Chapter 5: The Genesis of Mythical Beings

Name:My Mythical World Author:
Chapter 5: The Genesis of Mythical BeingsAfter enduring countless eons, the icy grasp of the Ice Age finally released its hold, ushering in an era of resurgent life. With the exception of the frozen depths beneath the ocean, the Earth had shaken off its icy shackles, inviting a glorious rebirth. Under the weight of a thousand-meter-thick ice layer, dormant seeds clung tenaciously to existence, patiently biding their time. And so, the long-forgotten emerald shades of green once again graced the land. A tender sapling emerged from the earth, its branches swaying in the wind with an air of triumph, proclaiming, "I have endured, unconquerable in the face of adversity!" Jiang Ping, the self-proclaimed God of creation, diligently observed the world's reawakening. Yet, even as a god, he could not escape the persistent call of hunger, a reminder of his earthly ties. Satisfying his bodily needs, Jiang Ping contemplated, "Though I wield the powers of divinity, I am still bound by the demands of sustenance. It seems that I have yet to truly transend mortality and deify. Comrades, we must persist!" A wry smile graced his lips as he added, "Let us set a humble goal first: longevity!" Enveloped by slumber, Jiang Ping's dreams continued to weave visions of a brighter future for the primordial realm. Despite enduring multiple cataclysms, the surviving creatures grew ever hardier with each passing generation. The rise of civilization, however, necessitated a catalystan opportunity that Jiang Ping aimed to provide. By accelerating the pace of progress through the bestowal of knowledge and advancements, he anticipated bountiful rewards for these nascent beings. As Jiang Ping slumbered, the original world surged forward with astonishing velocity. Following each cataclysmic event, the remaining creatures adapted and evolved, branching out in countless directions. A breathtaking pageant of colossal marvels competed for dominance, yet the towering central tree remained steadfasta testament to its timeless wisdom. Ultimately, it was the dogs who claimed the throne, a whimsical revelation that brought a smile to Jiang Ping's countenance. The tree transformed into a hallowed sanctuary, teeming with life as animals and plants sought refuge within its protective embrace. Should any entity dare to menace this arboreal guardian, it need not face the threat alone, for its loyal companions would unite in defense against the intruder. As Jiang Ping roused from his slumber, a revitalizing surge coursed through his veins. Gazing into the mirror, he beheld a countenance no longer pallid and lackluster but porcelain-whitea transformation that defied precise explanation. "What happened?" Jiang Ping inquired, seeking clarity. "In the wake of each cataclysm, a fraction of the residual energy is channeled back to you. This energy fortifies your spirit and rejuvenates your corporeal form," Genesis explained. The triumvirate of extinctions from the previous day had bestowed upon him this extraordinary state of well-being. It appeared that the tumultuous upheaval of eras bore unexpected benefits. Jiang Ping mused, a grin adorning his face, envisioning intermittent cataclysms to invigorate the world. A stagnant pond held no promise for the future. "Pray, how many points were returned to me yesterday?" he inquired further. Genesis replied, "100 points were expended in the creation of the original world, with an additional 10 points allocated for the diversification of resources. Thus, a total of 15 points were replenished, leaving the balance at 1105 points." Jiang Ping pondered the slight deficit and querie, "Why the deficit?" This time, the mixing was obviously more difficult. It took a minute for Genesis to emerge a Griffin with a Griffin body and eagle wings! Jiang Ping's eyes brightened. Although he knew that Genesis had consumed precious points for fusion, the feeling of creating a mythical creature with his own hands was great! "The lamentable situation weighs heavily upon Jiang Ping's heart, for the three mass extinctions had only yielded a meager sum of 15 points. Disappointed by the paltry return, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss. The cataclysmic events, though claiming billions of lives, had failed to produce the anticipated bounty of points. Genesis, in response to Jiang Ping's disheartenment, offered an explanation. "Yesterday's extinctions targeted only the feeblest creatures, devoid of any trace of extraordinary power. The towering ancient tree at the heart of it all had perished multiple times to amass those meager 15 points. The grander and more remarkable the creature, the greater the surge of energy it generates," elucidated Genesis. The realization struck Jiang Ping, prompting him to understand that to amass substantial points, his focus must shift towards the creation of intelligent and extraordinary beings capable of forging civilizations. As Jiang Ping cast his gaze upon the teeming world before him, he marveled at the flourishing flora that adorned the earth. The lush vegetation seemed to dance with vitality, while colossal and peculiar beasts engaged in fierce battles. These awe-inspiring creatures, towering at heights of 5 or 6 meters, stood as giants in comparison to Jiang Ping's own stature. "Ingesting spiritual energy propels their growth at an accelerated pace," Jiang Ping murmured, contemplating the astonishing proliferation surrounding him. Simultaneously, he readied himself to embark on a journey to collect the requested biological materials. The courier had delivered the package, and it was now time for Jiang Ping to retrieve it. Before long, Jiang Ping returned, cradling a sizable foam box in his arms. With a deft motion, he sliced through the tape, unveiling a trove of test tubes meticulously arranged inside. The box contained no fewer than two hundred of them, each adorned with careful labeling. "Chimpanzee blood? White horse blood? This is truly dizzying. How did Mengniu come to possess such a collection? Ah, it must be a gift," Jiang Ping pondered as he examined the first layer of test tubes. The second layer revealed more test