Shen Liyang was kept secret. The mobile phones of the crew members were confiscated. Even those who knew something in advance were given a password.

Shen Liyang looked at the crew suddenly more personnel, some doubt asked to Jiang Wan: "the crew, how suddenly recruited so many bodyguards?"

Although these people did not wear uniform clothes, Shen Liyang knew that these people were practitioners at a glance.

Jiang Wan arranged her hair which the stylist had just set. "Recently, there are more paparazzi secretly photographed, and many Reuters have been posted on the Internet. The producer should be out of this consideration."

Shen Liyang has always trusted her and naturally has no doubt about what she said.

The director group can forbid others, but there is one uncertainty in the crew.

That is, Fu Chaolang.

His coffee place is there, receiving mobile phone naturally will not cooperate.

Finally, Jiang Wan appeared and talked with him for nearly an hour.

"I hope you can keep your mouth shut about Li Yang and don't mention anything online to her before the shooting is over." Jiang Wan said to the point.

Fu Chaolang: are you ordering me

Jiang Wan: "it's not an order, it's a request. You and Li Yang have cooperated so many times. You can be regarded as an old friend. Moreover, you have helped her before. She is now in the rising stage of her career. Any scandal will be fatal, especially This time, President Bo was involved. "

"Are all these people in the crew arranged by Bo Han Sheng?" Fu Chaolang suddenly turned aside and asked for evidence.

Jiang had a pause in the evening Yes. Mr. Bo is worried that things on the Internet will hurt li yang. "

Fu Chaolang sneered: "it's really ridiculous. The thief calls to arrest the thief. If things on the Internet are true, isn't he the person who causes the greatest harm to Shen Liyang?"

Jiang Wan couldn't answer this.

"Why don't you talk? Don't say a word for him? " Fu Chao Lang sneered.

Compared with his satire, Jiang Wan was very calm: "I don't know the whole picture. I don't want to comment."

I'm afraid no one knows what happened in those days except Bo Hansheng himself. Even Shen Liyang, the victim, no longer remembers.

How can others tell the right and wrong, right and wrong?

"Even if it's for her good, I hope you can keep your mouth shut and let her finish shooting this play in peace of mind."

Fu Chaolang got up and said, "for her good? Who told you that I had a better relationship with her? "

“…… If you don't want to destroy her, you'd better not say anything This is the conclusion of Jiang Wan.

Fu Chaolang's palm on the table slowly tightened.

He was angry with Shen Liyang. He was angry with her for deceiving her feelings. He was angry with her for taking him as a fool.

This is a good opportunity for her to taste what pain is.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Want me to help you with the play? " In the morning, Fu Chaolang was stopped twice. Shen Liyang thought that he was staring at himself and wanted to play with her.

"It's not impossible." She said, "but if I lied to you before, we'll write it off."

Since the vest fell off, the goods have not given her a good face except in front of the camera.

Fu Chaolang put his face away, "no need."

Shen Liyang:

"You don't have to stare at me for what?"

Fu Chaolang: "Shen Liyang, you know now online..."

"Fu Chaolang!" Jiang Wan turned to fetch water for Shen Liyang. When he came back, he heard Fu Chaolang's words and immediately called out a warning.

Shen Liyang was a little surprised at Jiang Wan's gaffe: "evening sister, what's the matter?"

Jiang Wan approached two steps and handed the mineral water to Shen Liyang. "Nothing. His agent seemed to be looking for him just now."

The words are for Shen liyang to listen to, but the eyes look at Fu Chaolang.

Fu Chaolang completely regarded as not seeing the warning of Jiang evening.

"What did you mean to say? What's wrong with the Internet? " Shen Liyang thought that he had made another scandal, but why Didn't you hear about it?

Fu Chaolang: "online now..."

Jiang Wan: "you also drink water, moisten throat." Pass him another bottle of mineral water.

Fu Chaolang's line of sight is in line with Jiang Wan's, and Jiang Wan raises the mineral water in front of him again.

However, Fu Chaolang did not answer.

Jiang saw this in the evening and his heart sank.

Fu Chao Lang or opened his mouth, "Shen Liyang."

Shen Liyang looked over and said, "what are you doing?"

"Come and play for me."

Shen Li Yang's "Ho" sneered, "what are you doing? You just didn't like to answer. I'm not free now."Fu Chaolang smell speech, want to start to pull her from the chair, Shen Liyang warning: "you can't beat me."

Fu Chaolang: Who is rare. "

After that, he sat back in his position and began to play in silence with the script.

At the same time, he looks at Fu Chaolang's eyes and becomes a little complicated.

"Out of the light, agent Jiang." Fu Chaolang looked at the script and said something without salt or salt.

Shen Liyang photographed his side's position: "night elder sister, sit here, you don't pay attention to him, his big uncle has come."

Fu Chaolang pursed his lips: he really shouldn't be kind to such women!

"He helped a lot, when you were black This kind of friendship is very rare in this circle. " Jiang Wan said in a low voice while reading the script in Shen Liyang.

Shen Liyang raised his head from the script: "evening sister, today you It seems a little different. "

Jiang Wan smiles: "have a good look at your script."

After solving Fu Chaolang's time bomb, Jiang Wan's heart is a little bit slower, but it can't slow down to where.

There is no airtight wall in the world. If this matter can not be solved as soon as possible to minimize the impact, Shen Liyang will be the one who will suffer the most in the end.


"She's still hiding in the crew?" Zhao Xuerou and Zhao Lingfeng are sitting opposite each other in the studio.

Agent: "the whole crew is surrounded, only can't get out, like People from the borgs. "

Zhao Xuerou: "I didn't expect that my sister's luck was so good. Now I'm climbing into Bo's group. Even if it's to block the crowd, I think it will give her some benefits."

With that, he took a look at Zhao Lingfeng's direction.

"Dad, are you really going to recognize my sister at this time? This Will it hurt your face if someone talks about it? "

Zhao Lingfeng cares about face most. Zhao Xuerou knows that.

“…… When it's over, she won't stay at home. Everyone will forget about it after three or two years. " Zhao Lingfeng thought of the deal he had made with that man and said definitely.

Zhao Xuerou doesn't know the key. She just thinks that Zhao Lingfeng is afraid of humiliation, so she will send Shen Liyang abroad. She just says, "why does Dad choose to announce her sister's identity with the media at this time?"