I was shocked. This shadow is Monton. How can, has not seen him for a long time, how can suddenly appear here?

I looked at him strangely. He didn't speak, but I felt that he was staring at me.

I don't know why. I'm not afraid at all. I really don't feel afraid at all. He has come to me, but I don't want to move.

Why not? And why he showed up.

Just at this time, I heard a "break" outside the house.

As soon as the sound came out, I saw that the Monton in front of me immediately disappeared, and then I saw that my door was pushed open and the light was on.

Dazzling light, let me can't help but squint, it is completely open.

"Sister Wu, are you ok?" It's Tang Xin. She came to save me.

Is it because she's at home that I don't worry? No, when I was facing that Monton just now, I clearly felt that he didn't want to hurt me, and I didn't have any fear.

How did he come? What are you doing here? He didn't harm me, which makes me very strange.

"Sister Wu?" Tang Xin saw my eyes open, but he didn't speak. He called me again.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." I had to respond first. Tang Xin nodded and came in as if he had put something down. Then he said, "this is for you. Don't worry, that Monton won't come back. I must have hurt him at that moment."

I nodded, but I always felt that there was something I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to organize the language.

Tang Xin just turned off the light for me and left. Looking at her back, I felt relaxed.

Back in bed again, I kept thinking about these things.

It seems that the last time Monton appeared, it was also when I was making use of others. If you think about it carefully, it's true.

But later, I slowly chose to believe them, and Monton never appeared.

But today, how could he appear again? Did I lead him?

I suddenly sat up and thought about what happened just now. Yes, it was really me who caused it. Although Monton wanted to hurt me at the beginning, there was Zhu Xue at that time. Later, Monton never appeared.

At that time, I always wondered if he had left, but today I found that it was not the case.

Take advantage of others, you can't take advantage of others. Now I think what my father said is a warning. This Monton is a warning to me. Did he tell me that you can't take advantage of others?

Are you kidding? He doesn't have any perception? How could you warn me.

No, I'm in a mess now. I don't know when I will go to sleep.

In my dream, I seem to see my father again. He is angry. He is looking at me angrily. Is it because I have the heart to use others again?

When I got up the next day, I felt a little headache. I didn't sleep well yesterday.

When Tang Xin saw me get up, he said hello with a smile and took her to the company. He felt that everything was a little abnormal, but everything was developing normally.

Today is still really quiet, Wang Wenquan did not disturb me, see this meaning, he has been domesticated by Sister Liu, right?

Maybe it's a bit wrong to use this word.

I look at the things on the desk. In fact, my desk is nothing more than some pen holders. There is nothing to see at all.

"Sister Wu, you are in a bad state today. What's the matter?" Tang Xin said at this time.

I sigh, I don't know what's going on, but today, my state should be really bad. Even Tang Xin can see it.

"I don't know. Maybe it's something in my heart." I had to reply that I didn't know what I was thinking.

I didn't have anything to do for a day, so I just sent a message to me when I got home, asking how I was thinking?

I have to return a message that I haven't thought about. Today, I don't even want to pay attention to him. I just want to have a good rest.

Today is not tired, but my heart, is very tired, I do not know how to have such a feeling, but it is really a grinding situation.

I don't know what I think. Anyway, for me, I don't want to take care of anything and have a good sleep.

It's getting dark. I close my eyes, but I can't sleep.

"Alas." A sigh came, I feel around, as if more than a shadow.

Is that Monton? Don't Tang Xin say he won't come? Why did it come back today.

I opened my eyes and saw a shadow, but he still stood there without any action.

"When you take advantage of others, I will be taken advantage of." A voice came, not from Monton's mouth, but from my heart."Broken." There's another sound coming from outside, and Monton's gone again. Tang Xin rushed in and looked around.

I gave a wry smile. I don't know why. I kind of want to see Mundon now.

"How are you, sister Wu? No, it seems that we have to find a way to get rid of this Monton. If we go on like this, we can't bear it. " Tang Xin also looks a little tired. He had been on duty all day, and he had to do it in the evening.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know why. I don't think this Monton is trying to hurt me."

"Sister Wu, what are you talking about? Monton generally doesn't have feelings. How can you think so?" Don's strange heart sat beside me.

I shake my head. I don't know what it is, but I know that I'm carrying a lot now.

"OK, I know. You don't have to worry too much about me. Well, on the rest day, you can go out with Ji Changfeng for two days."

"Are you going to find situ GUI again?" Tang Xin laughs.

I nodded. I wanted to tell him something. This time I really wanted to make it clear to him. This feeling in my heart is really hard to express.

But now I am around, really no one can let me say their own words, only he can.

I sighed, let Tang Xin go back to rest first, wait, I'm waiting for the next rest day.

But how do I feel that day will be very far away. I don't know if I can make it to that time.

Whenever I take advantage of others, he will be taken advantage of by others. That voice should be Mundon. Is that warning me? Or is there another reason?

"Well, what are you doing? Do you want to call me today? " The voice of situ GUI came from the other end of the phone.

