"I just I was so scared. They dragged me to the alley and told passers-by that it was my boyfriend. No one helped me. Wuwuwu... "

Girls encounter such things, will leave a lot of shadow.

Shen Liyang comforted her in a low voice: "it's OK, it's OK. Next time, don't go to the bar alone so late, you know? If you want to come, you should also be with your friends. It's too dangerous to be alone. "

Shen Liyang did not persuade her not to come. Since it is a public occasion and she is an adult, no one has the qualification to prevent her from coming and going freely. Therefore, she only reminds her to be with her little partner next time, so that even if there is something, she should have a look after, which will not give opportunities to the bad guys.

Zhang Xu wiped her tears and nodded obediently, "I I don't come often. I'm just in a bad mood, so That's why I came to relax. "

She obviously didn't want to leave the impression of little sister in Shen Liyang.

Shen Liyang wiped her tears I'll take you back

Zhang Xu nodded, and Su Yi waved goodbye to them on the roadside. After they left, Su Yi reached out and touched his eyes, and immediately took a cold breath: "hiss..."

It hurts.

In the morning of the next day, Shen Liyang will go to the production team for closed shooting.

Jiang evening came to meet him. Li Lingxue and Li Xiyu, Shen liyang's two assistants, were waiting in the crew.

Shen Liyang squatted down, kneaded and kneaded. From the beginning of the morning, he wrapped around his little treasure. "Ma Ma will come back soon. Baby, you should have a good meal and take good care of yourself. Do you know? If you lose weight, numbness will hurt. "

"Don't go ~ ~" the little milk voice trembled, and her big eyes were still full of tears. Shen Liyang was so distressed, "darling, don't cry Ma Ma will come back to see you as long as he has time, OK? "

Although there is her promise, but little baby still clings to her clothes, "Xiaobao goes to work with her mother, OK?"

Shen Liyang has never been away for such a long time since he lived in Nanshan No.1 Hospital. As long as he thinks that he will not see numbness for two or three months, he will be very miserable.

of course, Shen Liyang also wants to carry him in his pocket, but

There is no way to coax the small guy, Shen Liyang had to look to the side of the president for help.

But on the same is a pair of reluctant eyes, Shen Liyang at that time almost directly said: I do not shoot!

Jiang Wan still knew her well. He was really afraid that she would be soft hearted for a while. Under the policy of "one big and one small", Jiang Wan gave up his job and said, "Li Yang, this The director will be here soon. It's time for us to start. It's not good for the whole crew to wait for one person... "

Shen Liyang is easy to be soft hearted in the face of the father and son, but Jiang Wan also knows that she is a person with a strong sense of responsibility, and she must do something that many creators have been waiting for.

Obviously, her idea was right.

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, he could only harden his heart. His wife and wife really pestered her, which was not a very good phenomenon.

"It's time to go. I'll come back to see you in a week." President Bo picked up his son and said.

A week is really much shorter than two or three months. The little guy also knows how to stop when he gets better. However, he also understands that this word still needs to be said from Shen liyang's mouth. So he looks at Shen Liyang eagerly, "is it really a week?"

This week's agreement is not in Shen liyang's plan at all. After all But the shooting time is the most uncertain thing. She will come back once a week.


"Ma Ma doesn't want Xiaobao anymore?" The little guy saw her silent tears suddenly fell out of her eyes.

"Every week, I come back every other week." Shen Liyang bit his teeth and immediately agreed to come down.

Jiang evening saw the situation subconsciously looked at the side of the Bo president, sure enough to see his eyes flash through the smile.

So In order to achieve the goal, this is a cruel role that even his son can use as a tool man.

No wonder Shen Liyang was eaten to death by him.

Aware of her line of sight, thin cold voice with warning in the sight of light sweep over, Jiang evening scalp is a hemp.

By the time Shen Liyang finally got out of the villa, it had been more than half an hour.

On the bus, Jiang Wan gently reminded her: "Li Yang, director Yang is famous for being strict, and the most taboo is that his actors are absent from work without any reason. If you are caught, you may be It's not without a lesson. "

Shen Liyang naturally knows that director Yang's hot temper is just

Shen Liyang covered his face and murmured: "if I can refuse, I will refuse. The president is very insidious."

Jiang evening smell speech surprised pick eyebrow: "you know?"

Shen Li Yang hem and haw, "I'm not a fool."Jiang Wan: "I thought you were deeply involved in it and had already been fascinated."

Shen Li Yang wailed: "beauty kills people."

Even if she had guessed it out, she would have to put her hands down.

Jiang evening through the rearview mirror to see her a "regret should not have been" appearance, but also can not help chuckling.

Indeed, such a beautiful and elegant man, any woman probably can not resist it.

Hurry up and slow down, so I got to the production team on time.

Because director Yang is famous for his harshness in the circle, many of the main creators arrived at the scene ahead of time, which led to the fact that Shen Liyang arrived on time, but he was the last one.

When she got out of the car, it could be said that she came to the audience's attention, but fortunately She has no other advantages, that is, to resist pressure. She waved to everyone as if nothing happened. She walked over with a smiling face all the way.

Beauty will always be treated more favorably, especially the smiling beauty, so when Shen Liyang came to the director, the director did not make too much trouble.

"Let's get to know each other. This is Shen Liyang, our heroine, Li Xubin, and Zhang Haoguang, the second male..."

Li Xubin is also a small flow student. Although the number of fans is less than Fu Chaolang, but there are a lot of loyal fans, so he has been very popular with the brand side.

Li Haoguang is a strong actor, compared with the flow of people, less exposure.

Shen Liyang politely said hello to everyone one by one. In the play, the two people are the most likely to compete with her.

"My wonderful girlfriend" is about AI intelligent robot and human know each other love, finally lost to the secular sad story.

At the beginning of reading the script, Shen Liyang knew that once the play was released, it would surely attract a lot of attention. There were both novelty seeking and emotional story lines. The key is finally Be, can be said to be a good tear maker, at that time after reading the script, she wanted to cry.