Chapter 14: The Clash of Humanity and the Devouring Ants

Name:My Mythical World Author:
Chapter 14: The Clash of Humanity and the Devouring Ants

Following the enlightening experiences of Cangnan, he emerged as the vanguards of humanity's quest to unravel the mysteries that lay dormant in the world's fabric. Diligently, he observed and deciphered the intricate tapestry of natural phenomena, harnessing the power of his clans' most brilliant minds to unlock the answers to the perplexing mystery of life. With each passing day, the human race underwent a breathtaking metamorphosis.

As the sun greeted the horizon with each dawn, it heralded the advent of a new epoch brimming with inventive prowess. The art of forging ores birthed resplendent weapons, their gleaming surfaces testaments to human ingenuity. Crossbows and trebuchets emerged one after another, emblematic of the indomitable spirit that pushed the boundaries of possibility.

Humanity had traversed the threshold, transcending the primitive shackles of the Stone Age, and embraced the resolute embrace of the Iron Age. Remarkably, amidst this profound transformation, there were those who seamlessly integrated mathematical formulas into their physical endeavors, weaving the vast cosmic tapestry into miniature worlds of their own creation. Their bodies became conduits for emulating the very essence of natural phenomena, an orchestra of physicality guided by the symphony of mathematical principles. The sheer abundance of such extraordinary individuals was nothing short of astonishing, and many among them achieved remarkable feats.

In the annals of time, the experts of the human race had once possessed the innate ability to breathe fire and unleash mighty sprays, yet the knowledge of these gifts remained shrouded in mystery. However, through their relentless pursuit of understanding, they unraveled the secrets that lay within. They discovered that an organ nestled within their bodies stored an incalculable reserve of energy, waiting to be ignited and activated through the channels of their throats. Thus, torrents of flames could be unleashed, testament to their refined cultivation techniques that soared to unprecedented heights.

Jiang Ping, the recipient of this extraordinary knowledge, found himself awestruck by the magnitude of this revelation. As he immersed himself in the practice of the Mathematical King's Breathing Method, the results surpassed anything he had achieved before, a hundredfold amplification of his powers. However, he couldn't help but discern a subtle dissonance in his approach, a divergence from his counterparts in the original world. While manageable at present, he foresaw the potential for significant challenges as he ventured deeper into the advanced stages.

Engrossed in profound contemplation, he recognized that the laws governing the two worlds diverged ever so slightly. Yet, within this disparity resided an infinite wellspring of potential. If the mathematical technique could be distilled to its ultimate form, it might harness a unique spiritual frequency, enabling the perception of the world through a different lens. With mathematical formulas as their tools, practitioners could extract boundless energy from various substances, bridging the chasm between dimensions and transcending the very fabric of their reality.

In his mind's eye, Jiang Ping envisioned a future where beings transcending their own world materialized, breaching the barriers of dimensions and venturing into the realm he inhabited. As he pondered this tantalizing possibility, a question sprouted in his consciousness like a blooming lotus: If these extraordinary entities were to breach the dimensional threshold and behold the God of Creation, wouldn't they be left awestruck, their spirits moved to prostrate themselves at his divine feet?

"Genesis, do you believe it is within their eventual grasp to devise techniques capable of breaching dimensions?" Jiang Ping's voice brimmed with eagerness as he posed the question.

"According to my meticulous calculations, the probability is exceedingly low. The potential of their original world is inherently limited, confined within the bounds of their own reality. Crafting the exercises you envision, exercises that effortlessly pierce dimensions and transcend the fabric of existence, lies beyond their reach," Genesis promptly refuted, its ethereal voice resonating with assurance. "Furthermore, my esteemed master, you need not concern yourself unduly. Your dominion over the lives and deaths of the beings you have created remains absolute. In their eyes, you stand as an omniscient and omnipotent creator. Moreover, the emergence of a transcendent being would unleash an unimaginable surge of energy, propelling your own evolution to unprecedented heights. As dimensions shift, so too shall the corporeal form you inhabit."

While the allure of such a prospect was undeniable, Jiang Ping discerned the formidable challenge that lay before him. Transforming this grand ambition into tangible reality, shattering the very foundations of the vacuum and rupturing the boundaries of dimensions, would be no facile task.

Nevertheless, he understood that if a being capable of transcending dimensions were to arise, the rewards would be immeasurable, propelling not only his own evolution but also the evolution of Genesis itself. Instead of fretting over the emergence of such an extraordinary entity, he now worried that it might never come to pass.

Genesis had calculated that the appearance of a transcendent being in multiple worlds remained a highly improbable occurrence, underscoring the vast expanse that separated Jiang Ping from his ultimate goal.

As the third-generation Emperor, Cangnan, marveled at his own burgeoning capabilities, he acknowledged that while he might not have matched the physical stature of his predecessor, the second-generation Lianshan, his potential far surpassed that of his forebear. However, in the world, even after consuming the elixir of longevity, Cangnan succumbed to the inexorable march of old age.

Now in the twilight of his years, Cangnan remained fixated on a particular memory, one that lingered like an elusive wisp of smoke. Who was that enigmatic old sage he had encountered in his first life? Was he a divine being, or a mere figment of his fertile imagination? Contemplating this peculiarity, he commanded his historians to etch the tale in flowing cursive script, preserving it for eternity: "The three generations of Emperor's ventured to the vicinity of the Huanghe River, where fate brought them face-to-face with an unknown sage of antiquity. The encounter tore asunder the veil of reality, unveiling the immutable laws that govern our world."

