After looking at him for a few seconds, he began to say: -- Give me a deep hypnosis

For a moment, Su Yi doubted that something was wrong with his ear: "you said What am I supposed to do? "

Deep hypnosis?

Does he know what he's talking about?

Is there any stimulation?

Bo Hansheng didn't explain anything, but his eyes looked at him deeply. He couldn't see any other color in his deep eyebrows and eyes. It was like a deep abyss.

Su Yi took a deep breath, "you Sure? Deep hypnosis, in order to be effective, requires the aid of drugs, which means that you have no external consciousness during this period

In order to be safe, Su Yi felt that some words still needed to be said in front.

Bo gave a low "um" in a low voice.

Seeing his insistence, Su Yi pauses for a moment What do you want to remember? "

What do you want to remember?

He should From where and when to recall?

After a long time, just when Su Yi wanted to make an urge, he heard the voice of Bo's cold voice. He said, "I'm afraid you can't help me I want to find back the lost part of my memory. "

Yes, he can now be sure that he must have lost part of the memory, and it is a vital memory.

His nightmare, the girl crying all the time in his dream, the cruel and bloodthirsty man

He should have forgotten something.

Even though he has always claimed to be normal and his memory has never been broken, his intuition and keen insight tell him that he has forgotten something.

It's like

Life is taken away from the brain.

Su Yi smell speech, complexion some complex, look at the man in front of him.

In his memory, the man who never changed his color when Taishan collapsed in front of him, but now his eyes show a kind of childish confusion and fear.

Su Yi took medicine for him, and they came to the closed hypnotic room together.

Thin cold sound lying on the bed, slowly closed his eyes.

"Dinglingling --"

"dinglingling --"

similar to the sound of wind chimes, it rings constantly in his ears, and the thin cold sound walks into a fog.

Turn around, the music sound of concussion chaos ring.

When Bo Hansheng was standing, he looked like an outsider, or to be exact, he was an outsider, because the people around him seemed to be unable to see him at all.

He looked at the surrounding environment suspiciously. White people, black people, yellow people can be found in this nightclub. The signs are all in English. The language used by several people to communicate is also mixed with English of various characteristics.

This is not at home.

"Get out of here In the noisy environment of the scene, Bo cold voice heard his own familiar voice.

"Yangyang --"

he followed the source of the sound.

In a dark corner, he saw a thin girl bullied in the corner.

She was wearing conservative jeans and shirt, which was in sharp contrast to the women who were exposed and angry at the scene, but it was precisely because of this unique that she attracted the attention of a group of bad people.

"Don't touch me!" She called out in English, like a frightened little beast, struggling in this way.

Bo Han Sheng had no time to pay attention to Shen liyang's face, which was obviously immature. He rushed forward without any consideration.


He found that he had no way to touch the scum.

He could only watch what happened in front of him. When he was unable to invade, a gust of wind blew by his ear. The next second, the scum who were still flaunting their power just now were all knocked down to the ground.

he saw as like as two peas in a black motorcycle suit, he saved the helpless girl.

President Bo realized that

All these are memories. He enters his own memory of the past, and as a spectator, he re witnesses what happened in that year.

Thin cold voice picked up the girl on the ground, he said: "it's OK."

Shen Liyang looks like a child who has found support. She lies on his shoulder and trembles constantly. Although she is young, she is very strong. She is so afraid that her eyes are red and become a rabbit, but she is stubborn and refuses to let tears fall down.

Thin cold voice see form, low eyes leer at her one eye, repeated that sentence again: "it's OK."

Thin cold voice with her on the motorcycle, to her small head buckle safety helmet, "speed and passion, will let people forget all the pain and sadness, grasp do not fall down."

At first, Shen Liyang couldn't let go. She just held the corner of his clothes with her hand until he stepped on the accelerator. Out of inertia, she was lying on his back.

This is their first face.In a foreign country, the collision of the two people, intersection also gradually more up.

In front of this simple and stubborn little girl, the dignified and dignified president Bo seems to have found a chance to breathe and become an ordinary person. She is still in school, studying very well, and many boys pursue her.

I know this, but the little girl is beautiful and has a good personality. It's normal to please. If no one pursues it, it's really strange.

Bo Han Sheng tried to get rid of the discomfort in his heart and warned him not to make mistakes. She was still young, and he could not tempt her to make mistakes for his own selfish desires.

Otherwise, when she gets older, she will blame him.

He tried so hard, but it all fell apart when the little girl rushed at him, kissed him on the cheek, took his arm affectionately, and a boy who came after him said, "this is my boyfriend.".

He was not a good man at all. He wanted to hide the little girl in front of him in his pocket so that no one else would covet him.

But reason told him it was not right.

The boy who confessed to no result looked at the cold voice of Bo, some lonely, but the courage to pursue the love, there is a romantic blood in his bones, so he was not willing to give up, "he looks like your elder."

Thin cold voice eyebrow wrung, low eyes can not see his shoulder of the little girl, his age is indeed much older than her, this can be clearly seen from the appearance and temperament.

"I just like the old one!" Shen Liyang, puffing his cheeks, responded to him in English.

Boys smell speech, really can only give up.

After all, he has no way to grow old fast.

The little girl who drove away her pursuer felt a long sigh of relief. The suitor was much more difficult to deal with than others. She refused many times, but the other side was more and more frustrated and braver. She had no choice but to take a dangerous move and call in the chilly voice.

After all, only a good enough to let people look at the gap between the quality of the boyfriend, in order to successfully persuade to quit.

She was very happy, but Bo Han Sheng obviously didn't think so. He picked up the little girl with his long arm and put it on a step. He looked at her with a smile: "am I very old?"