Chapter 173: Huo Yuhao vs Nether God

Chapter 173: Huo Yuhao vs Nether God

--- Chapter 170 ---

[You have entered the Three Thousand Ink Worlds of End]

In a pure white world, Titania was lying on the floor with a smile on her face and looking at the sky. After roughly five years, her successor finally reached the milestones for inheriting Ancient Ink Devil's True Power.

Well, the requirement is rather unorthodox but effective.

Anyone who inherited Ancient Ink Devil's blood has to die twice and survive the second death with pure will alone. The physical body is useless as only the powerful shall shine the brightest in this Ink World.

Titania has never seen anyone survive this trial except for Theomars von Admante. Regarding the Admante Family, Satanichia von Admante gained Titania's attention in the past but ultimately failed at the second death stage as she was too weak-willed to abandon her family.

That woman passed away shortly after.

Such a shame.

However, several hundred years later, her great-grandson actually met Ancient Ink Devil's trial condition. If this isn't fate, Titania doesn't know anymore.


"Wait... What's this?"

Titania rubbed her eyes continuously, seeing a naked young man arrive in her domain. And it wasn't Theomars.


A tall young man stood in the white world. He's the polar opposite of Theomars von Admante, having clean blue hair, royal blue eyes, and an exquisite handsome face. His lean yet muscular body seemed to carve by the universe's will to despise males in existence, exuding a flawless sheen.

Handsome is an understatement to describe this young man.

'And his thing is massive!' Titania looked at the monster between the blue-haired young man's thighs.

Huo Yuhao blinked twice and breathed out, rubbing his neck as the sensation of getting ripped apart was new. He sighed because Scathach was correct about something.

Death is stale and boring. It's a peaceful moment after his life ended, but that's it.

Everything around him becomes limbo, waiting to move forward once again.

After adjusting himself, Huo Yuhao cleared his throat and reviewed Nether God's power again. He smiled weakly because he eventually found an impressive opponent after a while.

Yes, A real opponent that reduced him to this state.

Even if Huo Yuhao wasn't in the best condition, he still counted this as a loss.

Huo Yuhao turned around and greeted Titania with a small smile, "Hi there, Titania."

"You must be confused. Am I right?"

Titania frowned because this way of talking does resemble Theomars, but more gentle in a way. "W-Who are you?! Where is my Theo?!" She raised her voice immediately.

"Here." Huo Yuhao pointed at himself.

"To be exact, there is no Theomars von Admante in the first place. He has long died and disappeared off this world, allowing me to inhibit his body."

"My name is Huo Yuhao. The Ruler of Dragon Nest."

"I'm from a faraway place and transmigrated to Theomars' body. You didn't know about this information because I used a special technique to prevent my info from leaking outside."

The Ancient Ink Devil scowled and commented, "Three years ago... Before you were going to Grand Marshal Mountain. No wonder I couldn't monitor the Black Pearl Castle."

"Correct." Huo Yuhao chuckled amusingly. "I have an amazing teacher, you see."

"I felt cheated..." Titania mumbled to herself.

"This isn't part of my master plan... I was about to reincarnate you to be my hus-! I mean my true heir."

Huo Yuhao shook his head in delight and commented, "I know you were planning something. After rejecting me for three years, you must have a word with Nox Alexandra about me, no? It was so easy to guess."

"I'm not that clueless, Titania. My mental state is somewhat awkward in the past, but not anymore."

"This world where you always drag me in is the core of Titania Bolos, which explains why you couldn't see my soul. You always see the outer layer, Theomars von Valstrax."

"The mystery is solved, finally."

"..." Titania couldn't refute Huo Yuhao's words. After all, she wasn't checking on his soul even once, believing Theomars was the most talented heir of Valstrax.

And how wrong she was.

"Don't make that face. You want to give something to me, right?" Huo Yuhao chuckled, sitting on the white world. His presence is calm and full of confidence, making Titania sigh in defeat.

"I'll gladly take it."

Titania rubbed her forehead and sat straight like Huo Yuhao, staring at his royal blue eyes. They are indeed beautiful, like the boundless sky itself.

'Well, he's more handsome than before... I don't mind.' She thought while reaching into her chest. 'And Another World, he said? That sounds exciting, hehe.'

Huo Yuhao's eyes widened as Titania exposed her bare chest, pouring out the white mountain with a pinkish peak. However, what surprised him wasn't that.

"Back when the Everlith Universe was born. Ancient Ink Devil and Ancient Godlight Devil manifested alongside it. The Ancient Godlight Devil is the manifestation of the beginning and all creation after the universe. And Ancient Ink Devil is the manifestation of the end and all ends following it."

"Ancient Ink Devil ranked the lowest not because she was weak, but to balance to the highest rank..."

"There is no world without Ink. It overwrites fate and destiny, turning something into reality. It also ends anything that touches it..."

Titania stabbed her chest decisively and pulled her second beating heart, splattering the white world with black blood. She moved to Huo Yuhao and said, "Oh, the Ruler of Dragon Nest from another world, Huo Yuhao..."

