Chapter 29 28: Talk With The Marquess

Name:My Servant System Author:
With Arch Mage Kolia's book in mind, as well as Jahi's previous actions, I felt trepidation as well as anticipation for what Jahi might do when we reached our room.

I cursed slightly in my mind, hating the fact that I wasn't mature enough yet. Mentally, I was aroused, but considering my body was that of a child...

We quickly reached our room, and as soon as we had entered our room, Jahi slammed the door, dragging me towards a couch. Throwing me down on the couch, I looked up at her in surprise.

Seeing her hungry gaze, I shuddered. However, she saw that, and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Opening her eyes again, she was calmer, and gently she pulled me up, snaking her arm around me. Leaning into her, I stayed quiet, taking in her warmth and smell.

Moments passed in silence, just sitting there and enjoying each others company.

"Kat... So, I did some research on Lorelei, and I found out that she is a Vampire... however, no one truly knows what the Empress is, so... Leone could be pure Vampire or she could be a hybrid, like how I have some Elven characteristics, such as my long ears."

I looked up at her, tilting my head slightly. Seeing my confusion, she stroked my ears. Leaning into her hand, she chuckled slightly, before continuing.

"Well, obviously I don't wish to marry either, but of the two, I would prefer Leone. Anput's mother has history with your mother, and who knows if she will have something against you as well. So..."

I gently placed my hand on Jahi's leg, making her stiffen slightly. Looking down at me, I smiled.

"Don't go into this with a bias due to the previous generation; Leone could be a horrible person even if her mother is amazing, just like Anput could be a kind person to both of us. Really, Jahi, please don't worry about me. As long as you can remember me, I'm fine..."

Hearing that, Jahi held me closer. Ruffling my ears, she whispered "I will always remember you, Kat... Forever and always..."

Smiling, I fell silent, enjoying her caress.

We sat there for awhile, before a knock could be heard at the door. Slowly rising, I moved to the door.

Opening it, I saw a radiant Countess and a charred Marquess. Blinking a few times, I simply ignored it, opening the door wider and allowing them entry.

The Countess practically danced into the room, a wide grin on her face. Looking around, she lifted me up, saying "My, you are almost better then your mother when it comes to cleaning Kat~"

Nodding weakly, I moved away from her slightly when she placed me back on the ground. Looking towards the Marquess, she simply sighed before stumbling into the room. I flinched when she collapsed onto the couch, leaving some stains on the fabric.

Pursing my lips, I sighed as I realized that I would have to clean the couch after she left.

Looking towards Jahi, she was currently being praised by the Countess, and she shot me a pleading look.

Shrugging, I made my way to the couch, sitting next to the Marquess.


"Not. A. Word."

Nodding, I fell silent, watching as the Countess scooped Jahi up and started rubbing their cheeks together.

Watching the overly affectionate Countess, I sighed. The Marquess also sighed, before looking towards me.

"Hey, you mind if I rinse off quickly here?"

Nodding, I led her towards the bath, both Jahi and the Countess to absorbed in their new conversation to notice us leaving.

Throwing off her clothes, the Marquess swayed into the bathroom, falling onto a stool.

Shaking my head, I moved to behind her, quickly turning the shower on and positioning myself behind her.

Placing my hands on her slumped shoulders, I started massaging her, earning a grunt as the Marquess leaned back slightly.

Continuing to knead her tense muscles, I asked "So... what exactly was Lady Presa like back in the Academy?"

Sighing, the Marquess stayed silent for a few moments before answering.

"Well, she was much different then. Back in the academy, she used to be a really shy, withdrawn girl. I used to sit next to her in my history and theory classes. I used to tease her, which I didn't realize I was doing in a flirtatious way...

Anyways, she was pretty smart, only coming out of her shell when you started talking about her favorite topics. She would become really animated then! Oftentimes I would say something really stupid just to get a rise out of her. I slowly found myself drawn to her, both because of her good looks and her incredible acumen. After the academy though, I only saw her at the larger events, which is where I think she caught the Empress' eye.

