Chapter 777 - 777 Wishing Whimsically

777 Wishing Whimsically

“Oh, Adalia.”

Ever seen something so adorable. you just go completely feral? It was like that with her, always with her.

Emotions bubble. They boil, they overflow. At the slightest of words, the most random of things, and suddenly you’re gone… you’ve bubbled, boiled, a foamy pot of feelings and thoughts spilling over and you just wanna empty yourself, express it all, and you wanna do so so badly like it’s all that’ll ever matter in your life.

Right then, Adalia had me in a roiling boil.

I don’t know if she completely understood why I suddenly threw myself on her, nearly tripped her off her feet, send the world flying before her eyes—and then the sudden stop. Her hat landing slumped into the snow. I was all over her. The cold of her body against the warmth of mine.

“Sorry, just…” I tried to speak, but words? I didn’t even know what they were no more. “Let me have this for a bit. I need this.”

Silent and compliant, Adalia felt like a large doll in my arms. The kind you cling onto seemingly forever when you really needed that comfort.

“I know you’re probably already ready to forgive and forget,” I said, eyes clamped shut and swimming in the silky seams of her silver hair. “But I’m really sorry I couldn’t have granted you that wish of yours.”

“I… am not… upset…”


“Yeah, I know you’re not. In your eyes, for some reason, I just can never seem to do any wrong.”

“Not… your fault…” Adalia assured me. “And… wishes can be… changed too…”

I felt a puff of air leave me, lightly billowing loose strands of her hair.

“You’re gonna ask me to propose to you, aren’t you?”

“Yes…” An instant answer. “Will… you…?”

“And you do know what me proposing to you means, don’t you?”

“That… you have chosen me… as your mate…” Adalia answered as bluntly as ever. “Just… as I have… chosen you…”

I didn’t even have in me to feel flustered anymore. Every word she spoke was just pure bliss at its most quintessential. Happiness was all I could feel from hearing her.

“And that’s your wish?”

“Yes…” She repeated again, wriggling slightly free to glance up at me that loveable, dreamy gaze of hers. “Will… you…?”

“Right now?”


“Right here?”


Well, guess she really wasn’t much for formalities, was she? Straight right into the thick of things.

“Do you not… want to…?” She asked blankly, hearing not a word of my answer. Then she got to thinking, her head drifting as much as her thoughts, before eventually coming to a stop with her stare bent to the left. “Ah… I am not… your only… mate…”

“Why did you have to say it so weird like that?” I chuckled, loosening my hold on her, and reaching for her hands instead, carefully entwining my fingers to not graze hers. “But no, it’s not that I don’t want to. Or because of the others. It’s just…”

“Just…?” She snapped her head upright again.

“I think you’d just be wasting a wish asking for that. Want my advice, I think you should change your wish again, ask me for something else, because being you, Adalia… that’s already a given. Forever, that’s how long I want to be with you.”

Her empty expression met the smile on my face.

“I… see…” She whispered, and even without any sort of emphasis, I knew a delighted vampire when I see one. “A wasted… wish… I understand…”

“Just choose again,” I lightly urged her. “Anything, and this time you have my word, nothing will stop me from making it happen.”

Red, blue and green, the colors glimmering around us did another full transition. A colder, stronger breeze began to lift the loose snow from our tracks, blowing past us. So many things, so many moments had passed by before Adalia blinked again, having finished thinking.

“Your… wish…” She said to me. “Tell me… your wish…”

“Of course,” I chuckled again. Out of pure amusement than anything else. Really, knowing who exactly I was talking to, I should have absolutely seen this coming. “Come on Adalia, couldn’t you have thought of something better?”

“This is… better…” came the firm whispers of her insistence. “This is… what I wish…”

“My wish?”

“Yes…” She nodded her head. “To grant your wish… that is… my wish…”

This time there was feeling to it, the look in her eyes, the breath in her voice. There was no talking her out of this one. The day had gone, the night has come, there wasn’t anymore left to do, nothing else left to want. And once again, the person she was, what else really could she possibly want more than this?

“Coming through! Excuse us, please! Make way! Thanks!”

We were abruptly interrupted, blaring loud pleas like a honk of horn in front of a green light. I moved Adalia and I out of the way to the side of the path, and coming on through, two members of staff were slowly, strenuously hauling a cardboard box seemingly heavy enough to have their knees buckling with every step… certainly had them slowing down enough for me to have a good peruse through its contents.

“Fire… works…” I heard Adalia mutter.

“Yep,” I said, seeing all kinds in every shape and size sticking out of the edges before my eyes. Eventually, the two managed to lug the box around a corner and out of sight, yet even then, my focus remained. “Do you like them?”

“Too loud… too bright…” Adalia answered, and in her tone was the slightest trace of longing. “I always… hide…”

Yeah, now that I give it some thought. By itself, fireworks seem to be Adalia’s very undoing. Take the loudest thing to ever exist then make it brighter than any shining star in the night sky. It’s like it was made specifically to spite her.

“So you’ve never seen any before?” I asked.

“I… tried…” She shook her head. “Never… clearly…”

And just what was that? How was that fair? Something that’s supposed to elicit joy and wonder and she couldn’t stand in its sound, much less even the sight of it.

Not if I can help it…

That longing, that trying. I think there might be something else I could grant her, after all.

“Come,” I took her by the hand again, scooped up her hat from the snow, and began to walk. “We’re leaving.”

“Leaving…?” Unsurprisingly, Adalia was taken by surprise by my suddenness. “Why…?”

“There’s a place I want to visit. It’s just the perfect place, trust me.”

“But your… wish…” Adalia said. This one thing taking priority over all. “I want you… to tell me…”

“Which is precisely why we’re going,” I said, glancing back at her with another smile. “My wish, yours, I told you already, right? I’ll make it happen no matter what it is.”

But that did little in subsiding her confusion. She cocked her head again, flat, pale lips almost curving into a frown.

“Why… can’t you… tell me… here…?”

“Why, huh?”

I didn’t feel like telling her just yet. For some petty, silly reason, I wanted it to be a surprise. So, cryptically, teasingly, I gave her an answer she’d just have to settle for… just for the time being, at least.

“I’d like a better view of the fireworks first, I guess.”