Chapter 334

Name:My Most Precious Wife Author:Chu Jiu
Jiangnan's serious face made Gu Enron feel a little flustered.

She pulled the dress slightly with her fingers on the side of her body. She had been with him for such a long time and knew each other so well.

But at this moment, because of his serious eyes, suddenly, it seems that he still does not know enough about him.

"Yes What do you want to say? "

"You look a little nervous." Jiangnan brings up a smile, which is also hard to see.

"What are you nervous about?" He went in and closed the door behind him.

Gu Enron glared at him, "who said I was nervous?"

What can be nervous, every day together! "Don't be sentimental."

She turned around and cleaned up the desk. "What do you want to say? Hurry up. I want to work overtime later."

"Now the work is on the right track, and the company has enough employees for the time being. In the evening, what kind of shift do you add?"

Jiangnan walked towards her, although Gu Enron didn't look back, he could also feel the breath of his approaching.

A unique breath of his, close to, can make people feel at ease, or even calm.

He was standing behind her, but he didn't speak, as if he was just watching her pack.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Gu Enron just has nothing to do to distract himself.

Tonight's feeling is a little different from usual.

It's all because those guys in the office said some strange things. Otherwise, they would not have any problems with each other.

But he has been standing behind her, silent, what is this?

"That," Gu Enron thought, or took the initiative to break the silence.

"I'm in good health. In fact, I don't need to be taken care of as a normal person now. It's true."

"Well?" His breath seemed to be a little closer, but Gu Enron didn't know what he was doing because he didn't look back.

Only by feeling can we know that he is close to himself.

"I mean, can I actually Move back... "

Suddenly, Gu Enron's voice broke completely.

She bowed her head and looked at the hands on her waist. Her heart beat in an instant and sped up.

He what do you mean?


"Let's get together." Jiangnan buried his head in her neck, smelling her unique fragrance, he closed his eyes.

Some words have been hidden in my heart for a long time, but I have never had the chance to say them.

His voice is a little deep, low in the very easy to let women intoxicated hoarse: "you have seen him, still want to return to his side?"

Gu Enron was shocked all over, and the "he" made her tremble all over in a panic just to imagine.

Jiangnan clearly felt her uneasiness, and he put his arms around her even harder.

"Are you afraid? You Why are you so afraid of him? "

"Jiangnan, I don't want to..."

"Don't you want to mention it, or don't you want to go back?" Clearly is to hold her, but he still did not give her any pressure.

"I'll give you another chance. As long as you want to go back, I'll find a way to let him know the truth of the whole thing, but you have only one chance tonight."

What do you mean? Gu Enron couldn't understand Jiangnan's words.

He seems to be able to guess her mind, so smile, warm breath fell on her neck, burning her a panic.

"I'll give you another chance to go back. If I miss it, I'll Never let go again

Gu Enron's heart trembled and subconsciously wanted to push him away.

But the man's two arms, like steel, tightly imprison her, do not allow her to push away half a minute.

"Unless you decide to go back."

"There is no possibility for me and him!" She can't go back!

Mu Da Shao is the existence that she has no way to climb up. Even if the misunderstanding is explained clearly, the child is really gone.

Mu Zhanbei hates her so much that he has no pity for her any more.

Even if I go back, what can I do?

It is still the same as in the past. It becomes his burden and brings disaster to him forever.

In fact, this is, perhaps, the most perfect result.

"No?" Jiangnan's voice, like a magic spell, made her unable to extricate herself from it for a long time.

Don't you want to? Don't you really want to?

Maybe, just don't think about it.

"If you don't want to go back, don't give him any more space for fantasy."

Jiangnan suddenly let go of her, hand on her shoulder, her whole person broke over, facing himself.

Gu Enron found that the original two people have been so close.

Their bodies almost fit together."You..." Her hands, conscious against his chest, subconsciously, always want to push him away.

"Still can't accept me?" Jiangnan suddenly forward, two people are completely close.

She dodged back, a little flustered: "I didn't I didn't think about it. "

"Now, think about it." He thought he had given her enough time.

I didn't expect that after these words were exported, she was still scared.

"Now?" Gu Enron opened his big black eyes like a gem. Can you think of this kind of thing right away?

"I thought my performance was clear enough." Is he good to the second woman besides her?

"The Mu family is too complicated. It's not your place to stay. If you still want to, I won't stop you. But if you don't have the obsession of marrying him, then Mu family shouldn't be your first choice."

He said to her with a smile, like a salesman.

"But our Jiang family is different. Although the Jiang family is also very complicated, it's a common fault of the rich and powerful families. There's no way to avoid it."

"But the Jiang family is simpler than the Mu family in that we have only one mother. Do you know what I mean?"

Gu Enron raised his eyes and met his eyes, a little incredulous.

His meaning, she understood, although father Jiang was born in a rich family, he had only one woman, that is, the mother of their brothers.

Unexpectedly, father Jiang is such a special man.

In such a noble family, it's really rare.

Even if they look after their family, they are so small in front of the Mu family and the Jiang family, but their father, Gu Minghao, also has many women.

Miss Gu has been abroad for many years, but she was forced by Ye Shuixin's mother and daughter, and she still doesn't want to come back.

The elder sister's mother is Gu Minghao's original wife. Later, she was so angry by Ye Shuixin that she couldn't afford to get sick. Later, she died young.

Now ye Shuixin was Gu Minghao's woman at that time, and later became her official wife.

Her mother, sang Qing, is also said to be Gu Minghao's best friend.

Gu Enron from small to large, the rich men have no good feelings, is also so.

But father Jiang In this way, she will become her idol!

"My parents are very easy to get along with. After you meet them, you will like them."

Jiangnan took her hand seriously and firmly: "give me a chance to prove to you that not all the rich daughters in law have to live so hard. My Jiang daughter-in-law can live so easily How about that? "