She had slowly but surely changed the small lands of her barony, improving both the profits and quality of life of her people. Seeing this, many tried to force her into marriage, wanting to use her to improve their own lands. I was incensed when I heard that; not only due to my previous attractions towards her, but also because I never want to see someone being forced into a marriage, especially if there is no love.

Thankfully, the Empress had invited her to the palace one day, hoping to hear what this young Baroness had done to drastically improve her lands. After that, the Empress suppressed anyone's attempts to force Lorelei into a marriage, and continued to invite her to the palace. Eventually, they fell in love, and their marriage was announced. Lorelei still manages her barony, but spends most of her time at the palace, with the Empress."

Moving my hands to the Marquess lower back, I asked "Then, do you think her daughter will be the same? Shy, reserved, but passionate when you approach her to discuss her interests?"

"I don't know, kid. If you asked me what I thought anyone else's child would turn out to be, I could give you a good idea. Like Baroness Estra. When she has a kid, more than likely they will take the elegance and good nature from her and take the incredible sociability from her husband. It's just how it works when two people with cores reproduce: the child is a true combination of the parents. However, the Empress... even as two of her most trusted people, Ria and I know very little about her.

One moment she is like a raging inferno, the next she is like a small ember, calm and steady. No one truly understands her; at least everyone except her wives, and even then I have no idea if they understand her. She has lived a long time; my parents, and grandparents, spoke about her like she was ancient.

So, little Leone could be shy, or she could be a brash, bold person. Or she could take after the Empress, being a constantly changing person."

Sighing, I slowly finished my massage. Looking at the Marquess, I asked "Does anywhere else hurt?"

Chuckling, she said "Yea, fucking everywhere."

Shaking my head, I gestured towards the bath. "Then soak. The warm water always helps my aches go away."

Giving me a wry smile, she lumbered over to the bath, moaning lightly when she lowered herself into the water. Quickly washing myself, I joined her.

Looking towards the door, I frowned slightly when I didn't see the Countess and Jahi barging in.

"They won't be joining us for a bit, if I had to guess. Jahi and Ria won't notice the rest of the world when they are focused on something. If I had to guess, they are talking about you and me, swapping stories."

Chuckling at that, I shuffled towards the deeper side, wanting to submerge most of myself.

"What was the academy like?"

"Well, it's called Vulcan's Royal Academy, for one. Named so because the founder, Vulcan, was immensely disappointed with the lack of a place of learning. Anyways, he set up an academy in the Royal City, with immense funding from the Empress, and it became a place of learning.

Initially, even though it was called 'Royal', it accepted anyone with talent. People tried paying their ways in only to be laughed at when they failed the entrance exam. It started as a true Academy; the finest minds went there to learn anything. Support Magic, Offensive Magic, Blade work, Forging, Alchemy, you name it, there was a department dedicated to it.

Over the years, it slowly turned into a shell of itself. Incompetent professors and idiotic students lowered its reputation, and people with talent who had no background were either blackmailed to join a faction, killed, or sent home if they were lucky.

Thankfully, Lorelei is bringing it back to its glory days. Everyone is competent to some degree, and every year people need to pass an exam to stay. If you fail by a few points, you can get a professor or a large group of upperclassmen to vouch for you, but if you fail the test again, they need to pay renumeration to the academy.

So, when you and Jahi attend, as long as you make sure Jahi is actually studying and keeping on top of her classwork. No playing hooky to enjoy one another, understood?"

Giving her a dry gaze, she chuckled before continuing.

"Jahr will likely take classes for Offensive Magic and Blade work. Whether she takes up the sword like Ria and I or takes to something else... well, we shall see.

You, on the other hand, will be spending your time as the only servant going with her. As such, you will be allowed to drop a class or two so you have time for your duties, but will still need to show some competency and improvement. Likely, your peers will be mediocre, though some crazy people like the Duchess up north have bred their servants together to make someone strong. Your classes are simpler, but if you wish you can request to take more advanced classes.

