Chapter 295 Portal

Name:My Necromancer Class Author:
Sweeper disappeared into the portal, leaving a small ripple to trailing across the silvery surface while Jay waited.

"Come on…" Jay hoped it would be back while Blue waited by his side.

​ Suddenly, the third wave of knights crashes into the Ova.

"Hurry, Sweeper… fuck."

The knights had so much momentum that a group made it through.

"Shit," he thought, gripping his shield and sword tightly and got ready to fight.

Without pause they descended on Jay, full of wrath as they readied their swords.

The helminth launched necrotic bolts, trying to hit more gaps of their rusted armor.

Jay immediately released more bones from his necrotic gauntlet, but it was to slow down the charging knights rather than to bring up more Ova.

Fifteen knights in total came barreling towards him, and the first three slammed into Jay's shield. They pushed Jay back as he jumped back further.

Blue helped to brace against them, holding its sword with both hands.

"Fuck! Where are the fucking skeletons?" Jay grunted, stabbing past his shield into an enemy's throat.

Jay backed up towards the portal as he shrugged off hits against his shield; he gave them hits back with just as much ferocity.

Blue took down one knight, but took a few hits in return.

[115 Exp]

When one knight fell, Jay took the gap in the enemy formation and plunged his sword deeper into a knight's neck.

Finally, it shaved past the spine where the parasite lived.

[115 Exp]

Yet when Jay pulled the sword back, its blood coated it in parasites.

"Argh," He angrily grunted, throwing his sword down.

Immediately he pulled another weapon from his inventory.

A black weapon with a diamond-shape spear head appeared. With an angular, elegant design it seemed to look down any who would question it.

< [Knowing War Spear] > (Cursed)

[Unknown Material]

[16 Damage] (Two handed)

[9 Damage] (Single handed)

[Curse - Weapon is weakened until the curse is removed]

[Curse - 50% less damage when wielded by non-constructs]

[Curse - Locked Skill]

[Curse - Locked Skill]

"Blue, switch weapons with me!" he called, before more knights could get closer.

Jay took hold of Blue's sword while the skeleton grabbed the war spear, using it two-handed. As a construct, the skeleton gained the full sixteen damage of the spear.

Right as they swapped weapons, a sword descended on Jay.

He bashed it away with his shield.

The knight staggered back.


Suddenly the black spear broke right through its rusted armor, piercing through the chest.

[115 Exp]

"Fuck yeah." Jay nodded.

Blue pulled the spear out cleanly; no blood clinging to the slender tip.

Five more knights came closer, yet Blue met them with a deadly sweeping swing. The tip of the spear whistled in the air.

The large Helvetian spear cleaved deep gashes over three of their chest plates, splashing green parasite-filled blood everywhere. The rusted armor seemed almost like an offense to the black spear.

The three knights didn't die, but became defenseless without their armor.

The other two knights escaped the war spear, lunging towards Jay instead.

Because of Blue's sweeping attack, a wave of the blood splashed towards Jay, too. The death-walker shield blocked most of it. But not all.

Some landed on Jay's arm.

"Shit. Come on…"

He couldn't lower his guard to wipe away the wriggling parasites clinging to his flesh. Each of them felt the warmth of his skin, and stung Jay as they bit into him.

Jay jumped back, raising his sword high against himself.

"I'll fucking do it." He was about to sever his own arm.

Suddenly, a wave of pain traveled through Jay's mind. A warning. Since the mushroom desert, there were already another group of parasites living in his arm. They would not let him sever them off.

"Grr! Fuck!" he grit his teeth.

Suddenly, the parasites stopped trying to burrow into his flesh. They curled up and harmlessly fell off. Dead.



A sword strike landed on Jay's shield.

He parried a second strike, but it did not focus his mind on the battle.

"The Ova poison. That's where the Ova poison landed on me." He thought. It was the only thing that made any sense.

"So their poison kills the parasites, too. Good to know."

Jay parried another sword slash and dodge another.

Meanwhile, Blue had slain two more with its heavy war spear.

[115 Exp]

[115 Exp]

Suddenly, Sweeper came back through the portal.

"Fuck. Finally." Jay shook his head.

Sweeper immediately sprang to Jay's side, killing one knight with its back turned.

[115 Exp]

Two more knights joined the fight, but with Sweeper and Blue here, Jay had some breathing room.

Further behind them, fresh Ova raised, stopping five other knights after they absorbed the bone barrier.

Blue killed another knight while Sweeper grappled with two.

[115 Exp]

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Of the fifteen that made it past the Ova barrier, only three knights remained. Nothing the two skeletons couldn't handle.

[345 Exp]

Jay watched Sweeper, checking its bones. Apart from green dots and splashes of knight blood, they seemed fine.

"Seems like the portal is safe." Jay thought.

Sweeper's timing was nothing short of perfect as another row of Ova broke down. The knights surged forward, and another group pushed through.

"Just about time I left. But first, a gift." Jay thought.

A torrent of bones spewed from his gauntlet. A hill of skeletons piled up as high as the pumping root.

"This should bring their numbers down a bit." Jay smiled slyly and turned to the portal.

(Blue. My spear.) Jay ordered, deciding to store the war spear away in his inventory. It was a powerful gift from Sedulus, after all.

The parasite-covered bone sword that Jay dropped had disappeared into the roots, so Blue grabbed some bones and forged its own sword while the three of them stood behind the gigantic pile of bones, which was already getting smaller as the roots claimed them, too.

Meanwhile, most of the floor near the portal was getting covered with the sticky white sap. They were already standing in it.

The knights charged over, darting around the pile of bones, however, Jay already decided to leave.

"See ya, bitches." he smiled, pushing his hand towards the portal.

His hand touched the silvery surface, but it didn't go through it. It pushed against it. It seemed to stretch around his hand, not letting him through.

"Wait… Huh?" He pushed harder. It was like the silvery fluid became stretched.

"What the fuck? Why not? You mean this is it? How come the skeletons can go through!?"

As Jay held his hand there, the portal became slightly smaller. The crackling energy around its outside seemed to calm down and shrink.

"Fuck." He growled, pulling his hand back, glancing at his palm.

The knights behind were still charging.


Jay released an unstable tooth, slowing them down from the explosion, if only for a moment.

Ova formed slowly, but many knights rushed over as they needed more time.

[Stress Response Active]

Jay thought of a few options to buy some time: Release bones, re-summon skeletons - but for now he readied his sword and shield.

"Until the Ova rise, I'll just have to fight."