Bo Xichen frowned and said You can't call the police. "

Jiang Wan: "Er Shao, I understand that you don't want to expose this incident and add trouble to the Bo family, but..."

"Second uncle, dad knows his second personality wakes up. Did he do anything when he is awake?" Xiao Bao said suddenly.

He was smart since he was young. He thought things would be faster than the people around him. Although he was young, he could not fully understand what the so-called second personality was, but he believed that since his father had already known that he would be out of control at some time, he would certainly do something in advance.

On hearing this, Bo Xichen suddenly patted his head, "positioning!"

Jiang Wan and Bo Zunbao look at him at the same time.

"Jiang Wan, you go back first. If there is progress, I will inform you as soon as possible. The less people know about the rest, the better." Bo Xichen didn't forget his advice. Although he didn't know who his brother seemed to be guarding against, years of experience told him that it was better to follow suit.

Although Jiang Wan still has something to say, Bo Xichen has already led the little guy's hand upstairs, and she has to leave for the time being.

In the study, Bo Xichen opened the computer on his desk and handed it to Xiao Bao's children's boots. "With this computer, you can find your father's position. He has been implanted with a chip for positioning. Even if it is found in a short time, the second personality can't remove the chip."

No wonder his elder brother insisted on doing so. After such a thing happened, Bo Xichen was very glad that he had made this decision.

Xiaobao hears the speech and starts positioning quickly.

On the other side, Shen Liyang wakes up from a coma.

Because of the traditional Chinese medicine, her mind is still blank now. Some of her eyes are blankly looking at the ceiling above her head, which is not the environment she is familiar with.

She held up her body to get up, but found that she had no strength all over her body.

This is What's going on?

In a strange environment, Shen Liyang recalled what happened before he was sober.

She's not Sleeping in a hotel with Xiao Bao?


Shen Li Yang side head to the side of the position to see, empty only she.

She tried hard to hold up her body, this simple movement, but she tried for two or three minutes before reluctantly sat up.

At the same time, she found the chain around her waist.

She watched all this with vigilance, fingered the chain and tried to break it, but it was obviously a dream.

"Thin cold sound" came in, saw her want to break away from the iron chain action, lip corner hook, foot slowly toward her.

Shen Liyang was on guard when he heard the sound of footsteps, but after seeing the people clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief: "are you here to save me? Who caught me? How could I be here

She hasn't been able to respond to what happened.

"Thin cold voice" sat down beside the bed, looking at her unconsciously revealed trust, fingers touched her delicate eyebrows and eyes: "Xiao Li Yang, miss me?"

The tone of his voice is a bit dense, and his eyes are as deep as a wolf, which is quite different from the image of thin cold voice.

Shen Liyang stares at the man in front of him for a moment. There is nothing wrong with thin cold voice, but Obviously, she still looks like that, but she just has a kind of indescribable strange.

"Your honor? You Is it to save me? " She asked.

"Thin cold voice" fingers caress her eyebrow, hook up the left lip corner: "help you? Is anyone going to hurt you? "

Her words let Shen liyang's heart sink to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

There's no need to try again.

"You're not him. Who are you?" Isn't Bo Hansheng just a brother less than two? How did this man as like as two peas grow up?


But why has she never heard of Bo's cold voice?

"Thin cold voice" clasped her neck, so that she had to look at him closely, "baby, even me Can't you recognize them? "

The gloomy tone of voice aroused Shen Liyang, who did not know whether it was a dream or a real memory.

She remembered the same nightmare she had been having. The man in the dream imprisoned her, insulted her, humiliated her, and tortured her constantly

"No, it's not." Shen Liyang shakes his head, trying to get rid of this conjecture.

"Thin cold sound" whispered in the throat bone. Then, suddenly, he put out his hand and clasped her neck. With only 50% of his strength, he grasped the fingers of her slender neck and rubbed them on her skin.

"Xiao Liyang, my baby, how can you Forget me, huh? We have a common child How can you forget that you are pregnant with my child

"It's very ungrateful of you to count on me with that thin cold voice and that rubbish, eh?""Do you all think I'm dead? It's a pity that I'm back. "

"Do you miss me so much? Say Speak

"Cough." Shen Liyang forcefully broke his hand, listening to his words, the doubt in his heart was more serious: "you Who is it? Bo cold voice, you put him What's the matter? "

Shen Liyang didn't know what kind of children and calculations he was talking about. He only felt that the man in front of him looked like a madman.

She tried hard to break his hand, but with little effect.

Just when she thought that she was going to be strangled by this madman, he suddenly let go.

Shen Li collapsed on the bed, stroking his throat and gasping.

As she pondered over what the madman was doing, she saw the silver button on his crooked cuff.

She recognized that it was the only thing that belonged to the thin cold voice.

Customized, the world, unique.

She went to see his figure, to see his hair style, facial features, she inch by inch with her eyes to look for The subtle difference between the two.

But -


There is no difference.

There is no small difference, except for the expression and tone, appearance, clothing accessories, are the unique style of thin cold voice.

Shen liyang's pupil suddenly shrinks, and an absurd but perfect idea that can explain the current situation emerges from his mind - the man in front of him, he is the thin cold voice.

is not as like as two peas, nor is it the same as it looks, but they are, or are, a person.

"How could..." She whispered in disbelief.

How could this happen?

Ming Ming, I was fine when I called the other day. How could I suddenly What happened?

In her disbelief, "thin cold voice" but laugh out, he pinched her jaw, let her look up, in her lip corner imprint a kiss, "it seems, my little baby, has guessed."

Shen Liyang pushed him away. "You caught me!" Not doubt, but affirmation.