Chapter 69: UNTITLED

Name:My mother's SON-IN-LAW Author:
Chapter 69: UNTITLED

"There isn't much I can say except, Good evening, I'm Frank Hanover and from today I'll be resuming my post as Chairman. I won't make work any easier than Miss Alicia did, and I expect nothing but excellence." said Frank with a straight face the moment he entered the meeting.

Although it was; James, Bianca, Mike and Noah who were present in the meeting, he intended to make thing short and straight to the point.

Noah was quiet the entire time, more like he was in his own mindscape, Bianca was amused by Frank's serious expression, James was a little worried about Alicia's sudden dissappearance and Mike was simply in awe, little Ally was somehow aquanted with the great Mr Frank Julio Hanover. It was already a great feet just knowing him, yet that little trouble maker somehow made him her Company's Chairman.

It seemed like there might be a lot the little kid was hiding from him.

AN HOUR LATER: in the Chairman's office

"Be honest Hanover, why is Alicia in the Walker residence when she was supposed to be kidnapped somehwere?" asked Noah with an angry expression, he had been trying to hold himself back fro the past two hours, but he could't hold it in any more.

The moment he ended the call from Hanover, he recieved a text from an unkown number which had Alicia's photo attached to it and read; 'SHE'LL MAKE A FINE WIFE WON'T SHE?'

When he opened that text, he wanted to strangle the life out of that person, messing with Alicia was completely ludacrous.

Frank looked at him with his eyebrowse raised and answered him with, "Who said she isn't? You have a lot to learn Noah. Alicia might take a while so try not ruin things for her before she comes back."

Noah was infuriated by his answer and directly retorted with, "What do you mean by that? She's been kidnapped Hanover, what could I possibly ruin for her in that state?"

Frank chuckled light and answered him with, "I wonder what that kid sees in you? just get back to work Noah, you might learn something if you learn to observe for a change."