Chapter 979 978: Time With Family

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 979 Chapter 978: Time With Family

"Last night... was beyond excellent~! Did the three of you enjoy it as much as I did~?"

Jahi was lounging on the bed, completely splayed out and basking in the morning sun as she watched the rest of us roll out of bed and massage our aching muscles, unable to understand how we were so different from the Demoness regarding how we felt after everything.

She was raring to go again and perfectly able to resume where she had left off, her hips apparently not hurting at all despite having spent so long last night pounding us into the bed and showing us her love; meanwhile, we were all achy and barely able to come to grips with the idea of resuming those activities even though we might want to, our bodies telling us to take a break and rest instead.

It was fascinating since I liked to think of myself as ready to 'play' whenever, but even I had moments after waking up from a long passionate night where I was just... entirely against the idea of doing anything more.

"It was... but I really need a break..."

Leone blushed as she nodded in agreement, the Vampire peeking tentatively at Anput and I as memories from last night filled her adorable head, the clear 'favoritism' that Jahi had shown her last night causing her to feel a bit worried that we would hold it against her.

We didn't of course, and Anput made that known by giving Leone a spank and a smirk before beckoning for her to enter the bath, the two showering swiftly before submerging themselves into the heated waters and embracing, showing one another some more love before they somehow got the energy to start again.

Bath time was as scripted as it ever was, the four of us cleaning one another off and indulging to start the day the 'right way' before heading back out into the main area, where we found everyone sitting and sipping on their preferred morning drinks, chatting quietly.

"You really think that then, Chordeva? That there is a need for something as garish as that?" The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

"Garish? It isn't garish Alamar, it's a tactful display of wealth and power all in one! Don't tell me you think its a terrible idea?"

Grandpa let out a sigh and shook his head, the older Elf clearly finding whatever Mom had said to be rather... conflicting, since I could see the small smile on his lips even though he was clearly against whatever it was.

"Ah, girls! Good morning! Today's the last day we have before you depart for the Sultanate, correct? Is there anything in particular you want to do?"

He gave us all a smile and watched as we took our seats, though I went to join Mother in the kitchenette and began to help her finish up her cooking for breakfast.

"Are you going to want to spar after this again then, Jahi?"

Grandma looked at the young Demoness with a tilted head, before she glanced at Anput and I as she added "As well as the two of you?", her sapphire eyes hiding the desire she had for me to say yes so that she could enact more vengeance on me for what had happened at the time of our meeting.

As such, I gave her a smile and shook my head, answering "I sadly won't, Grandma, nor will Anput. We have some work we need to finish, and getting it done before the trip to the Sultanate was our goal all this week. It is almost done, so perhaps we shall join you later..? But please, don't wait for us!"

She narrowed her eyes at me for a brief moment before looking towards Jahi, who was nodding excitedly as she replied "I will, Grandma! I think I have an idea now on how to deal with your swiftness, so hopefully..."

Trailing off, she just smiled and made Grandma nod, though Grandma did frown when Mom swiftly interjected herself into the conversation as she said "Oh, I'll tag along this time I think too~! Been sitting still for too long, and I do need another way to work off calories... even if I much prefer the other way~!"

Winking at Mother, Mom smirked as she made the Dogkin blush, though she swiftly stepped away from the conversation as she carved the pancakes up and began to devour them, entering her own little world and happily occupying it despite the looks she was receiving...

"Do you all already have everything packed for the trip? Or are you going to go with the bare minimum and get what you need when you arrive? Because if you do... I might suggest that Leone and Kat bring some of our clothing, just to... avoid causing a ruckus?"

Mother Ria gave Leone and I a small smile before pointedly staring at our chests, the meaning quite clear; if we wore the garb of the Sultanate, which didn't really leave much to the imagination... how would most of the Sultanate react?

More specifically, how many men and futanari would we need to deal with just going from point a to point b?

It didn't sound that pleasant, but like with the suggestion for the arena's, I glanced at Jahi and Anput with a small smile, wondering how they would react to that; they'd be quite enraptured by that sight now wouldn't they?

But they would also be walking around, daggers in hand to gouge out the eyes of anyone who ogled Leone or I, and that just wouldn't be something we could have the Sultana excuse now would it?

"You also have your itinerary all worked out already, right? Or as worked out as possible at this moment in time?"

"As much as we can, yes. Ideas on where to go and when to go, things we want to do... all of that was planned out a few days ago and has been going under review and revision since. All that we have left to do until tomorrow is just spend time with everyone~!"