My hand feels under that hand. It should be my mobile phone. I'm just going to get it.

Hand with a little force, press the side of the boot key, the phone lit up.

No, there is a hand on my mobile phone, and that hand is broken.

There's only one single hand on the phone.

Whose hand is this? I looked at it. That hand, whatever it looked like, was mine. Yes, it was mine.

"That's my hand. Give me back my hand." A voice came from behind.

I turned to look at it immediately.

It's me. No, it's me. It's lanfeifei. She is staring at me, one hand to me, and the other hand, is a fault.

Her eyes in the continuous outflow of blood, slowly toward me to climb over.

"Don't come here. Don't come here. Give me your hand."

I picked up the hand on my cell phone and flew to her.

The hand hit her in the face, but she bit it with her mouth. After that, she swallowed it.

"I've given it to you."

I'm in a cold war. Yes, I can't be afraid of her. I have to face her.

"Thank you. My hand is not there. It's always there."

She said to me with a smile. I looked at her and sure enough, her hands were intact.

But her mouth, still chewing something.

"What was that hand?"

"That's your hand."

I looked down, my hand, my left hand really disappeared, leaving only a piece of blood, and a few teeth.

No! I feel like I'm going to collapse.

But for a moment, her face had appeared in front of the broken hand.

"I am you, I eat you, you eat me. We are the same. "

She actually along my arm bit up, and more and more close. My arms got shorter and shorter, and the blood flew out and dyed the whole bed red.

"No, don't come here." I struggled desperately, but I couldn't get rid of her.

Suddenly I felt the scene changed. I saw a struggling woman in front of me. Her face was Wu Xin'er. And at this time, my mouth, as if constantly devouring something.

No, how can I do this? Is it really like what she said that I ate myself?

No, by the way, it's a dream. I want to wake up. I need to wake up on my own strength.

I sat up and everything disappeared. Great. The nightmare just disappeared.

"It's on the alarm clock. It's on the alarm clock." The voice beside me let me know that my nightmare is not over at all.

Looking to the side, Wu Xin'er is holding her mobile phone, as if she is adjusting something. When she turned her head, she was surprised.

"Who are you? Why are you in my bed?"

Are you kidding? Who am I? I'm Wu Xin'er. I'd like to ask you who you are.

Yeah, you're a ghost. You're Monton.

Thinking of this, I jumped up and yelled, "I know it's you, Mundon. You'll change it back. I'll see what you look like."

Wu Xin'er was stunned for a moment, looked at me and said, "what do you say, Mundon? What, Mundon. My name is Wu Xin'er. "

"Heart, you are a ghost."

I have to face this nightmare, otherwise I will never stop to understand her words.

By the way, the Buddha, I remember I was under the pillow.

I moved the pillow quickly, but she was faster than me. She's already pressed on the pillow. He looked at me and sneered.

"What do you want to do?" She asked grimly.

I saw that her orifices were bleeding, her eyes were protruding, and her tongue was sticking out.

No, she is a ghost. I am Wu Xin'er.

No, I have to get the Buddha. Her performance is obviously because she is afraid of the Buddha.

I want to face her, I can't hide, once hide, I will never get that Buddha, that is my life-saving straw.

Come on. As soon as I gritted my teeth and looked at myself, I knew that if I didn't fight now, I would have no chance.

I flew up and kicked her. She obviously didn't expect me to fight back. This kick kicked her head off and rolled on the ground.

I flew over, grabbed her body hard, and moved to the side. The man fell to the ground. By this time, I had been splashed with blood all over my body.

But now I can't take care of it any more. I reached down into the pillow and grasped the Little Buddha statue in my hand.

As soon as the Buddha statue was taken out, it immediately flashed with golden light, and everything around it disappeared.Great. Am I saved?

"I can only help you once, and then I'll depend on you." The Buddha suddenly opened his mouth.

"Once, no, even you are one-time. How can it be?"

However, the Buddha did not pay attention to me, but slowly disappeared, even the Buddha in my hand disappeared.

It's getting dark again.

