Chapter 10: Customer relationships come as you want, and you don't have to be burdened. ...

He Zining returned to the office building with the bag, and saw the uncle of the security guard still working hard, and suddenly felt that the migrant workers felt the same sickness, so he handily distributed the oatmeal muffin to the other party.

When she got back to the top floor, she knocked on Gu Siye's door with coffee. "Mr. Gu, your coffee has arrived."

When she opened it, she was dumbfounded, because Gu Siye was not in the office at all! what's the situation? It's not because he bought coffee for too long and didn't come back. He went to buy coffee by himself, right?

"President Gu?" She stood at the door and called tentatively a few times. After confirming that there was really no one, she quickly picked up the phone and contacted Gu Siye.

Fortunately, the call was quickly connected, and He Zining breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Gu, are you all right?"

Gu Siye's voice didn't make any difference, and he was as calm as usual, "It's okay, I'm leaving a little earlier, you can get off work."


After the brief conversation, He Zining immediately packed his things and started to get off work. At the same time, he was also thinking about what would make Gu Siye, a workaholic, run away in the middle of the meeting?

After thinking about it for a long time, she found that she couldn't think of anything. Forget it, it's up to him, it's good if she can get off work!

Packing up her bags, she caught a glimpse of the coffee on the table when she left, she sighed, it seemed that the coffee specially made by Boss Qin was destined to be let down.

The next day, Gu Siye walked into the office on time, He Zining observed his expression, but could not see anything special.

When she passed by her desk, she consciously said hello: "Mr. Gu, I have already notified the administration department to come and fix the coffee machine."

Gu Siye nodded, "After the morning meeting, let Director Ding come over." Director Ding is the executive director of the company.

"Okay." He Zining immediately called to convey the instructions.

The peaceful and tedious day begins again. Sometimes because life is too realistic, He Zining often has the question of whether she has really crossed over, but as soon as she sees Gu Siye's face, she She will wake up again, yes, this is indeed the world of novels, but she still can't figure out the title of the book.

During lunch, she subconsciously looked for Bai Yinan in the staff cafeteria, but there are too many people in the company, and sometimes she may not be able to find someone.

For example, she didn't see it today, it's a pity, she has been thinking about having a chance encounter with Bai Yinan, and she doesn't have to keep secretly watching people like a pervert.

She found a place to sit down, chatted a little with her familiar colleagues, and listened to them chatting about company gossip. Here you can always keep up to date with the latest information, as big as who got married or divorced, or as small as who is late today. In short, the advantage of a large company is that it has many eyes, you never know when you are being targeted.

As He Zining has such a special identity, she was warned by two seniors on the first day of her employment, not to establish personal relationships with any colleagues, and not to disclose any news she heard in the office at will.

She has always been doing this. As long as she eats in the cafeteria, there will be employees who she knows or doesn't know come to say hello. After a long time, she also starts to consider whether to pack it back to the office to eat, sometimes like this It's also annoying.

But if she doesn't come to the restaurant, her only source of gossip information will be gone.

Everything has pros and cons, and while being over-focused, it is not without benefits. For example, just like now, news is automatically delivered to your door.

"He Mi, have you heard of it?" Any dialogue that begins with this is absolutely not to be missed.

"Huh? What's the matter?" She looked up and saw Song Miaomiao from the Personnel Department. She brought Shelly here last time. An acquaintance.

"Don't you know yet?" Song Miaomiao put the dinner plate opposite her and sat down: "In the morning, our minister informed us that we will send a personnel transfer notice, and transfer an employee from the administrative department. You're a secretary there."

"Huh?" He Zining was shocked by the sudden news and lost control of her voice. She shouted loudly, causing people around her to stare. She realized that her voice was too loud, and quickly lowered her voice . "Who? From the Administration Department?"

"Yeah, the new employee in the administration department has just joined for half a month, right? My name is Bai Yinan, do you know him?"

"Oh~~" He Zining was not surprised for a moment, this is the normal trend, she said that with Gu Siye's workaholic physique, if the heroine is not straightened under the eyelids, this How to fall in love? "It's a good thing, I'm exhausted all by myself, why did she transfer over? Today?"

"She's on sick leave today in two days."

"Eh? What's wrong, are you all right?"

"The specifics of this are not clear." Song Miaomiao deliberately lowered her voice and said, "It is said that it is sick leave, but in fact there is no procedure at all."

According to the company's rules and regulations, you need to apply for sick leave on the OA (office system), and you can officially ask for leave through the approval of leaders at all levels. Song Miaomiao means that Bai Yinan did not apply at all, the procedure It is handled privately by the Administration Department itself.

