If Yun Yixian is indifferent, Shen Liyang feels that there is a ghost.

It's just

Shen liyang's line of sight moves up, looks at stands in the cloud one envies opposite thin cold voice to pause: "president adult, how are you here?"

Gao Yao also pulled Shen Li Yang's sleeve and said, "don't worry about so much. Shall we call the police first?"

Although she usually showed that she was not afraid of the heaven and the earth, she was really flustered when she really encountered such a life-related matter. She was afraid that a life lawsuit would happen in front of her.

Shen Liyang handed her a soothing look, then walked two steps forward, "that..."

And then suddenly it was dark.

Shen Liyang doubts: "President's adult?"

The voice of thin cold voice rings in the ear, he said: "see can have nightmare."

He was referring, of course, to the gold production in a pool of blood.

Zhao Xuerou has fainted because of extreme fear at the moment. Otherwise, she would be angry to death if she saw the action of thin cold voice.

Shen Liyang, who was covered with his eyes, blinked. His thick and slender eyelashes itched his thin cold voice palm. "I'm not afraid."

This is true. She once followed Yun Yixian, a snake demon disease. She has never seen any bloody scenes, but she just fell on the ground alone, which is not enough to make her have nightmares.

But in this matter, Bo president is very insistent, he said: "little girl, don't be stubborn."

This makes Shen Liyang, who originally wanted to explain, give up the idea, and his lips overflow with a tender smile.

"It seems that you don't know her at all. She dares to kill people with your own hands, but you see some blood. What kind of fragile porcelain doll do you think she is?" Cloud a envy cold hiss a, to thin cold sound mockery way.

For the cloud one envies the sneer, thin cold voice did not see in the eye, he only asked a sentence: "how do you know, she will not be afraid?"

In his place, Shen Liyang is a porcelain doll that can be broken by knocking and touching.

The two opposing words made Yun Yixian silent for a short time She is a strong person. You abandoned her and thought that she was very affectionate and ridiculous. "

Only growing stronger is the best care for her.

Instead of what happened, they would only hide behind men's weak women.

Perhaps this is the biggest difference between the two, there is no right or wrong, just because of different life experience, they want to give her different things.

Fu Chaolang looked at the two people who were tit for tat, and then looked at Shen Li Yang's eyes flashing. Whether it was the thin cold voice or Yun Yixian, the position they had reached was not the height he could reach.

Maybe That's why he didn't even have the courage to fight.

"120 will come soon, leave it to be dealt with, and the others will leave." Fu Chaolang hit 120, deep voice said.

As soon as the ambulance sounded, Zhao Xuerou quickly dragged Wen yunian away. If her parents knew that she was at the scene of the crime and saw the tragedy with her own eyes, she could not tell how to reprimand her. If she wanted to come out casually in the future, she would be limited.

Wen Yu Nian takes her to leave first. Fu Chaolang looks at Shen Li Yang and looks at the thin cold voice and Yun Yi Xian. His eyes are folded and he goes away.

The sound of the ambulance is getting closer and closer. Shen Liyang pulls the arm of thin cold voice, "let's go."

Thin cold voice took her hand, big palm wrapped her hand tightly, it was warm.


Thin cold sound bent down and picked her up.

When Shen Liyang left, he took a look at the cloud in his place.

Behind him is a gold producer in a pool of blood, and not far away lies Zhao Xuerou, who is in a coma. He stands there quietly, just like Yan Luo in a blood prison.

It was as cold as the first time I saw him.

This kind of cloud envy makes Shen Liyang feel uncomfortable in his heart, like Sorry.

She didn't know why she would have such emotion, but she felt that there was something deeply suppressed in her heart.

"What are you thinking?"

On the car, the thin cold voice looked at the distracted Shen Li Yang and asked in a low voice.

Shen Liyang leaned against him and shook his head.

President Bo stretched out his long arm, dragged her leg and lifted it to his body. The next second, Shen Liyang straddled his long leg.

Shen Liyang:

Thin cold voice: "no, think of other men."

Shen Liyang was lying on his shoulder, smiling low, then raised his head and bit his firm jaw: "yes."

Thin cold voice big palm caresses her neck, "Yang Yang, when, can you promise to marry me, eh?"

Shen liyang's little heart beat a little fast: " Are you proposing

"Yes?" he said

Shen Liyang pursed his lips: "when people propose marriage, they need to hold flowers and rings in their hands. Under the witness of many people, they kneel on one knee and affectionately say to their girlfriend: please marry me, I will treat you all my life."Where anyone is like him, he asked dryly.

For the first time, President Bo, after thinking about her words, realized that he seemed to be a little disrespectful. "What else do you want?"

The next time is to be ready at one time.

Shen Li Yang shrunk his mouth and said, "how can you do this? Let me show you how to propose to myself

The driver in the front row, looking through the rear-view mirror, chuckled with a relaxed smile.

When the two return to the villa, Su Yi is playing chess with Xiao Bao, and is howling bitterly.

"Little baby, what are you doing? When you play chess, you should know how to let Nong know? You've been beating me all the time. Are you interested? Don't you feel bored? You should win and lose in chess. You come and go. It's interesting. Do you know? What pleasure is there in winning me, winning me, winning me all the time? "

He said a lot of trumpets, but Xiao Bao didn't respond to him.

Su Yi scratched his hair. "Why don't you talk?"

Xiaobao took a look at him, but his words were direct and critical: "Ma Ma said, don't talk to a fool, or he will be pulled to the same level with his rich practice. Xiaobao doesn't want to be a fool. "

Poison tongue is really poisonous tongue, but the little guy's face is sincere, Leng is that people can't even turn over with him. His big cute eyes look at you with watery eyes, and they almost ask: "am I right?"

Su Yi covered his chest, where thousands of arrows pierced his heart.

"Pooh." As soon as Shen Liyang came in, he heard the classic remarks of Xiaobao's children's boots and couldn't help laughing out: well done.

"Ma Ma." Hearing her laughter, the little guy threw the pieces in his hands and ran to her.

Su Yi looked at the pieces that were thrown on the chessboard at will. He thought that he had the chance to raise his eyebrows this time. As a result, he fixed his eyes on it and lost again!