"Well "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Shen Liyang tried to make some noise, so that people outside could notice the movement inside, but his mouth was stuffed with a rag, which only vaguely made a vague voice.

When the knock on the door, she was tied up and pushed into the closed bedroom.

When the police came to inspect, he reassured them with a few words.

Shen Liyang didn't want to let go of such a chance to survive. She was bound and moved to the edge of the bed a little bit, and then let herself fall from the bed. Fortunately, the bed was not very high. She crawled to the position in front of the door and began to hit the door with her body.

Try to attract the attention of the outside police in this way.

But the police officer who had already left, after hearing the news from inside, stopped and looked at the "thin cold voice" suspiciously. Slowly, he put his hand on the waist, where there was a gun, "is there anyone in there?"

"Bo Han Sheng" raised his hand to show that he was not aggressive. He gently explained: "I have a wild cat, but I'm not very obedient. I always like to run around."

Police officer pauses: "bring out the cat."

"Thin cold voice" smile and nod, "good."

With that, he went into the inner room.

Instead of going into the bedroom or looking for the so-called cat, he took a gun out of the drawer and went out through the side door.

Just as the two police officers looked at each other and one was ready to enter the room to have a look, the sound of footsteps came from behind them.

Then, one of them fell to the ground quietly.

The other pulled out his gun at once, but the gun had not been raised and fell to the ground.

"Thin cold sound" in the grab shot is not a bullet, but anesthetic.

The shooting of a policeman was a lot of trouble. He didn't want to cause endless trouble.

The bedroom door opened, "thin cold sound" looked at the girl on the ground, and his lips overflowed with a cold smile. He pulled her hair and pulled her up from the ground.

More than half an hour later, he brought in a doctor in a white coat.

Shen Liyang tried to ask him for help, but in vain.

"She's pregnant, but she's not in good health. If you want this baby, you need to pay attention to it." The doctor said with a straight face.

"Thin cold sound" hear this news, Mou Guang is a deep suddenly, "um."

Before the doctor left, he looked back at Shen liyang's direction, but did not say anything.

He is collecting money, and he needs money more than saving lives.

What happened to Shen Liyang? He didn't know or wanted to know. He only knew that the man in front of him had given him enough money.

After the doctor left, "thin cold voice" although still trapped her, but no more rude to her.

Shen Liyang can't even see the sunshine outside in this dark place.

Because of long-term imprisonment and pregnancy, her mental state is not very good. At first, she just likes to be distracted. She can sit in bed for a whole morning. Later, she slowly reacts slowly.

People are also rapidly losing weight.

"Thin cold voice" looked at her constantly thin down the body, feeding her like a duck, until she nauseous rushed to the washstand and vomited all the food she had eaten.

She couldn't eat, as if she had anorexia.

The doctor came several times, but she didn't cooperate at all.

"Thin cold voice" in the case of repeated persuasion fruitless situation, made a big fire, dead buckle her neck, take death to coerce her.

Shen Li Yang in his roar, but slowly smile.

She closed her eyes.

At this moment, she was no longer afraid of death, and even felt that death was a kind of relief.

When Shen Liyang was eight months pregnant, she experienced a big escape.

A short time to get sober cold voice, holding the skinny girl in pain, repeatedly told her to apologize.

Shen Liyang opened her eyes wearily. She looked at him and opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything.

Bo Hansheng knew that she recognized herself.

He has thousands of words, but at this moment, he can't say anything.

"Hate me?" He asked.

Shen Liyang closed his eyes again tired.

Bo Hansheng contacted his confidant, and he wanted to take advantage of this short time to send her to a safe place.

He tied himself up with a chain, let Shen Liyang lock it and flush the key into the sewer.

At the moment of finishing all this, the man who was gentle just now seemed to turn into a beast again. He shook the iron chain ferociously, and looked at Shen Liyang fiercely: "you and that trash jointly calculate me?! Do you think you can run? You can't escape. Before my game is over, I will catch you backThe iron chain shakes and makes a harsh sound. Shen liyang's whole body is thin as a skeleton, and the more he looks, the bigger his stomach is.

She was ill and could hardly walk a few steps without panting.

There's no one to help her escape. She can't get away.

She also held her thin body and looked at the man with a ferocious face, curling up and hiding on one side.

"Yangyang, I'm not afraid of..."

"Xiao Liyang, you can't escape!"

"Yangyang, I'm not afraid of..."

"You can't escape!"

Repeated a person's voice, with two distinct emotions.

Shen Liyang was helpless in pain, and his ears kept whispering: "don't say more Don't say any more... "

She didn't want to hear.

Whether it is the man who gently protects her or torments and humiliates her, it is a person in the final analysis.

She was already exhausted physically and mentally.

When the two voices were still fighting, Shen Liyang suddenly rushed out. When she came back, she held a knife in her panting hand, facing the locked man straight.

A crazy idea flashed into her mind, and it went in -

as long as it went in, everything was over.

But her hands had been shaking, constantly shaking.

Thin cold voice looked at the pain tangled girl, but some relieved smile.

He said, "not afraid, stab in."

When he died, no one would hurt him again.

"Thin cold sound" is madly clamoring.

When Shen Liyang approached, the "thin cold voice" who had the upper hand wanted to kick the knife in her hand, but he accidentally kicked it to her chest.

Shen Liyang flies out like a parabola.


"Rippling, rippling!"

Thin cold voice painful want to see her situation, raw broken one of his arms, can be separated from.

Under her body is the dazzling blood, stabbing his eyes.

"Yang Yang, Yang Yang, Shen Li Yang!" The thin cold sound made a roar like a trapped animal.

When Bo's father and mother arrived, they saw such a tragic picture.

Their most proud son, heartbroken, was holding a woman covered with blood and stabbed into his heart with a knife.