"Are you tired of meetings?" The little girl's head against his shoulder rubbed down, all kinds of sentimental appearance.

Bo cold voice loved her coquettish appearance very much. She was moved for a moment. When she reacted, she had already pinched her jaw and kissed her.

Shen Li Yang glared round his eyes and blinked his thick eyelashes like a small fan.

Because the distance was too close, it almost became a cockfight eye. President Bo left her lip in a funny way, and her slender and beautiful fingers scraped the bridge of her nose.

Xiao Bao's children's boots, who chewed cakes on one side, wrinkled their small eyebrows. They felt that the pastry that had been delicious just now was not delicious.

He slipped down from the sofa with a cake and stepped on his little feet. Xiao Pang grabbed Shen liyang's clothes and looked at her. He said pitifully, "Xiaobao wants to ~ ~"

SHEN Liyang was stunned, and then he could not help laughing. He squatted down and gave him a kiss on his face: "is that ok?"

Xiao Bao's smiling eyes, and side of the other side of the cheek: this side also want.

The little guy is young, but the truth of "rain and dew are all wet" is clear.

Shen Liyang is amused by his cute appearance and kisses him again.

President Bo stretched out his long arm, lifted the little guy from the ground, took Shen Liyang in one hand, and sat down on the sofa.

"Later, if I'm not in, I'll ask the Secretary to inform me, OK?" Bo Han Sheng looked at Shen Li Yang seriously and said.

Shen Li Yang blinked his eyes: "a sensible girlfriend should not disturb his boyfriend's work."

She rubbed her long hair with a big palm, and her voice was a sexy subwoofer: "you don't need to be sensible."

When he said this, his eyes were as deep as a bottomless abyss, as if the next second would be able to suck people in directly.

Shen liyang's face turned a little red, and he felt that the recent president was becoming more and more attractive.

"Mr. Bo, some of the statements sent by the subsidiary company are what I know..." A senior executive with a stack of documents in his hand, saw that the door of the office was not closed, so he walked in directly. As a result, he saw that no one was allowed to enter the office. He was feeding a little girl with the words Gao Leng written on his whole body???

As a result, I suspected that the gesture of opening the door was not correct.

Just as he stood in the same place, thinking whether he had crossed the time and space by mistake and needed to come in again, President Bo's eyes had already shot.

Senior management: the sense of familiarity came back at that time.

"Eat more. We'll have dinner after we've finished." Thin cold voice to Shen Li Yang gently wipe off the foam of the corners of his lips and put it into his mouth.

Shen Liyang was smiling. Before he got up, he took the opportunity to fill a small piece of cake into his mouth: "go."

He was completely regarded as a senior official of the dog abuse in the air: I suspected that the second young man was afraid of being abused, so he fooled me into coming in.

Bo Xichen in the office, blowing the air conditioner, drinking tea and flipping over the contract, said Bo Xichen: ah, I can't always be wronged if I'm smart and abusing dogs? All of us are colleagues. If we have difficulties, we should take the same position, don't we?

Half an hour later, Bo Han took Shen Liyang and Xiao Bao's children's boots to the restaurant that had been ordered in advance for dinner.

Bo Er Shao followed up with a shameless face.

President Bo's cold eye at that time swept over and said, "I'll book the restaurant myself."

He doesn't need a light bulb around him.

"Little sister-in-law, you see my brother, how can he be so cruel and merciless to his clever, lovely and understanding brother." The mouth gun this piece, two young hold the temperament to death.

Shen Li Yang took a puff from the corner of his mouth and looked at Bo's cold voice: "otherwise Just one more? "

A second ago, the thin president with a heavy face and determined not to spit out: "well, listen to you."

Although I got the opportunity to rub rice, I felt that I was not valuable, cheap and worth mentioning ~ ~

the restaurant looked at Bo Xichen, who had been feeding his girlfriend all the time, and gave his son to his own care directly

"Brother, tell me honestly, do you agree, is it just for me to help you with the baby?" Two little some indignant said.

Shen Li Yang pursed his lips and held back his smile.

Bo president's eyes are very light in his face swept, "people do their best."

Make the best use of materials, people try their best to squeeze the surplus labor force.

"Two little:" really want to lift the table, but dare not swollen do it?!

Xiaobao took a piece of meat to him in silence and put it on his plate.

Two little not only to be moved by tears: "or we Xiaobao know how to love me."

Xiao Bao's little mouth moved and swallowed what he had said to his mouth: Well, it's a piece of fat. He doesn't like it. But the second uncle was so moved that he could not seem to be able to dispel his overwhelming emotion.

Shen Liyang and Bo Hansheng looked at each other, and they did not attack him.Therefore, the second Shao finished the meal with a touch.

In the evening.

Su Yi comes to find Shen Liyang with great interest.

Shen Liyang originally thought he had returned the insurance, but the next second Su Yi put a thick version of the insurance in front of her.

Shen Liyang:? ! "

Su Yi:" don't look at me like this. I'll tell you, there is a misunderstanding in this matter. My classmate didn't explain it to me because he had other things to do at that time. The insurance should be bought by the two together, so that all the insurance can be covered... "

Listening to his lively conversation, Shen Liyang raised his hand to interrupt him and asked, "so Are you going to tell me that you paid a high price for another one? "

Su Yi: "not high price, but friendship price."

"So You went to refund the insurance, and now you've bought an extra friendship price insurance? "

Although he thought it was strange, Su Yi still nodded.

Shen Liyang took a deep breath: "Dr. Su, when was the last time you performed the operation?"

Su Yi: "three days ago? What are you asking for? "

Shen Liyang: "I suspect that the last time you had an operation, you had your brain removed as well."

Su Yi: "I suspect you are scolding me."

Shen Li Yang micro smile: "no, praise you."

Forget it. Since the goods are rich, you can make them by yourself. She doesn't care.

But looking at him happily holding the contract and saying that he has earned the appearance, Shen Liyang still wants to hit people.

Maybe all the brains are used to learn medicine.

"Well, would you like to have one, too? Be prepared? After all, no one knows which comes first, tomorrow or the accident. " Su Yi came over and said.

Shen Liyang took a deep breath, skin smile meat does not smile: "no, I bought it."

Su Yi: "but I think it's better to find an acquaintance to buy it."

Shen Liyang turned his head and sincerely gave him a suggestion: "if it's OK in the future, just stay in the hospital, so as not to meet the traffickers."