"I've never had bad thoughts about your mother, she After my wife and I got married, I married your father directly. During the two years I married your father, I didn't get along well with each other... "

He didn't marry the one he liked. He got married after being angry for a while. After the marriage, the relationship between husband and wife was not good, resulting in a lot of resentment. He blamed all kinds of misfortunes in life on the ruthlessness of his father at the beginning.

Even in the blood relationship of children can be blatant, that is, their own discomfort, want to add to others.

The facts are in front of us, and there are all human and material evidence, but Su Yi has no way to accept such a fact.

"False, all false! You're just trying to cheat me! "

False, must be false, they are just to revenge him, so they will even make up such a lie.

"True or false has its own conclusion. It doesn't matter to us whether you believe it or not. I have one more thing to ask you. In those years, my brother was kidnapped and injected with drugs and locked up in a dark cage. He suffered inhuman torture and split his second personality. Did you do it? "

Originally, Bo Xichen didn't think about Su Yi, but if he had planned to target the Bo family many years ago and wanted to destroy the successor of the Bo family, then what could not be done?!

Bo Xichen's question made Shen liyang's pupil shrink suddenly: "what?"

Bo Xichen: "my brother's second personality doesn't appear out of thin air. His IQ has been higher than ordinary people since he was a child. He has been admired by all people around him. It can be said that he is surrounded by halos, his career is smooth, his feelings are cold and his family is harmonious. How can a person like him produce a second personality for no reason. I suspect that it was related to the kidnapping case. At that time, there was no news from my brother. It was found by the local police officers in an airtight basement filled with various instruments. "

Bo Xichen found the photos taken by the police at that time. They were dried up blood, but they were enough to spy on the tragedy at that time.

If not all of this was written by Su Yi, I'm afraid it has something to do with him.

And they even live with this kind of people all the year round, but they don't find any trace, which shows the depth of his mind.

If it wasn't for this rush, they didn't know when they would find out.

Su Yi did not deny it.

Bo Xichen punched him in the face and said, "it's our biggest mistake to keep such an asshole around us!"

He should have killed him directly.

The truth came to light. Shen Liyang seemed to have never known Su Yi.

She used to think that he was an academic obsessed, open personality, now it seems that no one has seen his real appearance.

"Take it to the police station."

Bo Xichen gritted his teeth: "it's too cheap to send him to the police station. I'll kill him!"

His brother is still in doubt, but Su Yi is safe and sound. Bo Xichen can't swallow this tone.

Su Yi's reaction seems to be even bigger than him: "if you have the ability, you can kill me! But do you dare to kill me? No one can save him except me. Bo Hansheng, you can prepare a cemetery for him. Ha ha ha... "

Tearing off the camouflage, Shen Liyang felt that the man in front of him was so strange that he seemed to have never known him.

In addition to Bo Xichen full of anger, Bo's father and mother are also complexities. Looking at Su Yi laughing, she is angry and more sad.

After all, Su Yi and Bo Hansheng are not much less than Bo Xichen. It can be said that they watched them grow up. Now the child they are looking at growing up not only has been calculating them, but also shows such strong hatred. How can people not feel sad.

Shen Liyang didn't have much time to play tricks with him. The way she chose was clean and simple. She took out a dagger and put it on Su Yi's chest: "save him. I'll give you to the police, otherwise I'll make a hole in you

When she spoke, her eyes were full of coldness, and no one would doubt the authenticity of her words.

Su Yi raised his head and looked at her: "you, no, dare not, if I am hurt, there is no one to save the cold voice."

This is his card, so even if the Bo family wanted to kill him alive, they did not dare to do it. He was confident that there would be no more than three people who could save Bo's cold voice, and he was the best among them.

He was full of confidence, but he forgot that Shen Liyang didn't play cards according to common sense, "do you threaten me with this? You forget, your memory is still your recovery, for a man who has nothing to do with me, I don't need to care as much as they do

Su Yi: "if you don't take care of it, you won't be here. Shen Liyang, the medicine has no effect on you at all, isn't it?"

He is a doctor, or a top-notch genius doctor. If he didn't find anything strange at first, but after he was close to Shen Liyang, he found the strangeness.

Shen Liyang was not prepared to answer his question, nor was he obliged to answer, "you are a doctor. If I take away your hand, what chips do you think you can have?"Su Yi's nerves were tense in an instant.

A doctor's hand is as precious as a pianist's hand. Once it is severely damaged, even if it is recovered later, there is no way to recover. The latter can no longer perform fast, while the former We have to say goodbye to the delicate operation.

Shen liyang's eyes were full of changes in his expression. His eyes were very heavy: "save or not?"

Su Yi didn't speak. He was blocking. Shen Liyang didn't dare to do it. Even if she didn't care, the Bo family couldn't agree.

Sure enough, Bo Xichen said: "sister-in-law, you should calm down for a while, let's grow from..."

"Save, return, yes, no, save?" Shen Liyang spoke in a deep voice again.

Su Yi just smiles.

But the next second, he couldn't laugh, "ah!"

Bo Xichen: "little sister-in-law!"

Don't be a poor mother

However, it was too late to stop. After all, the dagger in Shen liyang's hand pierced Su Yi's palm. At the same time, she continued to twist the dagger: "save or not?"

It seemed that if he uttered any refusal, she would directly draw a circle in the palm of his pierced hand with the blade and scrap his whole hand.

Su Yi, who felt confident a second ago that she would not do it, did not dare to speculate on her with ordinary people's thoughts at the moment.

Shen Liyang sneered, "you are a doctor. What you depend on is this pair of hands that can bring the dead back to life. If it is abandoned, you will be no different from a disabled person. A doctor who has no way to go to the operating table, there is no value."

Su Yi's talent in medicine has made him hold high for too long. It is not everyone can bear to fall from the altar.

"Do you want to waste your hands or save people? Don't let me repeat it. "