He pinned it on the table.

This is Zhou Yuebai, whom Jane has never seen before. She called him softly: "brother."

Zhou Yuebai "pa" suddenly broke the wine glass in his hand and roared: "who wants to be your brother?"

He never thought of her as a sister!

His roar made Jane puzzled and aggrieved, "don't you like my sister?"

Obviously, he doesn't know that she is a robot. Can't he accept her to be a family member?

If you know it, you don't like her any more?

There was a tear mark in Jane's eyes, and she didn't realize how aggrieved she was.

Zhou Yuebai saw her crying and felt a pain in her heart. "Do you really don't understand, or do you mean to gouge out my heart?"

His fingers were heavy enough to wipe off the tears from the corners of her eyes, and he bowed his head to kiss her on the lips. With a very strong voice of pain, he asked, "do you understand?"

Do you understand what I think about you?

Jane looked at her in shock without blinking. Even though she didn't understand human feelings, she could not understand what kissing meant. Because she knew clearly, she was shocked.

She seems to understand what Zhou Zhixu's sigh is for.

Humans and robots are two different races. It is too absurd to have love.

No, she always knew she was a robot, but Zhou Yuebai Zhou Yuebai is in the dark. In his eyes, she is just a human being

Jane never felt that there was something wrong with her concealing her identity, but at this moment, she had a feeling similar to guilt.

She felt guilty that she had cheated Zhou Yuebai.

"Zhou Yuebai..." She gave a low cry.

Zhou Yuebai looked at her with burning eyes, waiting for her words.

"You shouldn't kiss me." She said.

Zhou Yuebai: "I like you."

Jane bit her lip: "but Zhou Zhixu said, we can't be together."

Zhou Zhixu won't agree that the robot he created is with his son, but obviously Zhou Yuebai understands it as: we are brothers and sisters, so we can't be together.

Zhou Yue white eyes deep like the sea, "I take you, we go abroad, find a place where no one knows us, and start afresh."

His voice seemed to be bewitching, and his eyes were like the deep sea.

Jane felt that she must have been obsessed and bewitched. Otherwise, how could she have no objection?

However, the day does not fulfill people's wishes, people can not escape the fate of play.

After Zhou Yuebai expressed his intention and thought that he had got her approval, he began to prepare for going abroad. Whether he was brother or sister or not, he was ready to abandon secular ideas.

Jane married another man.

And from this day on, Jane also changed, she was alienated from him, no longer close to him, like a stranger to refuse his close.

When he blocked her in the stairwell and asked her why in a low voice, Jane just pushed him away indifferently: "I don't like you. I already have a husband. I hope you won't disturb my life in the future."

Zhou Yuebai couldn't accept the fact that he was in his room and shut himself up for three days.

“…… Let me see him again. I want to see him again

Jane, who is connected to a circuit in the lab, makes a painful sound.

Zhou Zhixu operates the screen repeatedly. This is the program he wrote. Every code is written by himself. But he has spent a week, but he has not been able to erase Jane's memory.

"How could So... "

How does this code seem to be alive?

How could this be possible?!

Robot out of control, this is the above absolutely do not want to see things, a careless will cause a sensation in the whole world.

Zhou Zhixu wants to hide it, but there is no airtight wall in the world.

A year later, the Ministry of supervision came.

When Jane is put into a special white bag and carried out, Zhou Yuebai is having dinner with his sister and brother-in-law.

"You Going abroad? "

"Jane" and her husband looked at each other, love each other, and said, "well."

Zhou Yuebai breathed a breath, but did not even say a word of opposition.

Over the past year, he has tried not to appear in front of Jane, and every time they meet, they are watching her and her husband warm.

Zhou Yuebai's heart is as painful as being pricked by a needle.

There's no medicine to treat it.

Because of something hidden in his heart, Zhou Yuebai was distracted when driving, and did not see the truck in front of him. With a loud bang, the vehicle overturned and fell to the ground.

Zhou Yuebai was covered with blood and was thrown out of the car.

When the consciousness dies away, he seems to be vaguely seeing the figure that Youdao is familiar with and can no longer be familiar with, and runs towards him.It was the sunshine that appeared in his life a long time ago.

Many years later, I have been obsessed with scientific research all my life. When I am old, I can't remember clearly.

Zhou Yuebai, a famous entrepreneur, is the lover of many women's dreams. He is mature, elegant, successful and gentle. If he wants to marry his woman, he can circle the city from east to west.

But it was such a wonderful man. He was thirty-five years old, and he was still unmarried.

Once he was interviewed, the reporter asked: "what is the reason why Mr. Zhou has not married for so many years?"

After a long silence, Zhou Yuebai gave an answer that no one had ever thought of. He said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I seem to be waiting for someone

It seems to be waiting for a person, that is, they don't even know who they are waiting for.

But even if there is no trace to find, but in the dark, the missing corner of the heart tells him: he wants to wait for a person to come back.

Even though, this waiting is aimless.

Under the camera, no one noticed that the watch on Zhou Yuebai's wrist lit up a bit.

It's a secret sealed in time.

At midnight, the watch, which was made by Zhou Zhixu, the famous mechanical master at that time, was the only watch in the world. It radiated a little light in the night.

This is about the eternal guardian -

three years later, Zhou Zhixu died of illness.

He took his son's hand before he took his last breath, but his eyes stayed on his.

Some memories come up like a lantern.

Back then.

There was a girl who was stained with the blood left by the rescue. Outside the emergency room, she knelt down in front of him and said, "I'm sorry I want to accompany him forever, even if In a way he didn't know. "

Zhou Yuebai loves his watch. After he wakes up, he forgets all the painful memories of a girl. He has an extra wrist watch that always accompanies him.

He liked the wristwatch from the first sight. Even though he had collected many valuable watches over the years, they had not been replaced.

In the dusk, there was a faint music in the car, singing the following words: " Memory is like a storyteller, full of local accent When you meet, you pinch a city with mud / say you will marry me in the future /The little vow is still unstable / the little tears are still supporting / the young lips are saying that they are separated / I have lived in my heart from now on... "