"Will you accept my second heart? Will you take the Ancient Ink Devil's power and shine the brightest to end this world's enemy?" Titania's red hair flowed wildly, and her golden eyes shone like a sun.

Huo Yuhao stared at Titania calmly and answered, "I will."

Titania smiled satisfyingly, reaching for Huo Yuhao's lust-inducing chest this time. She pushed her beating heart and made a firm connection with him.

Huo Yuhao's eyes shut down as overflowing energy invaded his soul, creating a link to Titania. He let out a small grunt and endured the extreme pain.

"Hmph, you should pay me back later, Huo Yuhao."

"Having my heart is not a joking matter. With it, you'll be my eternal partner. That's why Kroman has two hearts, you know?"

[Ding! You have fully awakened and absorbed Ancient Ink Devil's Bloodline]

[You have received "Primordial Ink Heart." and met the condition to use all of Fairy King's Canvas abilities]

[All Skills related to Ancient Ink Devil have upgraded by one grade]

[All-Transforming Ink has evolved to Primordial Ink]

[Ding! Gathering of Ten Thousand Waves has leveled up to level 10]

[You now could communicate to the unknown distant universe]

[Endless Black Ocean Arts has evolved to Endless Primordial Sea Art upon reacting to Ancient Ink Bloodline]

[You have finished Grand Marshal Mountain's Cracks Quest]

[Rewarding Grand Duchess Ink Devi's Quill(SSS)]

Huo Yuhao's senses slowly become sharper and sharper with each second, immersing himself in this situation. He picked many small things around him and realized they were the subject of the higher component, such as fundamental elements and laws of the universe.

He opened his eyes slowly, witnessing the world from a completely different than usual. Even though Huo Yuhao possessed Lesser Divine Sense, the state he's currently in is something else.

Everything becomes clean.

The single drop of Ink seemed to capture the universe, holding it within a frame. This frame is small, around the size of Huo Yuhao's palm, but contains the secret of the universe.

'A soul from Another World. His imagination sure is amazing.' Titania shook her head gently, observing Huo Yuhao's adaptation to her power.

She extended her hand to Huo Yuhao's face and caressed it warmly, striking his lips with hers. It's filled with passion.

"Wake up..."

"My dear Oberon."



On the surface of Titania Bolos, The Nether God stepped onto the continent and spread his influence. His purple aura exploded excitedly and created several monsters made of Nether Energy.

He snapped his finger casually, causing an earthquake to shake the whole world. "YES, LET'S START BY REFORMING THIS UGLY STAR, HAHAHA."


After killing the Ruler of Shadows, Nether God went to the nearest natives of this world. He called upon one of them and ordered them to give up, surrounding themselves with him.

However, something unexpected happens.



"WE WON'T GIVE UP!" Someone suddenly shouted at the Nether God.

A young woman with a beautiful appearance floated in the sky.

She has pearly white hair and bright blue eyes, wearing a pure white battle dress.

Yes, she is Lily de Kemos.

"Oh?" The Nether God tilted his head amusingly. "A small, pitiful Ant dares to talk back?"

"Witness my power, you lowly being." He waved his hand casually, destroying everything behind Lily into pieces of debris.


A purple pillar of light exploded and soared to the sky.

The sky and earth are touching, spreading ashes everywhere. A large portion of Titania Bolos is sunken deeply and turned into a deep crater.

It was a frightening sight.

Using such a simple and casual gesture, The Nether God could cause so much destruction.

However, Lily de Kemos didn't even flinch.

She fearlessly stared at the Nether God and responded, "And?"

"That's it? You want to scare me with such destruction. I lost someone precious to me long ago..."

"Do you think this can cause me more despair than that? You might be a True Deity with immense power and authority, so what? I, Lily de Kemos, won't drop myself to an ugly level."

"I'd rather die and suffer for eternity than give up."

"Do you know why? Because I achieved everything I promised to that person."

After a long war, Lily de Kemos and the Alliance were able to wipe out the monster waves. They had lived peacefully for three years, knowing a danger would come sooner or later.


As everything was "literally." engulfed by the Thunderfire, Huo Yuhao shielded himself with Fairy King's Canvas and watched his best friend's flame illuminating the whole fucking solar system.

It seemed Naga wasn't exaggerating when saying he was the strongest dragon in his universe.

The "Everlith Universe." is massive, but for a second. A purple light seemed to ignite up the corner of it with extreme heat.

'I might know why Naga always refuses to explain how his universe vanished alongside every living being in it...' Huo Yuhao thought while slowly uncovering himself.

He checked out Titania Bolos and discovered the small star was fine, as Titania probably protected it from her domain.


The Nether God burned to a crisp. His entire body turned pitch black after enduring the Chaotic Purgatory Flame, and being a deity with the innate sin of fear makes things worse.

He glared at Huo Yuhao and rushed toward him, unleashing a weird-looking sword.

Huo Yuhao rolled the Fairy King's Canvas and dodged The Nether God's attack, tilting his head to the left from this guy's vexation. He waved his hand and kicked the ground, creating a wave motion.



A halberd appeared on Huo Yuhao's hand, countering the Nether God's weapon.




