Chapter 707 706: Market Time (5)

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 707 706: Market Time (5)

"Have you found anything that piques your interest, Lady Katherine~? Or is there something in particular that you are looking for but haven't found yet? Perhaps I could be of assistance in obtaining whatever it is that you need..."

Horusa appeared beside me as I was inspecting the chunks of ore resting on table in the corner, the various metals glimmering different colors in the dim light as I pondered over what I was looking for, making a few decisions based on the prices that I had seen and the money that I had on hand.

I had my own funds still that were separate from the others in the family, as well as the extra coin that Jahi gave me when she heard I was heading out, the Demoness wanting to make sure I had enough money on me for whatever I wanted, even if the amount she handed me was far more than a normal family would see in a half century... or even longer.

Golds littered the inside of my coin purse, while two Platinums rested in the midst of the sea of gold, given to me so that I would not be out of money unless I bought some ridiculously expensive items.

Which, while there was a small - very small - part of myself that just wanted to go through the ENTIRE Capital and shop, shop and shop, I was more than able to rein it in and keep my spending to a minimum, with the goal being to find some things for us to use in some new gear, specifically for Anput and Leone to utilize and make some new things for us, which would then be empowered by myself as I enchanted the gear or aided Leone in making it.

That meant that Jahi's contributions to this all was solely monetary in function, but I knew that none of us minded thanks to the Demoness being the one who had gently pushed us into each field, reassuring us that we could do it and supporting us by just being herself; what our Demoness brought to the table for our relationship was stability and protection, while we did the rest to make sure it was something that worked.

Very traditional in that sense, but in a world of magic, swords and monsters, stability and protection were worth their weight in gold, and Jahi was a very muscular woman... so in other words, entirely worth being able to do 'nothing' while the three of us did some incredible work.

Picking up a chunk of ore, I showed it to Horusa and asked "2 Gold?" before gesturing to another piece, adding "And 2 Gold for that as well?"

The Hawkkin gently lifted the ore from my hand and picked up the other, her eyes narrowing again before she grinned and nodded, answering "4 Gold sounds reasonable, Lady Katherine. Anything else?"

"Yes, there were a few things. I saw a small parcel of garnets over there for 10 Gold, as well as a sizable peridot for 10; would you do 17 and a half for the both of them?"

Horusa looked towards the table I was talking about, thinking on it for a moment and eventually nodding, gesturing for Redeva to fetch the gemstones, only to turn back as I added "And over there, there was a set of un attuned mana crystals for 2 Gold each as well as some un attuned gold ore for 4 Gold; could I get those for 6 Gold total?"nOvε-lB)1n

She raised a brow at me before nodding, a smile tugging at her lips as she said "27 and a half Gold already, Lady Katherine... Don't spend what you can't afford to lose now~!"

"And then, lastly, I want that tome that you were telling Kolia about, the one that's a deep dive into the materials of the world. I think that was 1 and a half Gold?"

"29 Gold total~? Wow, you really are~ a Noble now, Lady Katherine! Such wealth to be spending so freely! Anything else~?"

Horusa was rubbing her hands together in anticipation as she watched Redeva gather everything I wanted, making me chuckle as I nodded, walking beside the Hawkkin as I said "That's all, Miss Horusa. I believe that's more than enough for today. Besides, this isn't the only shop I wanted to visit. So for a total of 30 Gold, could I have you ship everything I purchased today up to the Palace for me?"

"Of course, of course~! Such a high spender you are~! 30 Gold exact for a chunk of Empyrean Silver, a chunk of Umor Titanium, a parcel of Fire Mana garnets, a Wind Mana peridot, two un attuned Mana Crystals, a chunk of un attuned Lux Gold, and 'Vitrea's Tome of Metallurgy and Enchanting' as well as the shipment to the Palace. Is that correct?"

Counting out the coins, I nodded as they were placed on the empty table in front of us, alongside a few books that Kolia was buying, which Horusa tallied up and accepted payment for as Kolia handed her some Gold as well.

"A pleasure as always, Kolia~! And here's to a fruitful friendship between us, Lady Katherine~! Have an excellent day~!"

Nodding to the Hawkkin, Kolia and I exited the Cloaked Emporium and emerged back onto the streets of the Capital, with the Serpentkin glancing at me and asking "You have that kind of money to spend freely? Not even a wince parting with that much Gold?"

I gave my tutor a smirk and led her towards one of the many stalls, quietly replying "I do. Believe it or not, Kolia, I've made quite a bit from adventuring, and recently - albeit stupidly - Jahi sold something to Lady Lorelei for quite a large chunk of change. Additionally, whilst they both might be grumpy about it and make a fuss, the Marquess and Countess have been more than willing to spend their wealth on us. Partially because Mother and I were owed a salary, but also because... well, they are now officially my Mom and Mother in law, and even more so whenever they have the time to hold the wedding. Besides, I might be down on money, yes, but I can make it back quite easily..."

Pointing at a few of the chunks of metal on table, I fished out another few Golds and tossed them to the merchant before picking up my purchases, moving to another table and doing the same.

"Anput forges me something made from these better metals, I enchant them for practice and make sure to do well on them, and then I come back to the Emporium and sell them off again; I spend 10 Gold now, make 30 Gold later. Rinse and repeat until I've made up my losses. And if I get Anput to make something with a lot of care, and I spend a lot of time enchanting it perfectly, I could be making Platinums when I come back. Unlike others who just say they can do so, I know I can do so~! Now, do you mind carrying these for me? We're going to be going to another few stalls..."