments in the comment area and asks.

The assistant also pays close attention to hot search every day. When she asks, she answers, "I heard that she used to be a troupe in the production group, and she has few opportunities to appear. This is her first starring role."Bai Xingwan: "no wonder..."

Assistant: "no wonder what?"

"Star night sister, the interview will start soon. Are you ready?" The staff of the program team opened the door of the dressing room and asked.

Bai Xingwan put down his mobile phone and stood up: "let's go."

Bai Xingwan participated in an interview program called "hot search parties", which is a sub program that likes to invite frequent visitors or artists who have recently boarded the hot search to conduct interviews. The ratings have been good.

Perhaps for the sake of a hot spot, the host talked about the movie "spring in the palace" which was widely talked about by netizens in the past two days after talking about some films made in China by Bai Xingwan before going abroad.

"This movie is now on the air. I wonder if you've seen some clips on star night? The actresses in it are the new generation. As an elder, if you could evaluate her acting skills, what would you say? "

"I haven't seen the whole movie about the movie you said, but coincidentally, I just saw a little bit of it before I went on the stage." Bai Xingwan said.

Host: "I don't know what the star night is watching? Do you have any intuitive feelings after watching it? "