Yes, everything depends on me. Whatever it is, just come on.

"Wu Xin'er, I'm back."

I turned around, the Wu Xin'er in front of me was looking at me with his head in his hand.

I also coldly looked at her, sorry, such things, I now see more, I will not be afraid of.

"You are me. Now, let me see your heart

She said coldly. Look at my heart? What do you think.

Just as I was thinking about it, she had come forward quickly and put her hand into my chest.

She just took out, I felt a burst of empty body, my heart, actually to her hand, she looked at me with laughter, as if she had won.

I look at her coldly, I know how to do, I want to face this thing, no matter what the situation.

"Your heart will be fragrant." She just looked at me like this and didn't move.

"I don't know. I haven't eaten it." I calm down, here is a dream, even if the heart is really eaten, there is nothing wrong with it?

I saw her but silly eyes, looking at me, a little stupefied.

I looked at her coldly, said: "or you can try, if you think it is not enough, I can give you one."

I reached for the spot she had just stabbed.

No feeling. It's really a dream. Since it's a dream, I just thought that I still have a heart, which should be realized.

Sure enough, when I put my hand in, I felt my heart beating.

"How can you have a heart? Your heart is with me." She said coldly.

Feel empty on the hand that goes in, the heart disappeared, how can?

I know she's in control of my dreams.

"Damn, I know I have a heart, I believe I have a heart."

The heart beat again.

"I not only have this heart, I have more. In this dream, as long as you want to eat, you can give you countless hearts."

Can save me, only myself, I fiercely take out, a beating heart already in my hand. I looked at the heart, toward her cold smile.

"No, it's impossible. How can you manipulate dreams? It's impossible."

She was obviously flustered.

But I know, I have defeated her once, I suddenly found that everything in this dream, she controlled me, and now, I want to get my dream back.

I know how strong I should be, because I can't die here, I still have a lot of things to do.

My father, my father's affairs have not been solved, and situ GUI, the person I love most.

"How?" She looked at me and said in surprise.

I also looked to one side. It was my father and situ GUI. How could they be in a dream. By the way, I just thought of them, that's why they came here.

Great. I can finally meet my family.

"Maybe it's better, isn't it?" She sneered coldly twice, and ate the heart.

Situ GUI and his father were looking at me at this time. Their eyes were red. They didn't seem to know me. They look at me with killing in their eyes.

"Since you let them come, just die in their hands." Her laughter was really cloudy.

"I will not." I roar, but I can't control them now.

What's going on? Don't you just think about it? I just thought, they just appeared, but now how can it be useless? I can't control them, and they are coming to me step by step.

"No, don't come here." I yelled, and they went faster on my side.

It was situ GUI's and his father's hands that made him feel pinched. They were pinching me by the neck and I felt like I was starting to have difficulty breathing.

Am I really going to die? Consciousness has begun to blur, I can't die, who will save me?

No, no one will come to save me. This is a dream, not a real life. If it is, Tang Xin should come.

But she can't come. Even if she does, she can't help me. Because here, she is just a dream, a dream controlled by another me.

No, I really can't.

I suddenly felt the location of Yintang. At this time, a warm current appeared from there, and then spread around, constantly impacting my body.What's the matter? I feel a loose neck, they have let go of their hands, and their eyes have returned to the normal color.

"No, you, how can you have the blood of fate? It's impossible." Opposite she exclaimed in surprise.

Although I don't know what it is, I know that now I still have it. If I have this thing, I should not lose it to her.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I have such ability, but I have. Sorry, you lost this time."

I thought, what can I kill her in this dream.

I am not such a person, but opposite me, she is not a person, she is a ghost, I have to get rid of him.

It's a pity that I don't know that thing. Baby, I'm not a fairy, who knows what baby, and those are in the TV, in fact, I have not seen.

Now it's impossible to change it.

What else? By the way, Tang Xin's sword, which I have seen, is a special sword. Although I don't know if it's easy to use in dreams, I always have to try.

In my heart, I felt that there was one more thing in my hand. When I looked down, it was golden. It was really used by Tang Xin.