Chapter 141: Fright

Name:My NTR Harem Author:Jin_moon
Max had been on the run for quite some time but even his knowledge of the future wasn't of much help since most events would only start after the protagonist have come out.He was all alone but then he found a mobile which he found lying over his chest just one random day after waking up, on that device he had been receiving messages.

And it's only because of those messages that he had been able to stay safe and alive. Those message saved Max from the police, and even provided him with daily necessities and had helped him many time in the past few days.

So Max, who was already on the verge of going crazy began to follow those instructions without a second thought as if the God himself was sending those messages.


(I found him.)

A text appeared on the mobile screen so Lucian types:

-Where is he right now?-

(He is staying inside a five star hotel right now, it seems he is enjoying himself while drinking wine and is even dancing.)

There were probably some cameras fixed in Xerome's room so Echo was able to find what he was doing even right now.

' So that bastard is enjoying huh, time to give him a little fright. ' Lucian thought as the corners of his lips rose slightly, then he typed another text in his mobile:

-Send a message to Max for me, tell him to...-

(Okay, I have delivered the message.)


Under a bridge, the place was filled with garbage and no one could be seen around.

In one of the corner a man could be seen seated and eating a piece of bread, his clothes looked dirty and it seemed he haven't taken a bath in the past few days.

Max's mental health has gone to something similar to when he was a kid in his previous life and the only thing helping him was those strange messages that pops out whenever he needs help, they save him from the police, give him food and even asks for his health.

Max has become completely depended on it and he was treating as if the messages were from the God, just while he was enjoying his bread he got a message.

Max took the mobile out and read the message carefully, unlike before, this message asked Max to do something and all the details were mentioned in the message, so after finishing his bread Max stood up and headed straight towards the location with his face hidden.

Just as he got closer to the road a cab arrived in front of him, Max sat inside it and the cab took him directly to the location then he got off the car as it drove off.

Max looked at the big hotel in front of him wondering if he could even enter a place like that, but with full faith in those messages he walked into the building and looked around.

Within a few seconds, a man walked towards Max and gave him a key before walking away as if nothing had happened and at that moment even the cameras had frozen.

After looking at the key Max went towards the room number mentioned on it, he first entered the elevator and then went on to the sixth floor then he walked towards the first door in the corridor.

With the key Max easily opened the door then he walked inside, the place looked messed up as if a storm had passed through there, it was all the doing of Xerome who had drunk himself to oblivion and in the enjoyment he broke several things, even the TV.

Xerome was lying in the middle of the room in dirty clothes and in a strange position, it looked he won't be able to woke up for the next few days.

First Max looked around the room, he took all the cash he could find and ate the food, and only after he was finished did he walked towards the unconscious Xerome, who was going to get a small fright upon waking up.


It had turned dark, Jasmine had gone out of the room to get something.

Lucian was lying on the bed, after taking care of Xerome he searched for some information about the Pendulum, then he created the design of a mask and asked online for someone to create it.

Tomorrow was going to be the day when he appears in front of the world, and there was a lot he needed to prepare, right now he was looking at the scene of the room where Xerome was staying, after finishing his work Max had left that place, but even after all that Xerome was still asleep.

" Zero when is he going to wake up? " Lucian mumbled, he had also added new updates in Echo and right now she was training and soon she would come out even smarter.

[ I think he is gonna wake up any minute now, but is that the small fright you were talking about? ]

" Yeah, I would really love to see what kind of reaction he will have when he wakes up, but he must really be happy to have drunk that much. " Lucian said, looking at the blissful expression of Xerome.

And just as Zero had written, Xerome actually woke up just after a couple of minutes.

Since he drank that much he was feeling severe headache, for a minute or two he wasn't even able to open his eyes or even understand where he was right now.

Then he slowly opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling and finally remembered that he was inside a luxurious room in a big hotel, and then he remembered the reason why he had come there. Searᴄh the nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His mood elevated immediately as he sat up with some difficulty, but he couldn't feel anything, Xerome looked around and saw the mess he had made while drunk, he tried to move his mouth but failed to do so then he stood up with some difficulty.

" Ooob ughh " Xerome felt strange all over his body he regretted drinking that much but he was still happy about the fact that he was finally able to take care of his son.

' I am sure that by now that bastard must already be dead, I gave so much money to the Pendulum after all, maybe I should go and help Natasha she will be heartbroken when she hear this news, then she will rely on me. '

Xerome thought, his mouth was feeling strangely stuffed as if something was stuck inside his mouth, so he slowly made his way towards the bathroom.

Even walking seemed very difficult to him for some reason, but after a while he finally arrived inside the bathroom.

Just while he was humming a song in his head he noticed that there was some tape wrapped around his face, as if something was stuffed in his mouth and then the tape was wrapped.

' Just what was I doing when I was unconscious? Haa, but this was a once in lifetime celebration, though all my money is gone just like that. '

Xerome sighed internally then he raised his right hand to pull the tape away, but just then he noticed blood leaking from his mouth he was a little frightened.

Xerome hastily brought his hand towards his face then he tried to pull the tape away with his fingers but he felt that something was wrong, even as he tried to move his finger he couldn't feel anything and he wasn't able to move the tape.

So he looked towards the mirror and his expression changed in horror as he saw all five of the fingers in his right hand were missing, they were all cut off.

' W- What? Am I hallucinating? U- Uwaaaaah ' Xerome screamed internally since he was not able to speak, after which he hastily turned his gaze towards his left hand and found that even the fingers from his left hands were all missing.

Xerome was shaken so badly that he fell back, his breathing was as fast as it could get and his heart felt as if it was about to rip out of his chest, his body had started to trembled he felt cold all over.

' Just what is happening? I- I- Is this even real? Is this a dream? ' Xerome wondered, in his fright he had even leaked in his pants his vision had become blurry as he looked around to see if someone was there.

But just then his gaze went towards his feet and he was again shocked to see that all his toes were all missing, from the thumb to the smallest finger all of them were cut off.

For the next dozen of minutes Xerome just sat there frozen and with a blank mind, he was still not feeling any pain yet since he have drunk so much and his body was still numb, after a while he slowly began to stand.

Then he the walked towards the mirror again, as he looked at his own image he noticed that there was a blood stain over the pocket in his shirt, with his heart gripped with fear he turned his gaze downwards.

" Oooooo uuumph " he screamed looking at the things lying in his pocket, he barely managed to keep himself standing by holding onto the two.

All of Xerome's teeth were lying inside his pocket, and all of them were pulled out of his mouth.

' W- What is happening? Who did this to me? There is no w- way... My fingers, my toes and even my teeth, H- Help someone please help meeeee. '


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