"Su Yi?" Shen Liyang gently spit out the name, completely do not know what is going on.

Bo Xichen looked at Yun Yixian at this time. "Boss Yun must be the most clear one about this matter. The video on the Internet and the scandal of my brother are all the agreements you have reached with Su Yi?"

In the face of Bo Xichen's question, Yun Yixian has no sense of guilt or shame? What do I have to say hello to you in advance? You think highly of yourself. Why, bring these people here to rob me? " He laughed, showing a cold disdain, "your brother Bo cold voice may have some skills, as for you Do you think you can stop me? "

Thin West morning purses lip: "stop not to stop, also want to try to just know." He doesn't want to talk too much with Yun Yixian. The purpose of his coming today is Shen Liyang. Taking people away and letting her wake up his brother is the most important thing now.

Moreover, he promised Xiao Bao that he would take Ma Ma home today.

Yun Yixian raises his hand and the people hiding around him move out, forming a confrontation with those brought by Bo Xichen.

Bo Xichen looks at Yun Yixian's man and frowns. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would arrange people at the airport in advance, and has not yet attracted his own attention.

It seems that if you want to take people away, you need to have a hard fight.

The aggressive appearance of several people attracted the attention of other passengers. However, relying on the principle that more is better than less, most people still choose to wait and see and satisfy their curiosity before leaving.

But the airport staff, because Bo Xichen had said hello in advance, only observed in the camera. As long as they didn't make a big noise, they were entitled to think that they didn't find out.

Cloud a envy Mou light in thin West morning to bring of person body all number sweep past, cool of bend up lips Cape, didn't put in the eye.

Bo Xichen: "little sister-in-law, are you so cruel? I don't want to see my brother for the last time? "

When the war between the two sides was about to break out, Bo Xichen finally said.

When Shen Liyang was engaged in the battle between heaven and man, Yun Yixian said: "it's ridiculous that you are a poor family. Nanzhi is my fiancee. Why should you be soft hearted to your brother? How can you really think that you can become your own after occupying other people's things for a long time?"

Bo Xichen didn't talk to him quickly: "little sister-in-law!"

In Shen liyang's mind, crazy flashed with thin cold sound when the picture, smiling, doting, happy

At the end of the day, however, these images turned into a pale face without any blood color, and his body was full of needles.

"I'll go back with you."

Bo Xichen's face was ecstatic. He knew that his sister-in-law didn't really care about his brother. Otherwise, how could he have taken all the responsibilities at the press conference on the spot.

Yun Yixian firmly grasped Shen liyang's arm. His eyes were very cold and heavy: "don't go!"

Bo Xichen holds Shen liyang's other hand.

"The plane is about to take off. You can't miss the boarding time." Cloud one envies deep voice way: "thin cold voice can't die, if really to the death edge, you think Bo Xichen still has leisure elegant to come to you?"

The Bo family was in a mess at that time.

Bo Xichen: "little sister-in-law, don't listen to his nonsense. He just wants to take you away from my brother forever. My brother chose such an extreme way to save his mistakes. Do you really have the heart not to see him for the last time? "

The words on the mouth are chiseled, but the heart continues to recite: fake, God bless, what I just said is irony, my brother must get better soon.

Finally, Shen Liyang left with Bo Xichen.

Although the bodyguards of the Bo family did not have blood on their hands like those of Yun Yixian's, they also experienced many battles. In particular, Bo Xichen also selected the ones with good skills. With Shen liyang's cooperation, it was not a problem to stop people in a short time.

Bo Xichen pulls Shen Li yangsai into the car. When Yun Yixian chases him out, he only has time to see the tail of the car.

"Chief, what now?"

Cloud one envy gnash teeth: "chase!"

He wanted to see if Bo's voice was dead or alive.

Bo Xichen kept accelerating the driver and almost drove the car like a sports car.

The thin father and mother in the living room sighed when they saw Shen Liyang, "people are upstairs, and Xiaobao is also there. Go and have a look."

In the face of their heavy sighs, Shen liyang's bad premonition is aggravated. She really hopes that what Bo Xichen said at the airport is just deceiving her.

She appeared in the bedroom with heavy steps. Xiao Bao didn't look back at the sound of the footsteps. But when Bo Xichen's "little sister-in-law" sounded, he suddenly turned his head back.

"Ma --"

he subconsciously wanted to call "Ma Ma", but in a flash he thought of the picture that Shen Liyang didn't want him. His small face was tense and he carefully observed her expression, as if he was afraid that he would make her unhappy by saying something wrong.Shen Liyang looked at the man on the bed with needles all over his body, as well as the careful children beside the bed. His nose suddenly became sour.

"Ma Ma does not cry." Xiaobao stretched out his small arm and held her leg gently, trying to force but not daring to.

Shen Liyang began to wipe lightly in the corner of his eyes, this time found himself crying.

"What's wrong with Su Yi?" She asked.

Bo Xichen: "he Suspecting that he was the illegitimate son of his father, he planned carefully for many years in order to revenge the Bo family. "

Shen Liyang turned around and asked, "always How is it going, Bo

She saw the picture at the airport, and Bo Xichen said it was serious, so Shen Liyang didn't realize the difference. But now, watching from a close distance, though the situation of Bo's cold voice was dangerous, it was not that he said his life was in danger.

When the lie was exposed, Bo Xichen was embarrassed, "just That's what you see, but I don't mean to be false. My brother is still sleeping. Although he still has signs of life, he can't do without oxygen bottle. The doctor can't wake him up. I have no way. You know, my brother cares about you most. If there is one person in the world who can wake him up, it must be you. "

In the face of Bo Xichen's chiseled words, Shen Li Yang pauses, turns to look at Bo's cold voice and opens his mouth, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Where is Su Yi now?" She asked.

Bo Xichen: "the basement is closed. My brother can't go there until he wakes up."

As for his brother wake up, how to deal with Suyi, all depends on his brother's meaning.

"I want to see him." Shen Liyang said.

Bo Xichen: "you want to see Su Yi? But... " He asked her to wake up his brother. What did she do with that bad boy Su Yi?