Chapter 38: Mortal Limits

Name:My Mythical World Author:
Chapter 38: Mortal LimitsJiang Ping, his hands stained with the toil of his harvest, paused to assess the fruits of his labors. Yet, to his surprise, a frown creased his brow, and he winced as a slight pain prickled his fingertips. Unbeknownst to him, his preoccupation with observing the annihilation of the former world had kept him oblivious to his own discomfort. However, now that he has finished his business, he finally allowed himself to relax. Extending his finger, Jiang Ping beheld a small crimson dot on the tip, from which a thin trickle of blood emerged. A smile played upon his lips as he realized that the Ant King still possessed a few tricks up its sleeve. Yet, his elation was tinged with awe. The destruction of the Primordial world had unleashed an immense surge of feedback energy! Across the vast expanse of vacuum, a strange current of energy flowed forth from the world. It was not merely raw power, but a manifestation of the very fabric of laws! While most of this energy had been absorbed by Genesis, there remained enough residual potency to satiate Jiang Ping's hunger. Closing his eyes, Jiang Ping contemplated, seeking to gauge the magnitude of energy released by the annihilation of an entire world. Countless heroes, born and deceased, had left a portion of their energy embedded deep within the land. Even when the Ant King performed its grand rite to appease heaven and earth, the energy was conserved, circulating endlessly within the world. Jiang Ping sensed his body crackling and shifting, as if his genetic shackles had been unlocked. He experienced a remarkable lightness throughout his being, the crimson spots on his fingertips vanishing in an instant, and every flaw on his body mended. The cells within him underwent incessant metamorphosis, with the fresh cells growing stronger and more vigorous than ever before. A torrent of esoteric knowledge surged into the depths of his mind, each morsel was a crystallization of wisdom amassed over countless eons in the primordial world. Blood Ignition Technique, Glide Mastery, Aerial Ballet, and Soaring Artscountless intricate maneuvers unfolded before Jiang Ping's eyes. If not for Genesis's assistance, he had no doubt that the deluge of information would have shattered his skull like a watermelon. After expelling a prolonged breath, Jiang Ping opened his eyes, his gaze piercing through the haze of exhaustion. He exhaled a noxious plume, a pungent reminder of his strenuous ordeal, his brows furrowing with an air of determination as he surveyed the encrusted layer of grime that tenaciously clung to his fatigued physique. With an authoritative snap of his fingers, he wielded a commanding hush, uttering the word, "Purification," as if invoking a mystic incantation. A gentle zephyr enveloped him, cleansing every inch of his form, leaving him immaculate. Gazing around, Jiang Ping beheld a transformed world, ablaze with vibrant colors, and the distant voices of people reached his ears as if in a symphony. Within him coursed vitality, an unfathomable wellspring of strength that spurred his curiosity. He yearned to test the limits of his newfound might, to witness firsthand the extent of his power. "Genesis, what is my lifespan now?" he inquired, recognizing that this was the truest measure of strength. For, as the saying goes, myriad spells and supernatural abilities abound, but the ultimate question remains: Can one defy mortality? Immortality stands as the pinnacle pursuit of all living beings. "After the feedback from the primordial world, the master's mortal body has reached its limit, granting him a lifespan of one thousand years," replied Genesis. Jiang Ping couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was now impervious to diseases and possessed boundless strength. He had expected progress, but gaining so much within just a week exceeded his wildest expectations. However, his eyes darkened when he contemplated the meteor that awaited him in twenty years. Even with his newfound strength, he couldn't help but feel insignificant before the mighty power of heaven and earth. Yet, he didn't dwell on it too much. In just over a week, his power had grown exponentially. What would twenty more years bring? Perhaps he could ascend to godhood. Jiang Ping had transcended the necessity for food. He could now survive without a meal for several months. However, he realized that in his evolved state, the real Earth felt lifeless, like solidified cement. There was a dearth of extraordinary energy in this world. Practicing in such an environment would be futile, resulting in a deficiency of mana or even mental instability. Evolution still relied on Genesis! After experiencing his extraordinary transformation, Jiang Ping frolicked like a child. But with such a vast domain to explore, Jiang Ping found it challenging to navigate through the colossal landscape. Undeterred, he decided to venture into the distant mountains on a small bicycle. Not that he couldn't travel on foot, but the sight of him running at lightning speed might raise too many eyebrows. Hence, he opted for a bicycle. Tick-tock. The worn-out bicycle groaned under his weight, prompting Jiang Ping to realize that he had unwittingly gained substantial mass. Without a second thought, he cast a strengthening spell on it. