The fool looked at her and clapped: "OK, OK, play games Play games... "

Sheng Yao also handed him the rope and said, "go and take this Tie up the people in the study Then stab him in the stomach with this one, stab him hard, stab hard, and when the person doesn't move, you will win the game, you know? "

Fool infatuated with her, naturally listen to her, one hand with a rope, the other hand with a dagger into the study.

Sheng Yao also stood at the door of the study, listening to the movement inside. When

passed through the study with her face mask, she saw her standing still in the doorway. Let you go in. What's the matter with you standing outside? I don't know. I thought our family had hired prostitutes. "

With that, the adoptive mother left.

Sheng Yao never understood how a woman could turn a blind eye to her husband's promiscuity with his adopted daughter at home.

Think of the end can only be attributed to, there is a class of people he may not be born to call people.

But it doesn't matter. She will redeem them in the name of God and send them to where they should go.

"Well Ah

The adoptive father in the study tied up the fool. When he wanted to struggle and move, the fool inserted the dagger into his abdomen, and the blood splashed out. The adoptive father howled, but the fool clapped his hands happily.

Even if it is stupid, but obviously also inherited the dirty parents gene, for human life, for blood is contempt.

"You Crazy, isn't it? " The adoptive father was cold sweat straight down, looking at the silly son who tied himself to the chair, "hurry up, quickly let me go!"

"Play games, play games." The fool did not listen to his words at all, and said in his mouth.

After they were tied up, Sheng Yao, who was outside the door, put his hand on the railing behind him, and blew a loud whistle. The whistle passed through the door of the study and passed into the fool's ear. The fool's eyes were stiff, as if he had been captured, and raised his dagger in his hand.

"No Don't Ah In the scream of his adoptive father, the fool raised his dagger and poked into his heart without hesitation.

Fresh blood splashed on the fool's face.

It was at this time that Sheng Yao entered the door and was still whistling. The voice was low and bewitching. When the fool was happy, Sheng Yao raised her eyebrows and eyes, followed his adoptive father's line of sight, and slowly pulled and pulled the corners of his lips -

then, in his adopted father's enlarged pupil, Sheng Yao also pulled the fool's shoulder from behind, mercilessly One knife after another stabbed from the back to the heart.

During this period of time, Sheng Yao studied medical skills, and had already known the structure of human body, and the position of each knife was exactly the same.

The fool soon fell to the ground without breathing.

At this time, Sheng Yao was also full of blood. Her delicate and perfect appearance was like a fallen angel dyed black. She drew out the dagger on the fool's body and walked into her adoptive father step by step.

The adoptive father's constant trembling of fear Let me go Let me go... "

"Let you go?" Sheng Yao also turned the dagger in his hand, and the dagger was against his neck: "when I beg for mercy from you, you Have you ever let me go? "

"No, you haven't let me go, so how can I Let go of you After that, she slipped from the left corner of her adoptive father's eye to the corner of her right eye with a dagger.

In the scream of his adoptive father, Sheng Yao also opened the artery of his throat.

Two people in the study are dead

There's one more. There's only one left.

Sheng Yao also stood up straight, took out a paper towel and slowly wiped the blood in her hands.

Then he walked steadily towards his adoptive mother's room.

At the moment, my adoptive mother has just put water and is preparing to take a bath.

When hearing the footsteps behind him, even the head did not return, "come just in time, pinch my shoulder."

Sheng Yao also looked at her back, smiling wantonly, and then The finger was on her shoulder.

The adoptive mother slowly closed her eyes. "With a little strength, it's just like not eating all day long. It's really dark Ah. "

Before the sound of her abusive words fell, Sheng Yao also stabbed the dagger in.

The blood flowed into the bathtub and soon turned into a pool of blood.

After the incident, when the police spilled the gasoline, it would not be as low as the gasoline on the scene.

The potion will evaporate with the fire, leaving no trace.

An "accident" just happened.

A fire that burned for eight hours cleaned up all the sins that burned.

Sheng Yao also a white dress standing outside the villa, quietly stood for two minutes, turned away.In the villa, there was a body she had prepared to replace herself, so in everyone's cognition, four people were killed in the accident.

Sheng Yao finally looks at the villa. She is relieved and happy And obsession.

At the end of the shooting, the people on the scene were still silent. The director looked at the camera and didn't make a sound for a long time.

It was not until Shen Liyang let out a light cough that the people came back to their senses.

Because she was too deep into the play, after Shen Liyang came, the people who passed by avoided it. It seemed that they were afraid that the dagger in her hand would stab him.

The common voice of the staff on the scene: just Just, really, it's terrible.

When Shen Liyang went to the camera to see the shooting effect, Wen yunian patted her on the shoulder When this play is on the air, it's natural that you become a front line... "

Shen Li Yang raised his eyes: "do you think so?"

Wen Yu nianian laughed: "I don't want to be modest." Normal people in the face of others similar praise, should not say some scene words?

For example I still have a lot of room for improvement and a long way to go.

Who will be like her, feel sure that they are sure, silk no cover up.

Shen Liyang raised his chin: "because I think I'll be red, too. "

With that, they looked at each other with a smile.

But not far away, Yun Yixian looked at the picture of two people talking and laughing, but her eyes were slightly heavy, "David Do you feel that She seems to be back again

Great verweyton: -- You mean, s she You didn't lift the hypnosis, she I don't think about it. "


Yes, his hypnotism is puzzling. No one in the world can extricate himself.

Yun Yixian looked at the sky in the distance It's coming. "

Wait, wait, wait, she'll be back, and it's all over.

Shen Wei looks at Li's voice, but he can't hear it in the distance.

He couldn't help thinking, if one day, Shen Liyang knew that everything was fake, could he bear it.