Chapter 961 960: Forced RnR

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 961 Chapter 960: Forced RnR

"Holy hells... that was harder than I thought it'd be! Quite a nice spar though, Granny~!"

Anput grinned breezily at Grandma, who just stared at the Jackalkin for a few moments before giving her a curt nod and replying "It certainly was a spar.", which made Jahi and I chuckle silently as we stared at our free spirited lover, enjoying the way she just shrugged at the response she was given.

"Well, shall we keep the rotation going, or are you in the mood for something else Granny? Perhaps some chess, checkers, maybe some other board game? Or we could just chat some, be it about the present or the future."

She began to list off ideas whilst manipulating her blade into new shapes, going from scimitar to katana to a mace and then back again, flexing her magical control and her skills in doing this one thing as she spoke, uncaring of how Jahi and I had found amusement in her casualness with this woman we knew little about.

Leone spread her hands and shook her head as she said "I have no plans to spar, not today's anyways; it doesn't sound that appealing at the moment.", something that made me raise a brow before I smirked at her as I realized why it didn't sound that appealing to her.

We had gone through a rather rough night after all, so I guess it makes sense that she wants to keep her movements to a minimum as she just relaxes and doesn't do much, though I couldn't say I didn't understand that sentiment, especially since I was the one who got the roughest treatment.

"By the way, how long were you on the road to get here? You arrived in the morning, so..."

Grandpa was the one to answer, the more talkative of the two still smiling softly as he stared at his wife for a moment before answering "Around a day and a half, I believe? We came from... quite a ways away. Oh, but don't worry, we'll be fine! We're used to it by now, so really..." Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

I frowned at that, looking between the two for a moment as I studied their appearances as I then asked "What was the last time you had a real, proper meal then? Something you could sit down and enjoy?"

"Around two da-"

"Alright, we're going back to the room now. Anput, head over to the kitchens and tell the chefs to give you the ingredients for a chicken alfredo, as well as some salads. Leone, could you go get some of the herbs from Lady Igna; muscle relaxers primarily, but healing herbs would do fine as well. Ones that have good tastes too please."

Grandma frowned at that, the blue eyed Elf looking down at me as she said "We're fine, Katherine. We've done this for centuries at this point. We're able to go weeks without-"

"Just because you can does not mean you should. Come. The last thing I want is for the two of you to enter my 'home' and be... unhealthy. You need food and sleep before anything else. A day and a half traveling... and you can go weeks without any rest?"

Snorting, I just shook my head and gestured for the Jackalkin and Vampire to go get what I needed before having the remaining three follow me, which took a slight glare towards Grandma before she let out a low huff and joined Grandpa in the journey back to the room.

"Mother, Father, really though, why are you still working like this?"

Mother Ria brought the conversation back around just as Anput walked in with a big cart laden with ingredients, which she brought over to the kitchenette and handed off to me before going to sit with Jahi.

"It's habit, and it's efficient. Why bother changing it?"

I rolled my eyes again as I started on the noodles first, Bessie and I pouring the flour and salt mixture onto the table before creating two wells, one for each of us; inside the wells, we cracked some eggs and poured out some milk, which we whisked before gradually adding the surrounding flour so that we could create the dough.

"Because Mother, it is terrible for your body and for your mind. Hah... why do I even bother..."

"How long are you both planning on staying for? I imagine your curious about Lilith's arrival sometime soon, so surely you don't plan on leaving within a couple of days?"

"No, not at all! Too many reasons to stay, and most of our work is finished for now. We made sure of that, hence the... ahem, 'habits'."

That made me peek over my shoulder at the two Elves, who were looking towards me as soon as Grandpa said that; he was smiling and seemed sort of apologetic, whilst she was a neutral as ever.

Kneading the dough out was 'tough' work as always, the applications of strength and consistency making it harder than normal as I had to keep myself at a mortal level and ensure everything was mixed properly, though I adjusted quickly as I settled into my groove.

Leone arrived with a few separate herbs as well, and she set them down beside us before hesitantly remaining between the kitchenette and the living area, clearly wanting to be of help but not knowing how to do so without disrupting Bessie and I.

Smiling at her, I shook my head and instead turned back to the two Elves as I asked "So you're going to be staying for a few weeks then? Good. I don't feel as bad making sure your knocked out today..."

"You are one honest Dogkin, aren't you? Is that inherited, or..?"

Grandpa alternated his gaze between the three other adults before looking towards my lovers, who just smiled back at him and shrugged their shoulders; meanwhile, Mom idly said "Inherited most likely. If she hadn't been a maid for as long as she was, I guarantee Julie would've been as upfront about everything like Kat is. Though..."

Looking Mother up and down for a moment, Mom shrugged as she added "She is honest too, so...", which earned her a quick slap to her muscular arm and a glare.