The male classmate looked at her with a red face. It was like seeing a baby cat just born in a neighbor's house. She was not aggressive, but she blinked her round eyes and looked at everything around her curiously.

"I don't have a boyfriend." She said.

She does not have a boyfriend, that is the relationship that human beings will have. She is a robot, she will not have a boyfriend, nor a series of social relations between parents and relatives.

The male student didn't know this. Hearing her denial, he grasped her hand excitedly at that time. However, it was like an electric shock, and suddenly released it in the next second, "yes I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just, I was just so happy So you and Zhou Yuebai are not dating, are you? "

Jane shook her head with a smile: "no, we are friends."

She and Zhou Yuebai are friends, which is Zhou Zhixu's mission to create her.

When these connections, male students do not know, he only knows that the girl he loves has no one to like now, is that

“…… I like you, you can Be my girlfriend? "

The male student blushed and took out a box of chocolate from his schoolbag and handed it to her.

Zhou Yuebai's eyes at the door are straight at two people, and her eyes are staring at Jane's reaction.

"She said Is this for me? "

Jane saw that there were three words on the box: chocolate.

It was something she had never seen or eaten before. She took it, put it under her nose and smelled it, "some bitter, some sweet What a strange combination. "

The male student saw her take over, and his face flashed with joy. After hearing her words, he hesitated: "you No chocolate? "

Jane shook her head honestly. "Is this edible? Is it delicious? "

Male students heard her admit that they have never eaten, think her family should not be very good, some pity looking at her: "if you like, I can often buy you."

Listening to him, Jane suddenly felt that the human in front of her was really a good man. Just as she wanted to nod her head and thank you, someone suddenly pulled her from behind, and then the chocolate in her hand was also taken away.

Jane was a little angry. It was her thing!

She turned her head violently, trying to settle accounts with the visitor and let him understand the danger of taking food from the tiger's mouth. However, after seeing who the visitor was, her anger subsided in an instant. She just looked at the chocolate in his hand: "it was given to me by others."

It's for her. She hasn't tasted it yet.

Zhou Yuebai frowned and looked at her. Then he looked at the chocolate in his hand. He put it on the boy's desk, and then he dragged her away.

Before being pulled out of the classroom, Jane reluctantly looked back at the box of chocolate, because it looked really delicious.

Because she didn't eat chocolate, she was stuffy all the way. She kept chattering all the time, but today she was very silent and didn't say a word.

Zhou Yuebai pretended to look at her casually, and the result was just right on her sad eyes.

Zhou Yuebai stopped for a moment, frowned, looked around and took her into a dessert shop.

The sweet smell drifted away between the wings of her nose, and Jane swept away her displeasure. Her eyes lit up and said, "buy it for me?"

She was very good at looking at her face. Zhou Yuebai whispered "um".

Jane immediately fell on the glass and said to the clerk excitedly, "I want this, this, this And this. "

The clerk looked at the two men and hesitated, "do you want both?"

Jane nodded like garlic. She ordered all the gorgeous colors and beautiful shapes. Roughly, there were about ten. No wonder the shop assistant asked.

"Little girl, the desserts in our shop are not cheap..." The shop assistant kindly reminded me.

Jian Wen Yan raised her head and looked at her. Then she pulled Zhou Yuebai's school uniform and cried out: "brother ~ ~"

she watched TV yesterday. That's how the girl asked the boy to buy things for herself.

Although she is a robot, she is also a girl, so Should be ok??

The little girl's eyes blinked and her voice was delicate. Zhou Yuebai's breath was suddenly disordered, and her heart beat irregularly. He was in a hurry to stagger his eyes and "um".

Seeing his promise, Jane turned her head and looked forward to seeing the clerk.

The shop assistant also likes this little girl very much. After all, she is really beautiful and coquettish.

The small table is full of cakes. Jane starts with a small spoon and fork. Zhou Yuebai looks at her happy eating and looks like a cat. She can't help feeling better. There is a sweet and greasy smell in the air.

"Ah ~ ~"

seeing that he didn't eat, Jane took the initiative to feed him.Zhou Yuebai seldom gets close to people, let alone eat something handed over by others, but at this moment she opens her mouth in her expectant eyes.

This is the age of the beginning of love, a lot of things have changed unconsciously, but no one in the party has known.

But later, as we get older, some things will change.

Zhou Yuebai, a 23-year-old, has made a successful start-up and has become a young boss. Jane still looks like a child who has not grown up and always likes to pester him.

Although Zhou Yuebai is weak in temperament, he is not really dull.

Over the years, it was enough for him to understand his feelings for Jane, so he indulged her more and more.

However, on this day, when his father brought a young woman and said that it was the daughter of a colleague who asked them to try to get along with each other, Zhou Yuebai suddenly took Jane's hand and in her puzzled eyes, she said to her father who wanted to make a mess of the mandarin duck spectrum: "I already have a girlfriend."

Jane blinked. Her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity, girlfriend?

Don't they get together every day?

When does he have a girlfriend?

Curious, she ignored some of her low emotions.

Zhou Zhixu looked at the two people, flashed a very complex color in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: -- You can't be together. "

Jane tilted her head. "Who can't be together?"

Even though it has been so many years, she can't fully understand human emotions, only a little bit.

Zhou Yuebai: "I will only marry her."

Zhou Zhixu did this today, that is, he has already noticed the difference of his son, but he can't directly say that Jane is just a robot. He knows his son. If he knows that he has lived in a lie for so many years, the father son relationship between them will be hard to repair.

It is he who has been addicted to scientific research and neglected his son.

“…… She's your sister. "