"But s seems to be I didn't remember. " Said David.

Cloud one envies the weak show smile: "don't worry, let the person put out the video first, since it is my person, leave me side also long enough."

David: "but Will this affect s? "

Cloud one envies side eye to see to him: "you pour is more and more have an idea."

David: "I know my mistakes."

He just I'm afraid he'll regret it one day.

Cloud one envies carelessly to knock two ward, then walked in.

When Shen Liyang saw him, he was a little strange, "how did you come?"

"Why, don't you welcome me?" His performance is in response to Shen Liyang, but in fact, his eyes fall on the body of the thin cold voice.

Bo cold voice association from the beginning to know the existence of Yun Yixian, he would say to himself those if not words, the deep eyes suddenly deep.

"Let's talk." Said Bo in a cold voice.

Yun Yixian did not refuse.

Shen Li Yang's suspicious sight swept over two people's bodies, and unconsciously clenched the hand of thin cold voice: "what do you want to talk to him about?"

Thin cold voice pacified patted the back of her hand, "nothing, you have a good rest, I'll be back soon."

After they went out, Shen Liyang received a call from Jiang Wan.

Jiang evening is in a hurry to the hospital, "how is it? Is it serious? Don't worry. I'll tell the crew something. "

There was something wrong with the props, which caused the actors to fall from the sky. Jiang Wan was shocked just by thinking about it.

"The operation is done. It's all right. But... " Shen Li Yangdun said, "I've hung Wei Ya of the crew many times without any problems. This time, I think it's strange that it broke at the highest point."

Jiang Wan: "do you think someone is trying to hurt you on purpose?"

Shen Liyang: I'm just skeptical. There's no evidence. "

“…… I will secretly let people to check, you do not think too much, good health is the key

When two people talk, Bo Han voice and Yun Yi Xian have also arrived at a place with few people.

"What do you know?" The president went straight to the theme.

Yun Yixian: "I know, she will leave you soon."

Thin cold voice hanging on both sides of the fingers clenched, the back of the hand burst out, eyes deep as night: "you dream."

"Ho." Yun Yixian chuckled and approached him two steps: "Bo Han Sheng, she was my fiancee originally. If it wasn't for her name, you thought I'll let her come to you? "

President Bo Mou Guang Juzhen: "you What do you mean? "

Yun Yixian sneered: "she didn't belong to you. Since she was born, she has been my wife. You're just an accident of a dove's nest! "

He had something to say, but he was clearly unwilling to reveal the whole truth.

Thin cold voice raised arm, but did not fall, "wishful thinking!"

No matter what happened in the past, he will not let go.

What fiancee, what fate, are absurd nonsense, he will not believe a word.

But psychological construction is one thing. After all, Bo Han Sheng, who left, still took out the phone and asked people to carefully check Shen liyang's life experience.

He wants to know what kind of fetters she has with Yun Yixian, so that Yun Yixian will say and make these remarks.

He can't lose her.

On the way back to the ward, Bo Han Sheng meets his father and mother.

Thinking of what he had told them, I suddenly let go of their opposition to their relationship with Shen Liyang.

"Dad and mom, I remember all the things in those years."

He suddenly said a word, let two people digest for a few seconds, or Bo father was the first to react, "what you said is..."

"I care about the country. I'm concerned about Yangyang."

Bo Fu: "then she..."

Thin cold voice gently shook his head.

His father and mother looked at each other and sighed: "in those days In order to alleviate the suffering of the two people, you implore us to seal up and never mention anything about the country. But none of us thought that after many years, you will meet again, you still I was in love with her again. "

Even though they tried their best to oppose it, they still didn't stop it in the end.

In this world, after all, there are some things that can't escape.

"Have you ever thought that you can restore your memory in case she..." Bo's mother sighed, "at that time, her pain was obvious to all of us. If she remembers, what should you do? Do you hypnotize her a second time? "

In Bo's mother's worry, Bo cold voice has no way to give the answer.

After a long time, he just said a difficult and astringent sentence: "she may I won't remember. "Maybe not

An unrealistic and greedy hope.

Do hypnosis at the same time, since one person can remember, the other It's just a matter of time and opportunity.

Shen Liyang found that after he was injured, the president became more attentive to her, and even refused to leave him for a moment.

Although she likes the feeling of two people together, she still can't help but ask Don't you have to go to the company? "

Thin cold voice to her is cutting the apple action micro Dun, "so accompany you, not good?"

Shen Liyang: "good, but I don't want you to delay your work because of me. In this way, people will say that I am a beauty

"No," he said

Shen Liyang bit the apple and asked vaguely, "what?"

President Bo sat by the bed and cut her long hair. "No one dares to talk about you."

Shen Liyang raised his head and showed a sweet smile.

"Ma Ma, have dinner." The little guy is pedaling his short legs and holding a big heat preservation box in his arms. He is very tired and panting, as if he has used his milk strength.

President Bo picked up the incubator in his arms with one hand, and slipped him onto the chair with the other hand, "why don't you let the servant take it?"

As soon as his words fell, the servant chased him to the front of the ward and kept saying, "young master, please slow down and don't fall."

This is a little ancestor. If you knock it, it's good.

Shen Liyang saw the situation and ordered a little guy's forehead, "don't be arrogant next time. Do you know? The child is tired, but the president is not tall. Does Xiaobao want to be a dwarf? "

The little boy didn't want to grow tall and strong, smell speech, droop small head.

"Xiaobao knows."

Shen Li Yang rubbed his fleshy little face and said, "well, good."

The picture of motherly kindness and filial piety always makes people warm.

But Bo Hansheng always had something on his mind, and from this morning, he had a kind of bad omen.

And sure enough, at night, Bo Xichen came in a hurry.

Bo Han Sheng takes a look at Shen Liyang, who is playing with Xiao Bao. He raises his feet and goes out.