tubes, some containing fur and other peculiar specimens. Unable to decipher their exact contents, he decided to peruse the accompanying descriptions first. "Elephant skin? Rhino hooves? This is truly astonishing. It appears that I can acquire the entirety of them," Jiang Ping marveled. Despite their diminutive size, these samples represented a diverse array of terrestrial, aquatic, and avian creatures. Genesis, tirelessly analyzing and assimilating the genetic information, gradually enriched the genetic template. With these precious genes, Jiang Ping held the potential to create anything his imagination desired. Realizing that many earthly animals shared a common ancestor, he understood that he could bypass the gradual development of marine organisms and directly incorporate their genetic essence into his creations. Jiang Ping meticulously prepared a chamber and commenced his experiments. "Let us interweave the genes of a swan and a white horse, envisioning the creation of a majestic Pegasus," he mused, driven by an insatiable desire to fashion legendary creatures. As the pages of the Book of Genesis turned, a vivid image of a resplendent Pegasus with glistening white wings materialized before him. "Preserve this Tianma gene. While strength may not be paramount, aesthetics hold eternal significance!" Jiang quipped. After all, strength may wane with time, but one's appearance remains a lifelong matter. There was still room for refinement. "Now, let us intertwine the genes of a lion and an eagle," declared Jiang Ping, intending to forge the epitome of a fantastical creaturea majestic griffin "This is truly magnificent! Not only does it possess extraordinary swiftness, but it also wields formidable might. A truly awe-inspiring sight indeed," Jiang Ping marveled, his satisfaction evident as he beheld the image of the griffin, witnessing its true capabilities. In that moment, his thoughts turned to a creature of sacred statureone whose appearance in the real world would surely send ripples of astonishment throughout the entirety of China. Jiang Ping's excitement surged, fueling his determination to embark on a grand endeavor. "Let us meld the genes of a deer, camel, snake, fish, eagle, tiger, and cow!" he declared resolutely. This time, his aim was nothing short of bringing the Huaxia Dragon into existence. The Chinese people are renowned as the descendants of the dragon, with ancient emperors proclaiming themselves as true scions of this mighty creature. Such reverence is a testament to the exalted place the dragon holds in the hearts of the people. Jiang Ping could scarcely fathom the profound impact that the creation of a dragon would havea majestic being soaring through the heavens, its visage captured by satellites. The sheer magnitude of such a spectacle was bound to astound all who beheld it. Yet, to his surprise, Genesis swiftly dampened Jiang Ping's enthusiasm with a dose of reality. "The genetic composition is intricate, and the fusion has proven unsuccessful," Genesis conveyed. Gazing at the misshapen and bloated creature before him, Jiang Ping staunchly refused to accept that it was the result of his own fusion. It became evident that he still lacked the requisite expertise. Nevertheless, he resolved deep within his being to one day bring forth the Five-Clawed Golden Dragonthe epitome of divine dragonhood! "The dragon envisioned by the master is no ordinary creature," Genesis reminded him. "Indeed, they are far from ordinary. Just as the Pegasus and Griffin we fashioned earlier are creatures of fantasy and wonder," Jiang Ping replied, his mind abuzz with curiosity. "Tianma possesses its own merits, but the Griffin already harbors a trace of extraordinary power, endowed with an array of magical abilities. The dragon you sought to create embodies divinity, possessing incomparable power, and incredible capabilities. It stands at the pinnacle of draconic existence. Crafting such divine creatures is no easy task," Genesis explained. It became evident that the embodiment of the revered totem of his homeland was a monumental undertaking. However, the greater the challenge, the more elated Jiang Ping felt, for it portended the limitless possibilities that lay ahead. Unable to manifest the Shenlong, he chose to shift his focus toward the creation of the Western Dragon. Although the Western Dragon lacked the virtuous qualities attributed to its Chinese counterpart and often assumed the role of an antagonist in tales, there was no denying the immense power wielded by these colossal beings. "Let the genes of a puma, bat, eagle, and crocodile intertwine," Jiang Ping declared. And thus emerged the Western giant dragon, adorned in a fiery crimson hue, its majestic form boasting four formidable limbs and a pair of colossal bat wings gracing its mighty back. "Blend the octopus gene, bat gene, and chimpanzee gene," Jiang Ping's imagination ran wild as he summoned forth creations from the depths of his mind. In no time, a monstrosity with an octopus head and bat wings came into existence, an embodiment of whimsy rather than the dread that permeated its mythical origins. "Haha! Even the Cthulhu has made an appearance, though but a playful rendition, far removed from the eerie presence depicted in tales," Jiang Ping chuckled with unabashed delight. "Infuse the lion gene, sheep gene, and poisonous snake gene !" he exclaimed. And thus materialized the mythical Chimera, a creature of awe-inspiring amalgamation. "Now, let the lizard gene meld with the killer whale gene," he proclaimed. For the following days, Jiang Ping immersed himself in the art of fashioning mythical creatures, witnessing a myriad of monsters from legendary tales materialized before his eyes. This experience brought him immeasurable joy, reminiscent of the days of his youth when he would sculpt wondrous creatures from pliable clay. Had it not been for Genesis's timely reminder that 30 points of original energy had been expended, Jiang Ping might have continued his creation spree indefinitely, lost in the sheer delight of his creative endeavors! --- END OF THE CHAPTER --- [Join Our Discord for regular updates and have fun with other community members: /invite/SqWtJpPtm9 ]