With their pens poised and the ink of history staining parchment, the historians chronicled the remarkable tale, its words imbued with reverence and a sense of awe.

The annals of history resounded with triumphant accolades for the third Emperor, his name etched in reverence. Though his personal exploits may have paled in comparison to the storied triumphs of his illustrious forebears, his stewardship of the human race transcended all expectations. Under his sagacious guidance, humanity emerged from the ashes, imbued with newfound resilience, becoming the vanguard of a profound transformation that swept across the entire species. The mysterious depths of the Stone Slate of Truth, stood unveiled, its profound secrets laid bare before their curious and discerning eyes.

A relentless wave of progress surged across the earth as the human race surged forward, leaving in its wake a tantalizing trail of savory aromas that permeated the air. Some societies were subjugated and assimilated, others sought solace in distant domains, while a few ventured covertly into uncharted overseas expeditions. Fueled by an indomitable spirit, humanity even dared to plunge into the unfathomable abyss of the ocean, their audacious footfalls echoing through the aquatic expanse.

With suicidal determination, soldier ants initiated charge after charge, while the formidable metal ants deployed their impervious bodies as shields, striving to impede the relentless march of the humans. Countless ant colonies from far and wide rallied to the battlefront, reinforcing the ranks of the Devouring Ants, while the sky ants took to the air, their wings flapping with wild abandon, launching themselves as living projectiles towards the Gryphon Riders.

However, amidst the ant colony's frenetic assault, other powerful factions keenly observed this unfolding anomaly, vigorously striking down the reinforcement ant colonies. Although the metal ants remained impervious to conventional weaponry, the spears, infused with extraordinary energy, proved devastatingly sharp. Countless metal ants succumbed to their piercing might, while the mighty knights of mankind met a swift demise.

Whenever a knight's balance faltered, precipitating their fall from their mounts, soldier ants would swarm like an encroaching tide, engulfing the fallen warriors in an instant, silencing their cries.

The human king, his gaze fixed upon the gargantuan ant queen voraciously feasting, widened his eyes with unwavering determination. Through countless evolutionary cycles, the queen ant had acquired a humanoid visage atop her worm-like body. Her immense abdomen, over eight meters long and four meters thick, stood out prominently, attracting the attention of the human insurgents.

With a resolute stomp upon his Griffin, the Human Emperor galvanized his mount to action. The Griffin King comprehended the urgency of the moment and let out a mighty roar. Disregarding the metallic barrier formed by the ant queen's defenders, composed of countless formidable metal ants, the Griffin King unfurled its majestic wings and propelled itself forward with a resounding boom.

Metal ants were sent hurtling through the air as the king and queen clashed, marking the initiation of their ultimate confrontation.

In this life-or-death moment, the muscles in the Emperor right hand bulged, his entire frame contorted like a tightly drawn bow. The king's breath surged to its zenith as he forcefully hurled the Spear of Destiny towards its intended target.

A resounding whoosh pierced the air as the Spear of Destiny, lightning-like, tore through the heavens, creating a cone-shaped shockwave within the battlefield. In that instant, all present, friend and foe alike, bore witness to this awe-inspiring display of power.

With a resounding rupture, the explosion reverberated through the world, eliciting a bloodcurdling cry of agony from the queen ant. Her bloated body, too sluggish to respond, bore the brunt of the assault. Her eight-meter abdomen split in twain, oozing crimson rivulets.

The indomitable Spear of Destiny, coupled with the boundless energy channeled by the Emperor, shattered all expectations of the queen ant's defenses. Despite her consumption of unyielding minerals and creatures, she remained defenseless against this onslaught.

Yet, to the astonishment of the valiant human race, the ant colony, centered around the grievously wounded queen, erupted into a frenzy once more. Reeling from the pain, her face contorted, a visage twisted with hatred as she fixed her gaze upon the airborne human Emperor. Swiftly, she veered towards the nearest subterranean cave, a desperate attempt to seek refuge within the earth's embrace.

Though this dragon may have been the final vestige of primordial power, its consumption now eluded her grasp as she fled desperately.

Drenched in her own blood, the queen ant forged ahead, flanked by numerous stalwart metal ants acting as her protectors. "Not good!" cried the Human Emperor, his countenance contorted in alarm. If the ant queen were to escape unscathed, she would return to her subterranean lair, leaving behind an inexhaustible source of future strife.

Fueled by this realization, the Human King bellowed, "Brothers, follow me! Charge once more!" The knights, fully cognizant of the dire stakes, unleashed a relentless assault. However, ravaged by the queen's earlier onslaught, the remaining sky ants abandoned all pretense of self-preservation, launching themselves into a frenzied suicidal frenzy.

Countless lifeless bodies cascaded from the heavens, imbuing the ground below with an ominous ebony hue.

The valiant human race bore the weight of heavy casualties, their griffins battered and wounded, while the elusive ant queen Bertha managed to elude their grasp, vanishing deep into the subterranean recesses. Concealed within a base camp situated a thousand meters beneath the earth's surface, the queen ant remained untouchable, beyond the reach of the human forces. Thus, as the Queen Ant herself had declared, the clash between these two formidable powers had only just begun.

Jiang Ping observed this breathtaking spectacle with rapt attention, recognizing the inexorable truth that war serves as the crucible for a race's latent potential. With the human race finding a formidable adversary, this protracted struggle would not be resolved overnight. The world, vast though it may be, proved incapable of accommodating two unyielding overlords.

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