I've been thinking about it for three days. For his plan, Monton always appears these three nights, but he just looks at me like that, and every time he has to trouble Tang xinlai to scare him away.

I don't know what to do anymore? So today, I'm going to call situ GUI.

"I'm sorry, GUI. I can't accept your plan." I said softly, I was the answer I thought about for three days, I really have no way to cheat them, or I really have no way to make use of each other.

There was a long silence on the phone, and then he said, "are you sure?"

I didn't speak, just silently expressed my decision.

"I see. To be honest, I don't think it's very good either. Well, we'll have a rest tomorrow. You come to me and I'll give you a satisfactory answer." Situ GUI's voice is very light. It seems that he is a little disappointed with me, isn't he?

But I have no way, I can't get through my heart, I know I can't do it, these days in the company, all people see my soul.

But no one reminded me that they seemed to acquiesce to me. Only sister Liu said a few words to me, but I didn't hear them very clearly.

Tomorrow is a rest day. I should have a good chat with situ GUI. Moreover, I let Tang Xin leave. Tang Xin is a little worried, but he didn't say anything when he knew I was with situ GUI.

In this way, Friday's work was over. When I got to the underground garage, I met Nie Xiaoran and they had to bow their heads and salute.

In her eyes, I don't know how Wang Wenquan finished her task.

I hate it in my heart. I hate that I can't make up my mind. If I follow situ GUI's plan, I may have been hostile to her face to face now.

But I really can't make up my mind. I'm a little confused. What should I do?

Ji Changfeng and Tang Xin have already left. I just called situ GUI. He soon came here and picked me up to the hotel.

"GUI, I want to be myself. Is that ok?" I said softly.

He nodded and touched me in the face.

I looked in the mirror. In the mirror, lanfeifei was so sad. She just sat there, but the expression of her face could tell that she was sad.

What happened to her? Is it because of disobeying my father's instruction?

But what do I do? I have to face Nie Xiaoran, Nie Zhengxuan and Lei Huasheng. They are not my opponents.

And Li Tao, what kind of person he is, I still don't understand.

Mr. Jin is related by blood, but he can't feel the meaning of being related. What can I do?

Feifei, can you tell me?

Fool, what am I thinking? I'm lanfeifei. How can I tell myself. I wry smile, now this situation, really let me have a headache. I don't know what I am now.

"By the way, did you call me today and say you were going to give up that plan? That's the best plan Situ GUI came to me and asked.

I nodded, did not speak, I really do not know what to do?Drop in my tears, is it? I can't even feel this. I always feel that I am a person whose soul has been taken away.

A handkerchief was handed over to situ GUI. I took it and wiped my eyes.

"If you really don't want to do this, you can only really face it. In this way, you may have to take a lot of detours."

"I'd rather have that choice, that my heart won't hurt as much as it does now."

I felt a warm embrace and hugged me. Situ GUI's voice said: "Feifei, maybe I'm too anxious. I really love you. I want you to finish revenge quickly, but I didn't expect that it would bring you harm."

I fell in his arms, feeling his heartbeat, no, it's not his fault, it's mine, I'm too anxious.

Some time ago, I even felt that I would win. At that time, I also thought about such things, cooperation with them and getting more things from them.

But I forget that, in that case, it would go against everything my father taught me. I forget that I used to be lanfeifei, not Wu xiner who only wanted revenge.

I'm stupid, right? I want to ask myself that.

There are some things I can do, but there are some things I can't go any further.

"I don't want that plan, can I?" I asked softly.

Situ GUI laughed and said, "it's for sure. Of course, you can not have that plan. But ah, that's what I came up with carefully. If you don't use it, our plan will have to be changed."

"Change it, I don't want to be like this any more. I'm intrigued. Although it keeps me close to the truth, it also makes me lose a lot. I don't want to lose it again. I don't know why. I always feel that if it goes on like this, I will lose you. "

I said softly, this is my real feeling, I really feel that if this continues, maybe situ GUI will leave me.

I love him. I can't lose him now.

Situ GUI laughed and gently raised my chin. I looked at his face.

"Don't worry, I won't let you leave me, never."

I nodded, so fell in his arms, I feel very at ease, that peace of mind, let me sleep.

In my dream, I feel as if I have become an angel, flying in the air, while on the ground, there are countless flowers flying. It's so beautiful. Maybe it's just such relaxation, so that I can see this beautiful picture.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already midnight. Situ GUI was lying beside me, but he didn't sleep and was still looking at me with his eyes open.

"You haven't slept yet?" I asked softly.

"It doesn't matter if I don't sleep, but seeing your smile makes me feel that it's worth giving up that plan." Said situ GUI.

I nodded, took his hand, and whispered, "I want to meet a few people and see them as I do."

Situ GUI was stunned and said, "who do you want to see?"

"With Mr. hoosen." I said softly.

Situ GUI was obviously stunned for a while, and then thought for a long time before he said, "OK, I'll arrange it."

I smile and embrace him, I want to see them, I want to know how they intend to help me, because I decided, Nie Xiaoran, I will declare war with you.