Chapter 750 749: Huran

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 750 749: Huran

The paved streets were blasted apart and left riddled with chunks of debris, whilst pieces of the streets were displaced thanks to the attack that happened to the city; the attack, and the quickness of nature to reclaim that which once belonged to it, roots and grasses sprawling around and beneath the streets while flora grew beside the destroyed homes, growing undisturbed by mortal hands.

Huran was a ghost town, the various destroyed buildings and rubble covered streets completely desolate and devoid of any sentient life, with the only sign of mortals having once lived here - besides the structures and the like - being the bones and skeletons that were strewn about, their flesh already rotted away and picked clean by whatever scavengers had come through, leaving only the whitish, calcified fragments of these humans behind.

Arms and legs poked out of the soil, while skulls littered the ground, staring lifelessly out over the remnants of the city and becoming the only signs of previous life in this area.

The sounds of our footsteps echoed around the empty city, our boots tapping against the stone road as we walked through the rubble of Huran, looking this way and that as we investigated the ruins of this once populated human city, Satanya writing down anything of note in the area as we inspected everything.

Leone crouched down and scooped up the soil, Ammit curiously mirroring her as she asked the Vampire about what they were looking for, while Nakith and Setem stepped in and out of some buildings, checking their structure and if there was anything of use remaining inside them.

Satanya remained in the center of the road, with Luci standing beside her as a guard whilst Leraie and Ronove followed Satanya's orders to investigate certain buildings and streets, helping the red skinned Demoness get a better understanding of what was left inside Huran and if any of it was worth trying to save.

As for Anput, Jahi and I, we followed behind the blue skinned Demoness and stopped by the edge of the large, empty, dark pit that once held an Arch Fiend; or, at the very least, held a powerful follower of that Arch Fiend, one that had caused even the Marquess a trace amount of trouble.

"This is where that construct appeared from. The rubble of the City Lord's Mansion is somewhere down there, scattered Gods knows how deep... Nothing survived that fall; nothing of use, anyways. And despite having been where something of importance was located for who knows how long, it doesn't look that rich in any sort of clues... A shame, that."

Anput and I nodded as we looked into the dark depths of the pit, before my mate asked "How are they going to fill this in? This is far too wide and deep for just a few Earth Mages, right?"

"Perhaps. Most likely, this will be worked on for a long time to come, filled gradually with whatever they have available. Perhaps this will be turned into a lake of some kind to enrich the land? Though, that all depends on if the soil is still fertile and uncontaminated."

The other two nodded at my guess, and we looked down into the pit for a few moments more before Jahi said "Well, let's make our way back. The dead in this place have remained dead, the buildings and streets are... able to be rebuilt, but I doubt anyone would want to live here after everything that's happened. All in all, I imagine this place will be torn down and wiped from the face of the earth, never to be seen again. Not that it'll be missed..."n/-0vεLb1n

Turning, she made her way back into the city proper, where we found Satanya nodding as she listened to Leone, who was saying "-is not that bad, but there is still some trace amounts of something left over from before. It's dissipated quite a bit, but... If you want to build here or use this for farmland, I'd wait a little while longer, or at least purify the land. Perhaps a good burn will reset the land to its natural state? Wipe the slate clean and begin anew."

"Yes... I do believe that will be the best course of action, Princess. Do you think its deep into the soil, or..? Because if it is, perhaps lighting this parcel of land ablaze would be the best course of action..."

"I... I don't know. It seems rather uniform on this top layer. If you'd like, we can have Anput dig a hole down... oh, let's say ten feet? A dozen? We could get a better idea that way?"

Satanya turned towards Anput and gave her a businesslike smile, gesturing towards the grass as she asked "Begum, might I ask if you could do as the Princess has suggested? A hole down into the earth, about ten feet deep?"

Getting a nod from Jahi, Anput stepped forwards and began to dig, and whilst the Jackalkin did that, we all continued to look around and investigate, staving off the boredom as best we could as we made sure that the skeletons were merely 'decoration' at this point and unlikely to return to the land of the living, while also sweeping the houses and making sure there were no inhabitants.

We found... nothing, whilst Anput's hole yielded some results; Leone checked the soil at each 'level' - two feet increments - and discovered that the consistency of this foreign mana, meaning it was gradually being expelled from the land at an even rate, so a proper cleanse might be a bit harder, though not impossible; you would just need to do the cleansing in smaller areas to keep the heat localized, where it could wipe away this foreign mana and leave nothing behind.

"Well... this was both relieving, and disappointing. No enemies, no hiccups... that's a good thing, but I have to say that I was hoping to find something here. This place being empty though... again, its good, but just... disappointing."

Satanya let out a sigh before gesturing towards the carriages, leading us back as she said "Well, next is Emor, then Nogart. Maybe they'll yield the same results... maybe not. Either way, this is the first part done, I guess."

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