Chapter 48 Be Careful What You Wish For

Name:My Plot Armor System Author:
48 Be Careful What You Wish For

[ Mission Subject Status Window(Possessed):

Name: Iris Platina (Damian Tray)

Age: 21 (24)

Level: 3 (FP: 48)

Class: Basic Aura Knight

Title: Failure of The Renowned Knight Family

Strength: 14 [27%] Constitution: 15 [12%] Agility: 17 [32%] Wisdom: 13 (34)

Aura: 39

Free Stat Points: 0

Skills: Aura Nurturing Lv.3, Combat Evasion Lv.2, Shortsword Mastery Lv.3, Swordsmanship Lv.2, Spearmanship Lv.1, Blunt Mastery Lv.1, Shield Arts Lv.1

Passives: Combat Instincts (A+), Resource Devouring Genius (S-)

Abilities: Platinum Aura Nurturing(Swift) [Tier-3] (B) ]

Looking at the multiplied Fate Points was extremely gratifying, but the rest of the Status Window was just as starkly different when compared to the start.

Although such Stat growth was almost impossible to achieve under just two level-ups with no opponents other than Goblins, Damian had somehow made it possible.

'It's much too different.'

Having spent 22 days in Goblin Land and then some, courtesy of infinite respawn, Damian thoroughly comprehended the difference between hands-on experience and remote control.

Playing from behind the screen was definitely more comfortable, but true immersion could never be achieved.

From movements that controls couldn't replicate to mental and physical experiences that were rather enlightening... Although that likely made him crazy, Damian had grown fond of this reality patch.

Even the cumbersome actions that could be usually skipped with a click now had meaning, and enduring all of that also had a greater one symbolized through Iris.

'Will she be okay if I left?'

There was no way to confirm it, but Damian believed that he ended up on the second floor of the Labyrinth!

Although Labyrinths were usually structures that expanded on a single floor with expanding branches, Damian couldn't deny what he was experiencing no matter how rare multi-floor Labyrinths were.

Was the first floor that moved in a single straight line already a strange encounter? No matter how he looked at it, this had to be the second floor's starting room.

'Guess there is no second-floor tutorial.'

Thankfully, the hateful Goblin that claimed Damian's life more than a few times didn't seem to have a counterpart here, but there were also no hidden items in this room.


Unbeknownst to Damian, this development almost led Iris to let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure if this was right or wrong. However, she didn't want this to end just yet.

Although she was aware that spending more time in the Labyrinth likely equaled suffering for both Damian and her, Iris couldn't help wishing for this selfish desire.

The battle with the Goblin King witnessed a new peak for Damian, but this couldn't possibly be the limit of his climb. Iris wholeheartedly believed that he could go much higher, and she wanted to be there to witness it.

Naturally, a part of her was also looking forward to the heights that her body could achieve...

'Well, if this is anything like the first floor...'

Preparing his heart for yet another grind, Damian took out his shortswords. While he kept the ones dropped by the Guardsmen, he had officially declared the pair left by the Goblin King as his new main weapons!

Though still lacking in reach as usual, these shiny shortswords could slice through Goblin meat without the help of Aura. Just by holding them in his hands, Damian felt a lot more confident.


Stepping out of the starting room with some excitement, Damian was immediately met with one more surprise, almost washing all the zeal out of him.


He didn't need to march forward this time around as his first encounter was only a few steps away, and it just happened to be something that Damian had been picturing very recently.

'I didn't mean it in this way.'

It was a den brawling with a healthy group of Hobgoblins!

- 1st chapter of the day! Hope you enjoy it!