Additionally, as a way to make money and offer a place to improve, the academy hosts quarterly tournaments, as well as owning a large swath of land that they breed monsters on. Nothing insanely strong is there, but you still need to be careful; a few students die every year or two due to carelessness."

"Is everyone allowed to access the tournaments and this land?"

"Yup. Servants and students can compete, but you need permission from a professor to access the lands."

Grinning at that, I couldn't wait to go to the academy. The large amount of experience, from normal quests, hunting monsters, and most importantly...


By then, both Jahi and I will be mature enough to enjoy ourselves! Not only that, but I bet even a quickie gives a large amount of experience, especially with my [Nymphomania (MAX)] skill.

I was looking forward to the future, wondering what heights Jahi and I will reach...


I have three novel ideas flutter about in my head, and I wanted to say that I MAY simply write a few chapters to start for each, before leaving them be, only updating them when I have spare time.


They are just things I want to get 'put down on paper' in a sense, and I mind as well put them here, where people can see them

I will not be focusing them, hell, I might not even write all of them. I just wanted to let everyone know that I MAY do this, so I might take time on a free day and simply get them started.

To give you all an idea on what I had in mind:

1) A Danmachi Fanfic. This is mainly due to starting to read EPIC, and just like I said with the Naruto fanfics, it is a power fantasy. Nothing wrong with that, I quite enjoy power fantasies. I just really like Danmachi (My favorite anime, right next to TenSura (Reincarnated as a Slime) and Overlord). So, when I read EPIC, I thought about what I would write, which would be (Surprise!) a futa OC who was in a small familia, doing what she could to get by. It would be more action focused than 'Kunoichi's Tale', but still have character interactions. Anyways, I had a few ideas for that floating in my head, so yeah, eventually I will do that. It would be more about this OC soloing as much of the Dungeon as she could, occasionally joining a party or expedition.

2) A story set in a Cyberpunk like world. I had a small desire recently to write about the gunfights, hacking, prosthetics, and so on. That would also be a (Double Surprise!) futa OC, who would be apart of a Gang, specifically the Iron Maidens, and would do all kinds of dirty work. The OC would start single, and was definitely mingling, but would eventually find herself the love interest for someone important. This would be a gunslinger, balls to the wall action story. Heavily inspired by the lackluster CyberPunk game as well as Hive Worlds from Warhammer 40k, I would take that corporate world and make it my own; the OC would go from doing a heist of a rival corporation before switching to a gangwar.

Lastly, we have this, the one I have been thinking about for awhile:

3) The OC used to be in the best academy in her Kingdom, with her amazing girlfriend (Triple Surprise, I think I have problem!) However, after getting pregnant, OC's girlfriend leaves her, with no explanation. 14 years pass, and now the OC, after dropping out of the academy and doing what she could to successfully raise her son, is sending him to that same academy. Weeks pass, and eventually her old girlfriend comes back, one of the strongest people in the entire Kingdom, maybe even the world. With alternating PoV's, you would see the world in two differing ways; from someone who struggled to raise their child, making ends meet but happy to see her son succeed, and from someone who has lived her life before, and decided to change the world for the better, all for her family she had failed to protect in her first life. This would be a story about the two struggling to rekindle their spark; after all, they had been separated for almost a decade and a half.

So, these are the things that I want to flesh out the beginning of 'on paper', and will be doing so soon. Again, they will NOT be taking over my writing; if anything, they will be updated once a week or so, when I have either not enough ideas for 'Servant System' or 'Kunoichi's Tale', or simply have a bunch of free time.

Let me know if one idea stands above the rest, and I'll start with that one.

I know, I know, starting a third, fourth, and FIFTH book while I have two others... I did say in the beginning of this book that I have the attention span of a squirrel, so...

Anyways, yeah, just letting this be a heads up. These are things that will not be heavily supported, just ideas I really want to get written down before I forget, because I have had a few that seemed awesome to me, but I can't really remember them anymore...

Also, this made me realize that I definitely have a thing for futa...
