Chapter 966 965: Making a Gift

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 966 Chapter 965: Making a Gift

"Wow... they still aren't up yet. Should we wake them up soon, or..?"

Glancing at Mom and Mother, I saw that they were both frowning as well, clearly not expecting this outcome as we turned back to Grandma and Grandpa, who were sleeping soundly on the rocker and couch respectively, breathing softly and not moving a muscle past that.

"I... don't think so. If they are sleeping this deeply and its the first time in who knows how many days or weeks that they've finally decided to lay down and rest, then its their bodies saying that they need this. Go do... something else. Be back in an hour or so; they'll likely be up by then. If not, we'll wake them up for dinner before sending them to bed again."

Mother shook her head with an exasperated sigh as she looked between her own parents, taking in their sleeping figures and muttering "Shows them though..." before turning away and heading back towards her room, where Mother Julie had remained this entire time.

It was rather clear why that was, but we all tried to keep that from our minds as we tiptoed out of the room and into the halls, wanting to do something productive and get rid of some of the energy that remained inside us after quite a long time of making love.

I could have gone for a few more rounds - both stamina wise and 'need' wise - but we had come to a group decision to instead temper our desires for now, so that we could get used to reigning in our lusts and being able to do something else with that time...

I sincerely doubted we would stick to this plan for very long at all, if only because we happened to have an extremely needy and lustful minx in our mist who loved to try and act like she wasn't a minx, even though she made sure to do the things we all loved before just so happening to put herself in a 'vulnerable' position waiting to be taken advantage of. VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

So with that in mind, we came together and decided to do something as a group that wasn't sex or sparring, which was hard for me to comprehend for a moment since those were the two things I was good at, but the other three seemed excited about this idea of theirs.

They wanted to give Grandpa's advice a try to create something for both Grandpa and Grandma, and the consensus that we had reached was that a pendant would be the best since it could be out of the way yet always worn; it wouldn't inhibit anything for either of them like a ring or bracelet might, and we had settled on the idea that jewelry was the best idea since it was 'quick and easy', according to Anput.

"Anput gets to forge it, Leone puts it in a chemical bath, and then Kat enchants it... I can't wait to give them a gift that I didn't partake in~!"

I grinned at the three women as we stepped into the forging area that Anput had requisitioned, causing all three to roll their eyes and ignore me as they went about getting their things ready; Leone had a servant rush over to the Sanctum to retrieve some herbs from Lady Igna, so all she needed to do now was prepare a small bowl with mana water and make sure it was sterile.

"We decided on a type of thing to make, but not exactly what to make. We need some ideas, Jahi? There are three physical parts to this plan of ours, but we can't enact them if we don't actually know what we're doing..."

"You... rarely act like it though, Jahi."

"Hey. Be nice. Anyways, I was thinking we could do Lily of the Valley; its a flower that grows off of a bunch of stems in as I am."

"You... rarely act like it though, Jahi."

clusters, and they- actually, Kat, can you make one with your Ice Magic? You know what that looks like, right?"

The Dogkin nodded, and her finger shone that arctic, ethereal blue as she traced out a rune, summoning a block of ice and moulding it into the shape that I wanted to convey to Anput, who may or may not have seen this flower before; it wasn't something that appreciated dry, hot areas after all.

A long stem that had six shoots appeared in Kat's hand, the stem point upwards and tilting slightly to the side beneath the weight of the shoots, which ended in downwards facing bell shaped flowers, their bulbous petals and small, simple shapes making for an interesting sight.

"That's... not too difficult. Six small sheets of metal gently wrapped around a sphere, flared at the edges and given an opening for something to create the flowers, a simple cylindrical stem with small hooks for the flowers to hang from... I guess I'll be engraving our names onto each? If I don't fully connect one of the petals I can create a small 'door' too that lets you get into the flower itself, so Kat can enchant the inside of the flowers... and if I put a small hook inside as well, we can hang bells or something inside, I dunno..."

Anput was studying the replica closely, and Kat was nodding alongside her mate as they both appraised the flower, all while Leone went to accept the herbs from the servant and request a few more, now that she was going to have to make baths for different metals, which needed different compositions.

"I have to say, I'm rather surprised by this Jahi..."

I gave Kat a glance as I snorted, replying "Yeah, I figured that out.", which made her come over after handing Anput the replica and give me a hug, her head resting against my chest as she stared up at me.

Sensing that she was about to apologize, I just chuckled and stroked her head, stopping her as I scratched just behind her ear and made use of that sensitive spot that she loved, allowing me to lean down and whisper "I really don't care, Kat... If I did give a damn about appearing scholarly and learned. I know what I know, and I'm content with that. So don't worry, I don't mind. Though that doesn't mean I appreciate the lack of respect..."

Leaning down closer to her, I glanced at Anput and Leone for a moment and smirked as I added something to that, something that made Kat nod demurely before she fell to her knees, showing me her sincerity the way I wanted it.