Huo Yuhao followed the rhythm and used "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist." to deflect the Nether God's attacks. He also incorporated "White Room's Martial Arts." to counter-strike the Nether God.




The Moon has melted down already, leaving only a floating rock in the warm space. Huo Yuho and the Nether God exchanged blows intensely, causing a ripple around them.

The fabric space is tearing apart because of them, revealing several muddy-like voids.


Huo Yuhao's face was "heavily." slammed by the Nether God's fist, but instead of receiving damage, he immediately countered with a quick left hook.

It was swift, making the Nether God daze for a moment.

It's more than enough time for Huo Yuhao to gather "Ripple." in the air and kick the Nether God's torso. The infinite rotation energy made the attack incredibly fatal for anyone as it destroyed even the target's cell.


The aftereffect caused the Moon's piece to get blown apart.

The Nether God was launched into the burning sun, growling in pain because Huo Yuhao's energy remained in his body.

Huo Yuhao pulled his left arm back, flexing his muscle intensely, and threw a stream-like punch. "Water Stream World Smashing Fist: KAI!"

'This is...' The Nether God was speechless. His face made contact with Huo Yuhao's punch, injuring himself even further.


The wisp of the sun got flared out, shaking the shining star a little.

"NOT YET!" Huo Yuhao booted the rubble left behind by the Moon and launched a lashing kick.

"Frontal Kick."

"Heart Smashing."

"Head Execution."

The Nether God might not have eyes, but he could witness Huo Yuhao split into three for a split second. Three kicking strikes landed on his body, weakening several body parts.


The sun flared even more than before, blinking a few times.

The heat doesn't affect Huo Yuhao as he focuses more on defeating the Nether God.

And The Nether God knew what Huo Yuhao was thinking.

Huo Yuhao had thrust his halberd, but the distance between him and the Nether God was quite far.

"NOT SO EASY!" The Nether God ripped his left arm, causing the space around them to warp. "You can't reach me, HAHAHA~!"

"Is that so?"

Huo Yuhao's following action shocked the Nether God.

He kicked the halberd with all his might and sent the polearm flying like a shooting star. As the halberd is an Ego Weapon, it also possesses a unique ability.

"Increase your weight by 10 million fold, Dosa."

"Drown that faceless Thanos to the core of the sun!"


The halberd accelerated even more, driving the Nether God at the sun.


The Nether God roared in pain.




Huo Yuhao grinned and replied, "But they can..."

The Fairy King's Canvas expanded greatly, exposing several drawings Huo Yuhao made before confronting the Nether God.

A Mythical Qilin jumped out of the scroll, jumping around the space in a giddy mood. Then, a pink Nine-Tailed Fox followed and floated near the sun with a foxy smile.

And lastly, a literal manifestation of the God Slayer herself.

"KILL HIM!" Huo Yuhao indifferently said.

Naga's wings expanded, causing a chaotic space storm in the area. He opened his eyes and blasted the sun with Thunderfire.

The Mythical Qilin combined the five fundamental elements and stripped Nether God's luck indirectly.

The Nine-Tailed Fox let out a lazy yawn and cast a powerful Illusion to keep the Nether God's divine sense in place.

And the God Slayer stood on the Moon's piece, throwing a red spear with all her might. A red flash traveled through space and struck the sun's core.



The Nether God was "firmly." struck on the sun's core with a black halberd and red spear on his chest. He furiously wanted to escape this place, but nothing was possible with his current power.


Before the Nether God could even finish his sentence, Huo Yuhao drew something in the Fairy King's Canvas and manifested something.

A blade slowly emerged from the scroll, fusing with the Grand Duchess Ink Devil's Quill. Huo Yuhao infused the edge with his energy and slashed his sword gently.

"Fairy King's Sword Slash."

"Oberon, the Truth."

The reality turned upside down as a clear straight line traveled through the solar system. Everything crumbled rapidly and swallowed the sun into the void.


The Solar System lost its color as the source of light disappeared.

The Cosmic Storm is brewing for a few seconds. Huo Yuhao immediately took a quick measure and created a new sun with his Tracing skill.




"I WON'T DIE..."



A furious shout echoed in the quiet space.

Huo Yuhao blinked in surprise, seeing the last wisp of energy from the Nether God flying away to Titania Bolos.

'For fuck sake.' Huo Yuhao cursed to himself.

He quickly drew something on the Fairy King's Canvas as his martial arts wouldn't reach in time. In this brief moment, time seems to stop around him.

Huo Yuhao entered a brief trance and let out a small whisper.

"The Drawing of Heaven and Earth."

A divine construct, specifically a miniature world with functioning laws, surrounded the Nether God's attack. It contained the star-collapsing attack and self-destructed.


The miniature world exploded and condensed into a grain of dark rice.

"N-No way..." The Nether God's defeated voice slowly faded into nothingness.

[DING! You have finished the Emergency Quest]

"..." Huo Yuhao breathed heavily, floating in the space with an exhausted look. Using Tracing rapidly like that consumed an immense amount of energy.

He breathed out and whispered, "Phew..."

"I'm tired..."

"But I'm done with Emergency Quest." A smile appeared on Huo Yuhao's face.