Fu Chaolang "Shu" turned around, "you this woman is really heartless!"

Shen Liyang:

Because the next plot is closed shooting.

Therefore, the progress has been accelerated a lot.

Because Shen Liyang is injured, Jiang Wan finds the director and wants to get rid of the dangerous part for her.

"The following is the part of the court. The part of the war has been shot. The scene of diaowiya is just a problem in the process of the final decline. We have contacted the later departments and asked them to find a way to solve the problem. We can rest assured that the agent Jiang."

Jiang Wan was relieved to hear the director say so.

Shen Liyang, who is putting on makeup, laughs when he hears Jiang Wan's report. "You don't have to worry too much. The doctor doesn't allow me to leave the hospital. My body is OK."

Jiang evening results in the hands of the makeup artist powder, to her thin will be easy to oil pressure, "Bo president but repeatedly told, absolutely can't let you any mistakes, how dare I not be careful."

Hearing the advice of thin cold voice, Shen Li Yang's lip corners unconsciously raised a smile.

"Li Yang, it's about to start shooting." The field service knocks at the door to inform.

Shen Liyang: "OK, I'll go out now."

"That..." The field affairs were answered and did not leave.

Shen Liyang: "anything else?"

Chang Wu: "do you know where Fu Chaolang has gone? There's no one in the dressing room. It's about to start shooting, but the hero isn't there

Shen Liyang Wen Yan stopped, "did you call him?"

"No one answered the phone." Back to the court.

"Well, let's go separately Fu Chaolang Shen Liyang, who was originally going out to look for someone, saw Fu Chaolang, who passed by from the front door of the dressing room like a man who had nothing to do with him. He called out in a hurry.

"It's time to shoot. Why haven't you changed your clothes?"

Fu Chaolang's clothes are still wearing his own shirt, and his makeup has not been changed.

"I'm not coming back." He said something impatiently, and then he left.

Shen Li Yang looked at the position of the corner of his lips suspiciously and said in a low voice: "how do I feel that he seems to have something on his mind?"

Jiang Wan: "act well. Don't worry about the rest. Even if there is something, he has an agent and a studio. "

Although he said so, Shen Liyang still felt that Fu Chaolang was strange.

"Ouch, my ancestor, why did you answer the phone for such a long time? If you don't come back, I would like to call the police." When the agent saw him, he pulled people to the dressing room and asked the makeup artist to make up for him, and said anxiously.

Fu Chaolang holds the mobile phone, look a little impatient, "I this is not back, don't read in my ear, upset."

Agent: "it's You are What's the matter? "

Fu Chaolang: "it's OK."

Agent: "the person who called you just now OK, I don't ask, I don't ask anything. You just have to finish the play well. "

Under Fu Chaolang's impatient gaze, the agent can only retreat and seek the second.

In the process of putting on makeup, Fu Chaolang slowly closed his eyes.

“…… All departments are ready, the actors are in place, and the second scene of the thirteenth mirror is ready

The director sat in his chair, staring at the camera.

The female general of the imperial concubine, Luo Qingqiu, once again saw Chu TianKuo, his subordinate military division. However, he could only pass by him as an unknown stranger.

In the moment, Chu TianKuo took her arm.

Luo Qingqiu took only a maid who was close to his body. Seeing his action, he immediately yelled out: "bold madman! Dare to run into your mother

Chu TianKuo didn't hear the voice of the scolding in his ears. He just kept his eyes on the woman in front of him.

Luo Qingqiu waved his hand and walked into the secluded pavilion not far away.

The maid stood outside the pavilion, and Chu TianKuo followed her.

"Why? Why enter the palace? Why spoil yourself so much? As you said, you don't like the struggle of imperial power. You yearn for galloping horse racing, happy gratitude and hatred. "

In the face of his questioning, fall Qingqiu is shallow and smile, the heroic and cool female general put on the red makeup, the eye wave flows between is lets the man have no way to refuse the beauty of beauty.

She said: "because of the hundred thousand souls of the Red Army, they died with their eyes closed."

They need a statement.

How can the soldiers who defend the country die not under the iron feet of the enemy, but in the conspiracy and struggle of their own people?

As their generals, how can they be reconciled to such a result.

Chu TianKuo took her arm and said It's not your fault. Why should you take it all on yourself

"You are wrong." She said, "I'm not holding on to myself. I just want to give them an explanation. Before going out to the war, I said that even if they die in battle, their glory will not be forgotten. But now do you know what people say about them? ""All the people said They are defeated generals! defeated general? My red army is not a hero against three. How can it become a symbol of shame? "

She raised her head and pressed down all the astringency in her throat. "If you don't correct them, I'll be their master. I deserve to give them back the glory they deserve and their families."

"I know your mood, I can help you, but the harem is not suitable for you, you..."

"Not suitable?" She adjusted her Huashang and said, "you didn't see that I've only been in the palace for more than a year, and I've been promoted to one of the four imperial concubines. The speed of promotion is legendary. Who is more suitable for this harem than me?"

"You're not happy at all." Chu TianKuo looks into her eyes.

Fall clear autumn hears speech just sneer: "Chu childe is joking, I am getting Saint pet now, happy tight. It's time to close the palace gate. It's better to meet the prime minister's residence as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be gossiping. "

Chu TianKuo looked at her sorrowfully: "you say so, you also want to regard me as an enemy? As you know, I have nothing to do with the prime minister's office. "

He was just an illegitimate son of the prime minister. If he had not made some contributions in the army, the prime minister would not have remembered that he had such a cheap son in his life.

Fall Qingqiu: "it doesn't matter. Goodbye in the future, just don't know it."

Chu TianKuo saw that she was going to leave, and subconsciously put out his hand to stop her.

But I didn't realize it. This scene happened to be seen in the eyes of another concubine in the palace who was fighting with Luo Qingqiu.

"I said who is so familiar with this? It turns out that it's my sister. This public rumor with men outside the palace has spread to your Majesty's ears, I'm afraid..."

"Sister, which eye is this to see us pulling and talking?" Luo Qingqiu fiddled with the delicate armor on her fingernails. "This is the prime minister's son. If I remember correctly, my sister seems to have been recommended by the prime minister to the palace. Why, when I get a little favor now, I'm ready to turn over and hit the prime minister's face?"

Concubine: you