Chapter 23: The Extraordinary Life of Lu Fei, King of One Piece

Name:My Mythical World Author:
Chapter 23: The Extraordinary Life of Lu Fei, King of One Piece

As Jiang Ping resumed his journey, he traversed vast distances to explore the myriad species of trees that adorned the world's landscape. Through meticulous observation, he found similarities among these arboreal inhabitants, prompting him to contemplate the existence of a shared essence that transcended their mortal forms.

"Could it be," Jiang Ping pondered, his thoughts swirling in a tempest of emotion, "that you have metamorphosed into innumerable manifestations, only to converge into a singular essence after the passage of countless ages?"

Amidst his introspective, resonant echoes of roaring sounds reverberated from the bustling dock. The sight that unveiled before him was awe-inspiringa colossal alchemy vessel, adorned with intricate depictions of fantastical creatures, gradually approached the shore.

In the fathomless depths of the ocean, formidable sea behemoths, each bearing extraordinary lineage and innate peculiarities, roamed freely. Their existence necessitated the deployment of state-of-the-art alchemical cannons on these vessels.

Time, a steadfast companion to Jiang Ping throughout his worldwide sojourn, engendered a curious phenomenon in his wake. Whenever he arrived at a new locale, the and descendants of Lahil the World Tree would sway in harmonious cadence with the wind, their branches quivering with palpable delight.

Occasionally, amidst the enchanting dance of the forest and swaying leaves, thoses blessed by providence would encounter a wandering figure who bestowed upon them a token of destiny. These gifts carried the power to bestow a 'fate,' heralding remarkable transformations in their livesa journey teeming with exhilarating adventures, uncovering long-lost relics of antiquity, a business venture blessed by divine providence, or the acquisition of boundless wealth.

Gradually, people wove a legends around Jiang Ping, circulating among the troubadours who wandered the streets. This mysterious figure came to be known as the personification of Bell, God of wealth, fortune and luck.

Among the rumors, the most pervasive tale recounted the exploits of Lu Fei, renowned for is countless exploits as the King of the One Piece. In his youth, Lu Fei encountered the God of providence, who bestowed upon him a profound blessing. Propelled by his magnetic charisma, he set forth upon the sea, assembling a formidable crew within a mere year.

Lu Fei's vessel, the Golden Dragon, assumed a mythical status. Adorned with twelve dragon cannons and crafted with a keel infused with sub-dragon blood, it epitomized the zenith of alchemical technology. Moreover, under Lu Fei's indomitable leadership, his crew traversed countless continents, amalgamating technological advancements from diverse realms, culminating in the grandeur of a singular ship. The Golden Dragon stood as the quintessence of the golden age of navigation.

Yet, Lu Fei's most extraordinary achievement lay in his ceaseless circumnavigation of the globe. Embarking on his maritime odyssey at the tender age of twenty-five, he returned to his homeland after a grueling thirty-two-year saga. Only a handful of childhood comrades remained, as most had departed, leaving behind a select few as steadfast companions.

His travels spanned the globe, traversing uncharted territories of the new world. In the wake of cataclysmic events, Lu Fei became the vanguard explorer, charting lands unexplored and meticulously etching their cartographic secrets upon a map that would forever immortalize his name in the annals of history.

On the day of his triumphant return, the sea surged and churned, its thousand waves rising to herald the homecoming of Neptune's champion. Countless auspicious sea creatures emerged from the depths, bestowing their blessings upon the legendary Neptune. The news of his arrival reverberated through the human kingdom, prompting the monarch himself to personally welcome Lu Fei at the pier.

A vast multitude congregated along the bustling pier, their collective clamor permeating the air. Eager onlookers, from princes and nobles to lords and knights, as well as common folk, strained on tiptoes, their gazes transfixed upon this momentous occasion.

A resounding cry pierced the atmosphere, igniting the entire pier in a frenzy of excitement. "I saw it! I witnessed the divine dragon!"Read latest chapters at Only

The exclamation reverberated throughout the crowd, inciting an upsurge of fervor. Countless young women and girls erupted with ecstatic shrieks, their jubilant cries piercing the heavens, while men exulted with unbridled exuberance, their spirits aflame with heightened emotions.

Over the course of three-decade, Lu Fei had ventured to the farthest reaches of the world, piecing together fragments of lost ancient human history. In the depths of the ocean, he had salvaged ancient murals dating back tens of thousands of yearsa testament to divine inspiration.

Yet, within the final mural, Lu Fei discovered that the Spear of Destiny, the coveted ancestral artifact, had been entrusted by the last human king to his subordinates. The king, in an act of self-sacrifice, suppressed evil forces to buy precious time for humanity's retreat. However, the Spear of Destiny had already been removed from its resting place!

Lu Fei believed he stood on the cusp of obtaining this legendary weapon, yet time ebbed and flowed with relentless force, constraining even the most valiant of heroes.

Following his triumphant circumnavigation of the world, Lu Fei appeared to have exhausted his life's fortune. In the ensuing decades, although he returned from each voyage with tales of triumph, he remained no closer to unraveling the mystery of the Spear of Destiny. It seemed that fate decreed it was not yet time for its reappearance.

Fifty years later, the once-famed Sea King stood weathered and gray, his sinewy muscles weakened with age. He gazed at the home he had built, filled with descendants spanning generations. With a gaze infused with profound depth and meaning, Lu Fei tenderly caressed the leaf-shaped memento that had stirred his soul, as if it held a kaleidoscope of cherished memories. Filled with a bittersweet determination, he called upon his remaining comrades, beckoning them to join him on the grandest and ultimate adventure of their lives.

"Grandpa, please, your body is fragile, and you know very well not to exert yourself because of your illness. Why must you venture to the sea?" his beloved grandson

pleaded, tears streaming down his face.

"Haha," Lu Fei chuckled, lifting his grandson who clung to his feet. "Fei'er, you must understand that I have lived a life unyielding and fearless. Rather than succumbing to illness on my deathbed, I'd prefer to meet my end on the battlefield!"

Gently setting down his grandson, Lu Fei unfurled his white cloak, its regal presence commanding attention.

"Set sail!" he declared.

Surveying the group of veteran comrades who had faithfully followed him for decades, he bellowed with exhilaration, "Let us commence the final and greatest voyage of this old man's life!"

All the aged crew members rallied voluntarily, their laughter filling the air. How could they do anything but follow a king so resolute and dedicated? Beneath the crimson morning sun, the majestic Golden Dragon set sail, venturing deep into the ocean's embrace, never to return.

The wind whispered its melancholic tune, the chilling waters echoed their mournful refrain, for once a stalwart soul departs, it shall never return.

Decades later, sailors who braved the open sea would recount tales of a majestic dragon roaming the ocean's depths. Legends flourished, proclaiming that the venerable One Piece King Lu Fei, at the final moment, laid claim to the long-lost, god-given treasure.

Guided by the mystical artifact, he steered the Shenlong, leading his loyal companions along an unending and resplendent path towards the heavens. Has yet another protagonist of this era met their untimely demise? The question lingered, suspended in the air, as if waiting for an answer.

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