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a gust of wind, speeding through streets and alleys. The pedestrians he passed paid him no heed. "What on earth was that?!" grumbled the middle-aged man, his displeasure evident in his furrowed brow. He hastily adjusted his meticulously styled hairdo, only to discover upon closer inspection that his vexation was directed towards a mere bicycle! Jiang Ping effortlessly overtook numerous cars, reaching the foot of a mountain half an hour later. Halting the bicycle, Jiang Ping snapped his fingers and murmured, "Invisibility, sound purification." While this place was remote and secluded, he had to exercise caution during his future millennium-long life. Even with his immense power, he was not omnipotent , nor did he wish to attract unnecessary trouble. After all, he was also the God of Creation. Though his current circumstances might be a tad embarrassing, stooping to others levels and pretending to be something he wasn't would be degrading. Such behavior was beneath his refined taste. Venturing into the forest, his eyes alighted upon a tree with a girth of 40 centimeters. Jiang Ping's face lit up as he transformed his right hand into a blade, causing the tree to topple with a resounding crash. His right hand still gleamed like polished jade. Crash! With a single punch, Jiang Ping shattered a colossal boulder. His legs propelled him forward, leaving behind a trail of afterimages on the treacherous mountain path. Satisfied with his body's performance, Jiang Ping began experimenting with various combat techniques. "Wind Knife, Fireball." A multitude of magical manifestations emanated from Jiang Ping's hands, delighting him with their display. Although he possessed far more formidable skills within the small world, executing them on earth elicited a distinct sensation. Jiang Ping reveled in the mountains, experimenting with his newfound strength. Yet, he soon realized that while magic was thrilling, it posed an arduous challenge to sustain. In reality, his powers were a mere drop in the ocean. Consuming copious amounts of energy, he required a substantial intake of high-energy substances to replenish himself. But in this mundane world, even consuming copious amounts of white rice proved futile. These thoughts darkened Jiang Ping's mind. It seemed that even the mighty could perish from starvation without sufficient energy. The road ahead was long and arduous. He couldn't let a mere taste of success inflate his ego. He had a great task aheadthe grand undertaking of creation. Farming, it seemed, was the noble path to avoid starvation. With this in mind, Jiang Ping lost interest in remaining in the mountains. The sky had already begun its descent into a golden hue as the sunset graced the horizon. He mounted his bicycle and began the journey back home. Along the way, as he waited at a traffic light, he noticed people pointing at him, particularly women who seemed eager to strike up a conversation. Are women so forward these days? Jiang Ping pondered, bemused. But then, a wry smile formed on his lips as he understood the reason. After his transformation, he was now considered quite handsome. His previous speed had prevented anyone from taking notice. Through a hushed incantation, his visage underwent a swift transformation, his allure diminishing severalfold. While retaining a modicum of handsomeness, he no longer possessed the compelling magnetism that once effortlessly captivated those around him. "Huh?" Suddenly, Jiang Ping's attention was captivated by an imminent disaster. In the midst of rush hour, a truck hurtled toward a little girl, threatening her life. In an instant, Jiang Ping snapped his fingers, and a peculiar scene unfolded. The truck skidded and swerved abruptly to the right. Pale-faced, the little girl crumpled to the ground, her life having teetered on the edge of death just moments ago. "Su Jie, are you alright?" Her companion hurriedly lifted her up. As the traffic light turned green, Jiang Ping swiftly passed by the little girl on his bicycle. After the ordeal, he discarded his magical guise and concealed his heroic act. "Saving a life is worth more than building a seven-tiered pagoda. I am truly virtuous," Jiang Ping mused inwardly. Yet, not long ago, he had obliterated an entire world. In comparison, Thanos' aspiration to eliminate half the universe's life seemed meager. Jiang Ping was far more ruthless than any other being. "Xiao Pping, you're back!" Upon returning home, Jiang Ping was greeted by a neighbor he hadn't seen in five or six years. "I've just returned not too long ago, Aunt Zhao. I haven't had the chance to visit your place yet," Jiang Ping replied with a warm smile. Aunt Zhao insisted on hosting Jiang Ping, and before he left, she even presented him with a box of eggs. Her kindness was unwavering, making it difficult for Jiang Ping to decline. Thus, he graciously accepted her gift. --- END OF THE CHAPTER --- [Join Our Discord for regular updates and have fun with other community members: /invite/SqWtJpPtm9 ]