It is conceivable that this live marriage proposal has caused a sensation. Many people believe that Shen Liyang, who has stepped out of the trough, will once again usher in the low ebb of his career because he has agreed to Bo's proposal.

After all, more than a year ago, her career was booming, and she was also hit the bottom because of the emotional scandal.

However, a series of operations after Bo's awakening broke all this speculation.

Instead of being affected by the emotional life, Shen Liyang has developed a number of works about the two.

This matter should start with an official blog released by Bo's group.

The official blog is 20000 words long. It's not too much to say that it's a mini novel, and it's all written by Bo Hansheng. In the article, he recalled the process of their meeting abroad, said how he was calculated to inject drugs and had mental problems. He also said without any cover up about the harm he caused to Shen Liyang when he had mental problems. He said that after many years, the two men had met each other for many years The reunion of, even if the memory is not in, but still as if it is fate to come together

The details of the matter, so that each see the netizen seems to have personally experienced the past between two people.

No one can ignore his deep feelings between the lines. He did something wrong, but never thought of hurting her.

Countless people were moved by his fatalistic feelings. Of course, some people said that it was just a means of washing white. How could the president of Tang Tang Bo's group have time to write this down.

However, no matter how many people are questioning and speculating with malice, after appearing in the live broadcast, Bo Hansheng took part in interviews with several financial magazines, and showed his feelings for Shen Liyang with no parsimony.

The people present were given a mouthful of dog food.

The jewelry, clothing, catering, real estate of Bo's group

In all the fields and industries involved in the group, the most important thing is the poster of the boss and the special symbol of their feelings.

Some people jokingly call Bo's group the enterprise Empire like Shen liyang's brain powder, regardless of everything for her.

Bo Hansheng, the president of the company, has to be teased about this matter wherever he goes to the banquet. As time goes by, we will find a hard law. President Bo is not good at talking, but if you can get connected with Shen Liyang, the boss's wife, he will change his appearance in a flash.

"You don't have to do this. Now it is said that you are henpecked. How can you establish your dignity in the future?"

Shen Li Yang, unable to laugh or cry, leaned on his shoulder and said.

Thin cold voice fondly stroked her cheek: "I just want to let everyone know clearly that you are mine."

One day, when Bo Xichen went to see Su Yi, he found that the room had already been empty.

He asked the security personnel before he knew that at three or four o'clock last night, Su Yi left quietly with his suitcase in his hand.

Bo Xichen told him about it.

It seems that Bo's cold voice is not strange. When he wakes up, he does not imprison Su Yi's freedom, but gives him the opportunity to choose whether to stay or not.

It's true that Bo Hansheng could not have killed Su Yi's sin too much, but the electric shock treatment could have killed the second personality.

He now love and children in the side, after so much experience, people become a lot more tolerant.

Su Yi is standing in the airport hall. He has no definite destination and no special place to go. After seeing a public welfare film on the big screen about children's schooling in the northwest marginal mountain area, he bought a ticket there.

He wants to change his ways.

Six months later.

The National Olympic Games, the national day of celebration, Shen Liyang was invited to participate in the opening ceremony, dressed in white ice and snow clothes, wearing a crown, amazing appearance, like a nine day Xuannu, like a snow queen.

The name of the Emperor Li was born.

Yun Yixian, who is far away in Italy, lies on the sofa with a red wine cup in his hand. He is staring at the live broadcast. His eyes are full of ethereal, nostalgic and Unforgettable.

Over time, he has long been unable to distinguish clearly who is the girl he has been maintaining for so many years.

It's like she's singing on the stage now. She's quiet. No one can connect her with the murderous God in the Mafia.

"Chief, you are drunk."

David came in and watched the man staggering to his feet and almost fell down. He reached out and helped him, "don't drink any more. The doctor said that for your health, this wine should be given up."

In this year, Dawei didn't know how many times he said this, but Shen Liyang could persuade him to stop him. Now Shen Liyang will not come back again. He can't listen to anyone.

Yun Yixian pushed his arm away: "wordy, get out."

"Tomorrow is the death day of miss Nanzhi. When the leader is drunk, he should miss the time." David said in a hurry.Cloud a envy eyebrow a twist, "long winded."

But this time, it is slowly put down the wine in the hand.

Dawei helped him go upstairs to have a rest. When he came back, he saw the live broadcast still playing in the hall. He was a little confused.

Da Wei has been with Yun Yixian for many years. If we have to find someone who can understand his heart, he is the only one.

What is Shen Liyang for Yun Yixian?

Maybe it's what I used to think of, but now Unforgettable, no echo.

From the moment Shen Liyang revealed the truth, it was doomed that they would never be able again.

Thinking of this, David sighed in a low voice and turned off the live broadcast.

It is also like closing the last trace of connection between Yun Yixian and Shen Liyang.

From then on, he was the uncrowned king of Italy. She was China's super popular actress.

She will get married, have no doubt with her lover, love white head, and he?

Perhaps in this lifetime, it's hard to grasp the power of money.

in China, with the vigorous hosting of the National Olympic Games, Shen Liyang, as the opening guest, soon stepped down.

From the back of the detour left, with the front of the noisy scene is different, behind waiting for her is a quiet but warm father and son.

"Ma Ma." Xiaobao saw her coming, and before a yawn was finished, he was ready to dive into her arms.

But a pair of big palms stretched out behind him and lifted him up from behind. President Bo looked at his son calmly: "hemp rehearsal has been very tiring for many days. You are too heavy when you grow up."

With that, he stretched out his long arm and held Shen Li Yang in his arms, leaving his staring son.

Shen Liyang put his arm around his neck and complained in a low voice: "Xiaobao is still small. You always treat him like this. Be careful that you can't move when you are old. He will return it to you."

President Bo calmly imprinted a kiss on her cheek and said with a smile: "he dare not."