Chapter 970 969: Week Goes By (3)

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 970 969: Week Goes By (3)

"Like hell you will Kat! You even think about it more than once and I'll-!"

"I know, I know~! Just a suggestion is all~! What better way to get dozens of challengers than that tantalizingly sweet, yet absolutely venomous treat that I could offer to someone~? I think we could find dozens~ of idiots desperate enough to try and fight for a night with me~!"

Whilst it was a revolting thought to have a bunch of Caninekin drooling over me and hoping that they could beat Jahi or Anput in a duel so that they could lay with me, I was also heavily aroused at that idea too; to get that 'princess' sort of treatment as my 'Knights' defend my honor, or to do it myself and get to make those horny dogs reel back in surprise when they realized I wasn't just some fragile maiden in desperate need of some soft cushions and fervent loving...

Wouldn't that surprise on their faces, the shock at being beat down by the object of their lust make it all the sweeter for me when I flaunted their idiocy to them and went back to my actual lovers to be fawned over and given a proper, deep loving~?

A shudder ran up my spine, and I needed to wipe my mind clear lest I get wetter than I already was... which made my cheeks redden slightly as I felt everyone's eyes on me, embarrassment coursing through my veins as I realized just how horny those thoughts made me...

That was made even worse when it was Mother staring at me with a worried, conflicted frown and Mom raising a brow with a smirk as she easily read my emotions like a book... and then having Jahi, Anput and Leone frowning at me for what I was thinking about...

"Ahem... d-does anyone want some more coffee..? Maybe I should make a cake? Yes, a cake sounds good..!"

Getting up from the table, I hastily made my way over to the kitchenette and began to get busy, ignoring the gazes that followed me as I tried to get my mind right, wondering why I had so easily lost myself to those thoughts even as the others eventually managed to bring themselves back around to planning the trip out and making normal small talk.

I didn't have to wonder for long as the source of those thoughts sat on the counter beside me, her nude body partially transparent and covered in a thin layer of smoke that barely hid her breasts and loins, though there was no hiding her amusement as she grinned at me like a loon, those pink eyes glowing with mirth as she swayed to the rhythm of her own mind.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to play with some horny, lusty idiots to make yourself feel better~! You've got the beauty, the unparalleled power of such a sexy body that makes others turn into idiots... so why not use it to get what you want? You want money? Flaunt these curves. You want something done? Use your voice and your eyes to get someone to work for you under false hopes. You want your lovers to lust after you with such a primal urge? Make them jealous and give them a reason to work for your body..."

Something that I had experienced before, but not with someone like Jahi... and if I had to deal with not one, but two, or all three of my lovers all because they were jealous of what I was doing..?

All of them fueled by the need to punish me and make sure I learned my lesson... that was exactly what I wanted from this, wasn't it?

I had to stop and clench my fists as I cleared my mind again, making sure I wasn't going to mess this up and ensuring I wasn't overflowing with pheromones to the point that even a non Caninekin could smell them... since that would be even more embarrassing than what I had already gone through.

Honestly, who would have thought that after all this time, it was still something that got me embarrassed despite the things that happened behind closed doors... or in public spaces just out of sight of other people... or in public spaces with people, just with a careful expression...

Yeah, perhaps I shouldn't be as self conscious and worried about what they think, but at the same time they were my parents, so... that was always going to be awkward, wasn't it?

The easiest way to clear my mind and not think about anything, and to not be embarrassed anymore was to start making this cake and getting a rudimentary icing whipped up so that we could have something sweet for tonight, all while the two older Elves continued to sleep.

After they woke up, maybe we could get some more time in with them, or perhaps they had overtaxed themselves so much that they were going to sleep like a bunch of bricks until tomorrow; if that was the case, should we remain here?

I did have a backlog of basic things to enchant for more practice, and there was the theory that Leone and I had on making a Magic Pen that could withstand Light Mana... or we could focus on some more spells that we wanted to get fine tuned.

Perhaps we should work on getting some tattoos done as well..?

And by we I mean me...