Chapter 155 Monk

155 Monk

She coughed. Xiao Li also told her they couldn't bring her away without trading for a unique Life Type Magical Resource; she knew he was out there searching for the trade-worthy resource.

"I'd have to discuss that with my son, apparently..."

The Monk chuckled, twirling his beard. "Just tell me this: is your son a bad person at heart?"

"Absolutely no. He is like an angel at heart, just that he is a bit too much of a realist," Yue Li said with full confidence. "And there is nothing he wouldn't do for me. He is a very good child."

"Hmm..." The old man scratched his hair, muttering, "To think that I would rely on a demon to complete one of my vows. The world really is a weird place. But even if I bring her back with me, I would have no place to hide her, and I am not strong enough to fight the Fang Family by myself, nor their backing..."

Yue Li looked at the old man, her heart full of worry. Was this old man really stronger than Xiao Li? Doesn't Demon Restraining Temple hunt down demons? Was her son in trouble?

"Look here. Where are you from if you tell me I won't harm your son," The old man said, a weird smile on his face.

Yue Li didn't know whether to answer it or not, but she didn't have to think anymore. A black sword calmly rested on Monk Hen Shin's neck. "Is it enough if I am the one who tells you that, Old Monk Hen Shin," the voice that asked was cold and violent, but Hen Shin only smiled.

"What an interesting duo you both are: a mother with Sacred Talents and a son obsessed with her who is hiding his cultivation," he said, "Tell me, just out of curiosity, how were you trained?"

Han Li stopped chuckling. His red eyes focused on the man who could kill him easily. "Am I worthy? I do not know Monk. But what I do know is, I'd fight you to protect her if it came to it."

The Old Man looked at him with his shimmering black eyes. "That was not a lie. If it were, you'd be dead."

"Lie detection? A very good Magical Power. And your chanting speed is so ungodly I didn't even notice," Han Li praised.

"Where are you from?"

"Sacred Lust Continent, Southern Lust City, name Han Li, the sole son of Yue Li. I am a man who doesn't like attention, so I'd prefer you not speak of me."

A brown fruit appeared in the old man's hand, and he threw it at Yue Li. "Use that fruit; you can temporarily put living beings in your empty space. Three months later, I will come to Southern Lust. If Ruo is not treated well by then, I'll kill your son."

Yue Li caught the fruit and looked at Han Li.

The old man looked at Han Li for the last time. "As long as there is a little spot of compassion in your heart, there is always a hope of redemption. I usually abhor demons, yet I admire the true demons who can sacrifice anything for their obsession. Is your mother your obsession and clinging that you use to love life?"

Han Li looked at him with a bit of surprise.

"Monks should abstain from idle chatter," he calmly replied and pulled back his sword as a red mist started to rise from the ground. A second later, both the monk and the boy smiled as all of them vanished from the cavern and were pulled into another space.