I will deal with it in private, there is only one possibility, that is, a leader with a high status will speak.

Who could that be? Who else?

He Zining showed a smile that could only be understood and indescribable, "That's it, great, finally someone can help me share some of the work."

He Zining felt both proud and sad: "Fortunately there is overtime pay, otherwise I really can't bear it."

"Hahaha don't worry, we are a regular company, and overtime pay will not be less, but if you work too much overtime, you will be forced to rest."

"With a new colleague, it shouldn't be so busy." She answered confidently.

He Zining did not expect that this was the beginning of her miserable life...

In the afternoon, the official notice from the personnel department was sent to her mailbox, and now she had a fair reason to call Bai Yinan.

She picked a gap and called Bai Yinan.

"Hello? Is that Nan Nan? I'm Zining."

I didn't expect that the voice on the other end of the phone was not Bai Yinan's voice, but a male voice I had never heard before.

The male voice sounded very young, "Hello, are you looking for Miss Bai?"

"Yes, is she there?" At that moment, many possibilities flashed in He Zining's mind. The most outrageous guess was that it was not her ex-boyfriend, right?

"I'm sorry, she's infusion now, and she doesn't have time to answer the phone. If you have anything urgent, I can tell her."

He Zining was surprised, "Infusion? Is she okay?"

"It's nothing but a fever."

"That's good, may I ask who you are?"

"I am her attending doctor, my name is Pei Xinghe."

"Then my friend will ask Dr. Pei."

"Don't worry, Miss Bai just needs to rest for a few days."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you, see Dr. Pei."

He Zining hung up the phone, = lost in thought, is there any connection between Bai Yinan's illness and her transfer to the Secretariat? In addition, Gu Siye suddenly disappeared yesterday, and I always feel that there is some connection between the two.

She walked out of the building while thinking, and as soon as she looked up, she saw the cafe opposite. If it was normal, she would definitely glance at it and skip it, but after the experience last night, she My love for this coffee shop has increased infinitely.

Anyway, it's early and I don't have much to do when I get home. Why don't I go to a cafe and take care of the boss's business.

But she just crossed the road, and before people entered the store, you could see through the window that there were all customers, and they were all female customers, most of them were wearing business clothes, She recognized several of Zhenfeng's employees.

But think about it, the boss is handsome and talks well. He comes to drink coffee without eating after work. It is completely because the drunkard's intention is not drinking. It seems that his worries are unnecessary. The boss's business is very good, and she doesn't need to take care of her at all.

As soon as she thought that she would get everyone's attention when she went in, she felt that her scalp was going numb, so she decisively gave up her plan to go in, and immediately turned around to prepare to go home.

Unexpectedly, she just took two steps when the sound of a bell rang behind her.

The voice of Qin Muzhou: "Miss He."

She looked back, Qin Muzhou was standing at the door, and the picture looked like a poster.

"Boss Qin, good afternoon."

He smiled and asked, "Good afternoon, don't you have to work overtime today?"

"Well, I got off work on time today. I was going to go in and sit, but there were too many people watching, so forget it."

She politely explained that if Qin Muzhou came out to solicit customers because he saw that he was standing at the door hesitant to come in, he had to say that he was really good at doing business, and the customer relationship was handled very well.

"It is true that there will be more people when I get off work." Although the content of the words is suspected of showing off. But his tone was very sincere, and He Zining could hear a little helplessness from it, as if sighing that ideals had to surrender to business, "If you want to come next time, you can contact me in advance."

"Okay, okay, I'm just making up my mind, next time I have a chance."

"By the way, please wait for me."


Qin Muzhou turned around and entered the store, not knowing what to do at the counter, He Zining was noticed by many customers just standing here, she avoided everyone's gaze awkwardly , pretending to be looking away.

Soon Qin Muzhou came back with a paper bag in his hand.

"What is this?"

"I'm really sorry for asking you to spend money on stale bread yesterday. This is the bread that was just baked today. It was just delivered. Take it back and try it."

"Ah... how embarrassing is this?"

Qin Muzhou said it very sincerely, and looked at her with sincere eyes, making people embarrassed to refuse: "If you don't accept it, I will really feel sorry for it."

"Thank you then." He Zining didn't want to stand still for too long, standing here is indeed too much attention, she took the paper bag and thanked Qin Muzhou: "Then I will accept it with the cheek, boss You are too good at doing business, if I don't come in the future, I have to condemn myself."

Qin Muzhou said gently: "It's not in the way, come as soon as you want, and you don't have to be burdened."

If nothing else, just relying on Qin Muzhou's emotional intelligence, He Zining wanted to come and learn art on the spot.

"Well, then I'll go first, so as not to delay your business, goodbye!"