Seeing her good friend like this, Zhao Jingjing couldn’t help but ask, “Mengning, tell me the truth…. Did you and Senior Li have a falling out because of Liu Xiahui?”

In the past few days, Liu Xiahui had obviously been pursuing Mengning.

And likewise, Senior Li had been appearing less frequently.

Xu Mengning shook her head, biting her lip as she said, “It’s not because of Xiahui. Qingzhou and I are don’t have that kind of relationship, it’s just….. I don’t know why…..”

Why he wasn’t as close to her as he used to be before.

The two of them seemed to be drifting apart.

Sighing, Zhao Jingjing rubbed her forehead, “Are you stupid? Senior Li clearly wants to back off to help you and Liu Xiahui.”

Senior Li was so infatuated; he was actually willing to give up because of love.

Xu Mengning looked up in a daze, “What?”

“Senior Li has always liked you!”

“Look at how often he used to come to the medical department to see you and prepared everything for you in advance.”

“Most importantly, Senior Li’s legs are because of you….”

“What man would throw himself on top of you without hesitation and risk his life to save you? The only explanation is that Senior Li was already in love with you back then.”

And in university, she had also seen how special Senior Li had treated Mengning.

Xu Mengning hesitated, “No, it’s not like that.”

“Qingzhou and I grew up together in the same orphanage and we never parted until we went to high school, so our relationship is naturally different. Qingzhou once said at the hospital…”

That he would have saved anyone in that situation, so she shouldn’t think too much.

Moreover, they had been separated for many years that even if Qingzhou had had feelings for her before, they should have faded over time.

Xu Mengning lowered her head. She had secretly seen the tearful, hysterical way in which Qingzhou had hissed madly at his feeble legs.

—Hating them for not being able to stand up again, pounding them hard but getting no response in return.

And it was all her fault. She was the one who should have been disabled, she was the one who shouldn’t be able to walk…..

She didn’t dare imagine that Li Qingzhou liked her.

She would rather believe that there was always some part of Qingzhou in his heart that hated her.

That way, she wouldn’t have to carry too much guilt as she moved forward…. and her heart would feel a little more at ease.

Zhao Jingjing, “Mengning, how can you think that way?”

“I’ve seen how good Senior Li was to you before, not to mention he only distanced himself from you after Liu Xiahui appeared.”

“If you don’t want to lose this friend.”

“Or, you want to choose between Senior Li and Liu Xiahui…. anyway, Mengning, find some time to talk to Senior Li.”

“En.” Xu Mengning nodded after a moment.

Patting her friend’s shoulder, Zhao Jingjing told her, “Let’s eat quickly, otherwise the food will get cold.”

So, the two continued to eat.

After a while, Zhao Jingjing suddenly remembered something and said, “Right, it seems like our school’s medical department is preparing for some project lately and the professors seem to be taking it very seriously, but it shouldn’t concern us students…..”

“Mengning, have you thought about where you want to go intern?”

Zhao Jingjing’s uncle owned a private hospital and so no matter whether it was for her internship or after graduation she would be going to him.

Remembering Qu Yufan’s introduction, Xu Mengning nodded, “I’ve thought about it.”

“Alright, then…”

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

Getting up to open the door, Zhao Jingjing saw that it was a girl outside who asked: “Is Xu Mengning here? There’s someone looking for her downstairs.”

Xu Mengning stood up, a puzzled expression on her face.

After the girl spoke, she left.

Coming back inside, Zhao Jingjing asked, “Could it be Liu Xiahui?”

She walked over to the window to take a look then turned back. “….. It really is him.”

“Mengning, do you want to go down? If you’re still feeling uncomfortable, do you want me to go talk to him for you?”

Xu Mengning thought for a moment then shook her head. “There’s no need, I’ll go down and see him.”

“En, okay.”


On the day before the finals of the artificially intelligent robots exchange competition, Li Qingzhou received a call from Xu Mengning.

She asked if she could go to the venue to watch the competition but that if it wasn’t convenient, then they could forget it.

She spoke cautiously, as if afraid that he would disagree.

Li Qingzhou naturally agreed.

Anyone could go to the venue to watch the competition, so how could he stop her?

He didn’t understand why Xu Mengning was asking so cautiously…..

Afterwards, Xu Mengning had more to say.

—What she meant to say was that after knowing she wanted to go to the competition, Liu Xiahui, Qu Yufan and Qi Hao also wanted to go.

Oh, it turns out it was like this.

Li Qingzhou suddenly understood.

It was a consistent law in novels that the male protagonist would always follow the female protagonist.

He replied that he had no objections then hung up.

On the day of the finals, Liu Bohuai saw Li Qingzhou at the entrance of the venue.

—And not only was Lu Mei Shan by his side, Xu Mengning, as well as….. Liu Xiahui and his nephew’s two friends were also there.

“Third Master?” Zou Ming asked in confusion when Liu Bohuai stopped in his tracks.

Liu Bohuai continued moving forward.

Ten meters, eight meters, six meters….. within three meters.

[Have I been neglecting Ah Ning lately? She looks a little haggard….. Could it be she fell sick before?]

Huh, won’t the male protagonist care about her?

[Miss Lu, no, I should call her Mei Shan now, it sounds more intimate. She and Ah Ning seem to be getting along well…..]

The female protagonist was paired with the male protagonist while Miss Lu was paired with Third Master, there was a chance.

The little guy in the bubble sat cross-legged as he held his chin with one hand, looking like he was thinking about something while countless red hearts floated around him…..

A ‘clang!’ sound.

The buddhist beads collided with each other and the newly replaced rope broke.

Liu Bohuai put it into the pocket of his trousers expressionlessly.