"What do you give to others? You think it's your choice of cabbages in the vegetable market. If you don't want it, you give it to others. If the Hollywood script is so good, the actors in the circle all go to Hollywood to mix up, and as for a big pie, so many people want to share a bite?"

Hearing her words, Fu Chaolang choked.

Shen Li Yang pressed his eyebrows and said, "I'm not in the mood now."

Fu Chaolang shook his hand: "you just So like him? "

Like, can he even his favorite performing arts career can be destroyed by himself?

Shen Li was silent and could not give him an answer. Do you still like it?

Shen Liyang also asked himself.

"You can do it yourself. Anyway, the script is here. Do you like it or not?" Fu Chaolang can't see her so silent, because of a man and the appearance of heavy heart.

Just drop the script and get ready to leave.

"Fu Chaolang." Shen Liyang called out to him.

Fu Chao Langdon stepped down and did not look back, pretending to be impatient: "what are you doing?"

Shen Liyang stood up and said, "nothing. It just suddenly occurred to me that I didn't say sorry to you after you found out my real identity."

I'm sorry that I was so jealous of evil, pretending to be a man and bending you.

I'm sorry that I didn't choose to tell you the truth even though I became friends with you later.

Fu Chaolang's back was stiff, "am I rare?"

Shen Liyang said: "whether you are rare or not, I owe you this apology. I'm sorry."

Fu closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "well." I got it. I got it.

After Fu Chaolang left, Shen Liyang put the script away and put it on the bookshelf in his room.

In the master bedroom, Su Yi is treating Bo Hansheng.

The news that the president of Bo's group was unconscious was strictly guarded against. Only a few senior executives of the company vaguely knew something about it, for fear that someone might take the opportunity to disturb the morale of the army.

The bedroom was almost temporarily transformed into an ICU ward, all the high-end instruments were moved in, and the operating table was also the highest scale in China.

As the morning passed, Bo Xi Chen became more and more anxious. However, Bo's cold voice showed no sign of waking up.

Even if he doesn't know any medical skills, he knows that the situation is not optimistic.

Indeed, when Su Yi wiped the sweat on her forehead, the assistant doctors and nurses handled the follow-up work.

"How's it going?" Bo Xichen, dressed in a disinfectant suit, quickly stood up and asked.

Su Yi's expression was a little heavy Not so good. "

After waiting for a long time, Bo Xichen got such an answer and immediately became angry: "what is not so good?"?! Are you not doing your best at all, do you want to do something else? "

An operation costs a lot of energy. Su Yi walks out of the room: "you are carrying the top doctors in China behind you. With their 360 degree observation, what can I do?"

In order to prevent Su Yi from doing harm again, Bo Xichen, just in case, finds two top doctors to watch the operation. What he is prepared for is that he does something wrong.

Shen Liyang and Xiaobao see them come out and ask about the situation in their eyes.

Bo Xichen shook his head gently.

Su Yi: "the situation is not very good. When he wakes up, it depends on how strong his desire to survive."

Thin cold sound is almost a vegetative state now, when can wake up, how long it takes, all depends on the will of God.

The little guy didn't say anything at one side, just clenched Shen liyang's arm and called out "numb" in a low voice.

Su Yi is still useful. If we want to find out the best healer, he must be the only one.

But some things, such as trust, are hard to repair once they are broken.

Su Yi is the doctor in charge of Bo Hansheng, but every treatment is accompanied by his colleagues. Bo's family members are either Bo Xichen or Bo's father. One of them is always present.

Two months went by.

Thin cold sound is still sleeping.

Everyone from the beginning of the expectation slowly into calm, so that to now, are in doubt, he can still wake up.

Jiang Wan once again found Shen Liyang and had a two-hour communication with her.

"The storm on the Internet has subsided. I sent the video of your fight in the legend of the demon princess to director celiette in Hollywood. He appreciated you very much and invited you to audition. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Many female stars can't wait for such a good opportunity in their lifetime."

It seems that Shen is always on the stage of success.

Even though the court session two months ago made a lot of noise, to be frank, it is a private matter for the people not to promote officials and not to investigate them. Netizens are just filled with righteous indignation that they are "betrayed" for a while, and they forget it for a long time.What's more, which of the top artists has no black spots, but when they stand high enough, who will talk about those contacts?

"President Bo's situation Can't he wake up one day and you'll do nothing for a day? Shen Liyang, this is not your style. If Mr. Bo is awake, I think he will hope that you will shine brilliantly in your own career. This script -- "Jiang Wan filmed the script." it's really tailor-made for you. I have a hunch that this film will become a peak in your acting career. If you look carefully, do you really want to lose a good role like this? "

Shen Yangjiang didn't want to give up any of these words. Naturally, she didn't have a chance to talk about it.

After Jiang Wan left, Shen Liyang sat in the living room and looked at the script in her hand. This was the second time she got the script, but it was the first time she seriously opened it.

To be sure, it's a good story, both for the script itself and for the team.

Although it is a rare opportunity for her to become a supporting actress in the international arena for the first time.

A mysterious woman in an ancient country, wrapped in white dishcloth and covered with white gauze, stretched out her hand so high that she could not be seen.

Two thirds of the appearances are fighting scenes, for the actress's physical quality is very high, so before entering the group, a period of high-intensity special training will be carried out.

From pre training to shooting, even if Shen Liyang is only a supporting role, he also needs to enter the group for three or four months.

And Hollywood is very secretive about filming and does not allow the undecided actors to leave the cast. These are the places where Shen Liyang needs to make a choice.

"Ma Ma, aunt Jiang Wan is right." The little guy sat next to her and said, "if dad is awake, he'll like you to do what he likes."