"Sister in law, you Scared Xiaobao

Bo Xichen held the little guy in his arms with heartache, "you used to love him the most."

Hearing Xiao Bao's choking cry, Shen liyang's expression suddenly stopped for a moment. Her eyes flashed with struggle and pain Get out. "

Bo Xichen: "little sister-in-law..."

"You go out first." The thin cold voice suddenly sank.

Xiaobao doesn't want to leave and is carried away by Bo Xichen. Before leaving, Su Yi takes a look at Shen Liyang, and finally says nothing.

Only Shen Liyang and Bo Han Sheng are left in the bedroom.

He went to the bed and sat down, but he didn't speak for a long time.

"We It's over. "

Until, Shen Liyang closed his eyes, heavy spit out this sentence from the lips and teeth, the pupil of thin cold voice suddenly shrank, subconsciously held her hand.

However, Shen Liyang seems to have been electrocuted.

She subconsciously dodged, stabbing the eyes of thin cold voice, "Yang Yang -"

he said: "we will not break up."

Shen Liyang closed her eyes, her lips pressed tightly, and glanced at her eyes.

Bo cold voice wants to hold her, kiss her, tell her to hurt her, he remembers every minute every second in the heart is dripping blood.

But Shen liyang's subconscious rejection attitude made him swallow all kinds of words in his heart.

At the end of the last, the only word that Bo's voice uttered was: "I never thought of hurting you."

Whether it is concerned about the country that simple ignorant with a little white rabbit like a girl, or later because of Xiaobao, two people in the fate of the reunion, she is the only one can let him heart of the girl.

If it is not beyond his original intention, how can he be willing to hurt her.

Shen Liyang gets out of bed and takes out her suitcase.

Shen Liyang looked at her in packing up his things, he tried to reach out to stop, but the girl with her head down didn't look at him, but tears fell on the back of his hand.

The back of President Bo's hand seemed to be caught by the needle in silence, and his hand was released when he was out of control.

She didn't take anything, just took a few of her own clothes, and then called Jiang Wan.

When Jiang Wan received her call, she had many questions to ask, such as: where did you go? Is there any danger? Since in Nanshan No.1 Hospital, why not let Mr. Bo send you directly? Why is your voice so hoarse? Is something happening?

But in the end, none of these questions could be asked, and only "OK, I'll pick you up now.".

When Jiang came to meet him, Bo Xichen was shocked and rushed in.

"Little sister-in-law, are you going?"

Xiao Bao ran over and hugged her leg tightly. "Ma Ma Ma, don't walk."

"Ma Ma, don't you like Xiao Bao?"

Ma Ma Ming Ming used to like him best. Why go now?

Shen Liyang stepped forward and pulled away the little guy holding his leg at the same time, "night sister, let's go."

"Brother, do you want to say a word? You just let my sister-in-law go? You will regret it! " Bo Xichen looked at the motionless, said the cold voice anxiously.

Bo cold voice fixed standing there, deep eyes fell on Shen Li Yang's body, has not been taken back.

He wanted to stop her from leaving.

No one knows better what her departure means.


When she cried that moment, thin cold voice on their own failure, and rout.

Those mixed in her pain and the past, not only hurt his heart, but also hurt her.

He became the perpetrator and she was the victim.

What kind of rhetoric should a perpetrator use to keep the victim with him again?

Everyone said that the president of Bo had unparalleled wisdom, but at this moment, Bo's cold voice only felt confused and helpless from the heart.

He didn't know What should I do.

Shen Li Yang left, Xiaobao crying to go after her, the child's cry sad pain and helpless, the voice called her "numb".

"Ma Ma, Xiao Bao is good, Xiao Bao is obedient, you don't go."

"Ma Ma, don't you like Xiao Bao?"

"Sobbing, sobbing Ma Ma... "

Shen Liyang, who has already walked to the front of the car, stops in Xiaobao's cry. Everyone looks at her movement, but in the end, she still doesn't look back.

It's a decision to get on the bus.

Jiang Wan sighed and looked back. The young master, who was standing over there, looked at this side. The young master was crying and almost carrying his breath.

Bo Xichen tried to catch up several times and stopped people, but every time he was stopped by his brother: "don't go."

Bo Xichen was indignant: "what are you thinking, brother? You just let my sister-in-law go? What if she doesn't come back? What do you do with Xiaobao? "He doesn't understand at all.

"Xiaobao, what's the matter? Su Yi, Su Yi, you come to see Xiao Bao. What's the matter? "

Bo Xichen was about to argue with his brother, but when he glanced at him, he suddenly saw Xiao Bao, who was choking, vomited with white face, and was immediately flustered.

Thin cold sound is busy to hold the little guy to the villa.

And Shen Liyang on the car, after getting on the car, said nothing and looked out of the window.

Jiang Wan could see that her condition was abnormal: "Li Yang, how could you suddenly disappear from the hotel? What happened? "

Shen Li Yang whispered. She curled up her lips astringently and said, "probably, it can be said that she has been kidnapped."

Jiang evening heard Yan's eyebrow heart beat three times: "what do you say? Kidnapping? "

Shen Liyang: "evening sister, I'm a little tired. I don't want to talk now."

In addition to the huge impact of memory recovery, she was very tired, as if drained of energy.

“…… Go to my place to rest first. " Looking at the driver in front of him, Jiang Wan said, "I'm not going to the crew. I'll go back first..."

"Go to the cast." Shen Liyang suddenly said.

Jiang Wan: If you want to have a rest, I will negotiate with the director and give you a day's adjustment time. "

Shen Liyang: "no, there are no more plays. I can't have the whole crew waiting for me alone."

Jiang Wan didn't know whether to praise her dedication or not to see herself as a person.

Under Shen liyang's insistence, the car drove in the direction of the crew.

"Buzz --"

the mobile phone vibration of Jiangwan is the message prompt tone.

After she unlocked it, she found that it was a message from Bo Hansheng, with only one short message: take care of her.

Jiang Wan sighed in her heart silently. When she first knew that Shen Liyang was with Bo Hansheng, she was afraid that Shen Liyang would be played with. She was afraid that the man with such status and status as Bo Hansheng was just a fresh picture.

However, after such a long time, she can no longer ignore Bo's feelings for Shen Liyang. She thinks these two people can come to the end, but look at Shen liyang's present attitude

"Agent Jiang, the reporter in front of me..."

The driver was at a loss when he saw the reporter who was crazy in front of him.