Chapter 976 975: New Ink

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 976 975: New Ink

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "You sure about this, Kat? Last thing I want is for you to put something this big on me without knowing if it works..."

I rolled my eyes as I stared at the shirtless Demoness, her chiseled abs and ripped arms drawing my gaze so easily once again as I held back the urge to reach out and stroke them, since doing so would certainly get in the way of what I was doing...

After all, the scent of Anput still lingered on her skin, and the intoxicating smell of semen and sex wafted off of her loins, which were barely covered by her underwear as she sat on the bed, watching me closely.

"Wanna fuck first? I'm still horny."

"You're always horny Jahi! And no, I need to be focused and collected for this; it's going on your body, after all, and it is difficult as all hell to purge from your skin."

The Demoness just sighed and accepted the table that Anput had dragged over, resting her arm on it and giving me a surface to work on as we all got together around the bed for what was about to happen.

"Well, how are you going to be focused and collected when you're basically begging for my cock with the gaze of a needy bitch?"

I rolled my eyes again as I looked over the notebook that Leone handed me, the Ritual Circles that filled the paper interlocking in a way that would give the Demoness some additional help in future battles; it was three separate spells interlocked into one, giving her a buff, a heal, and an attack all in one single tattoo, which we had asked Kolia to review and approve before getting her inked up.

Leone was more than content to create her own eventually, but the Vampire wasn't too interested in any ink at the moment, while Anput showed a tad bit of interest, but wanted some more time to think about what it was that she wanted; that left me with the myriad of ideas I still had floating around, like perfecting a Wind spell that would allow me to fly - or something similar - as well as getting my ankles tattooed to be similar to something like Hermes' sandals.

A boost of speed that could carry me in a single direction far faster than someone could anticipate would be quite the nifty spell to have ready to be instantly cast whenever I needed it...Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

There were more waiting to be inked onto my body, but they all needed more work and research before I was willing to let that happen, so for now I was just content to keep working on that instead, though Jahi had asked for some tattoos for herself.

Channelling the mana from the crimson crystal atop the Magic Pen, I concentrated on the threads of mana and guided them down fluidly and evenly, ensuring that the mana was equal everywhere I tattooed as I began to work on the healing spell first, which was the least complicated spell of the three.

Less runes but more combined runes made for an interesting Ritual Circle, its complexity giving it some charm as I carefully traced out each and every line of the seven runes that made it up, their familiarity making this the easiest one to tattoo.

Compared to the others, it was the most 'perfected' and efficient spell by far, since it had the combined expertise of both Leone and I within each rune; we both were rather adept at healing magic, and since most spells were interchangeable with the elements that fueled them up to a certain level, we both knew most of the same things.

Next, I moved on to the buff spell, which would enshroud her arm in flame and allow her to punch or slash forwards explosively, making her already devastatingly powerful attacks even stronger and ensuring that whatever wanted to stand before her blade...

Well, it wouldn't stand for long as she cleaved it in two.

It was a bit more tricky since it was dealing with rune combinations that were seldom used on Ice Magic spells, specifically the use of power runes and explosive runes and how they fed into one another instead of being standalone runes excellent at being the primary focus.

Since I wasn't as familiar with them, I slowed down a little on the buff spell as I ensured I got the runes correct, which sadly meant that Jahi needed to sit in silence and 'suffer' beneath the Magic Pen as I continued to imbue her flesh with the Fire Mana supplied by Leone, who was sitting beside me and watching over what I was doing.

Meanwhile Anput was lounging on the bed naked, enjoying herself as she dozed off with a blanket lazily draped over herself, content to let this go on for however long it needed, her urges and needs sufficiently met already from what had happened inside of Zhu'Rong Caverns.

"You're doing well, Jahi... on to the last spell now, so don't lose yourself just yet. It's coming along very nicely..."

She just glanced at me after I said that, the Demoness not wanting to look at her arm, at the Magic Pen, or really at me either since doing so would place the former two in her peripheral vision.

But, like the tough Demoness that she was, she sat through the entire thing without much more than a grunt here and there as I completed all three spells, creating that interwoven trinity knot on her upper arm that would provide her many benefits going forwards.

Of course... right after, when Leone offered her one of the pain relieving herbs, the Demoness took the herb and instantly began to chew on it, turning it into a paste inside her mouth before gradually allowing it to dissolve with her saliva, only to then look at the two of us with a narrowed gaze, her intentions obvious.