Chapter 989 988: The 'Servant'

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 989 988: The 'Servant'

"Begum Anput, you've returned!"

The Dogkin that walked into the dining area was quite the beauty, something that was made apparent the moment your eyes landed on her visage; some people were simply blessed with that sort of beauty, the jaw dropping and attention stealing genetics that simply reminded everyone else that life was often a cruel and unfair mistress who never gave a damn about you in the first place.

Bone structure that seemed deliberately chiseled in such a way that her smooth, flawless olive skin would be flowing seamlessly across her face, giving her an ovular canvas that was simply sublime in its natural state; her sharp, pointed brows were softened by her warm amber eyes, which glimmered like honey beneath the sun.

Her plump lips were soft and inviting, their involuntary and simple curl upwards brightening her expression even more, her bubbly aura trying to lure you into a state of relaxation and admiration.Read updated stories at

Black locks that we had seen on everyone else within this city seemed different on her, the long braid that snaked over her slender shoulders drawing our eyes downwards, whilst the two smaller braids that were formed out of her bangs framed her face perfectly, the golden and orange beads adding to her bright and cozy aura.

Everything about her oozed the warmth of the Sultanate in its gentlest capabilities; the soft breeze as you sat in the shade, the way the sand wrapped across the lands like a golden blanket that kept everything warm, the serenity of the dunes...

But when you looked lower, following that snake of black threads, you were greeted with the sight of her own 'dunes', the twin mountains of olive goodness barely concealed beneath an orange tube top that only made her bust all the more impressive, and for a brief moment... I looked lower and had to appraise my own size, nodding to myself as I compared her to me and came back with the comforting realization that I was still bigger.

Even then, as I looked back up and saw the way her waist slimmed down before flaring back out into her wide hips... well, I couldn't help but feel 'threatened' as a woman at that moment, even though I knew logically that - whilst she was certainly an attractive and incredible woman - I was still 'above' her in the sense that I was Anput's, Leone's, and Jahi's lover, there was that innate desire to remind them about that fact, to ensure that they knew I was her 'better'.

The longer I looked at her, the more I realized that she was almost identical in sex appeal, warmth, maturity and even in attitude to Mother, the more I couldn't help but feel... odd about her; threatened and confused, but also having a small desire to get to know her and connect to her.

It was odd, and it made my mind short circuit as my logic and illogical thoughts clashed together, bringing me to a standstill as I watched her continue to walk forwards, her body swaying seductively even as her expression remained innocent; her language, both in body and in sound, was 'innocent'.

There was no intentions to seduce, no intention to allure and ensnare, but instead just the familiar comfort that everyone had from living within their own skin, that natural gait and typical vocal tones as she smiled at Anput.


Anput was blushing slightly as she 'glared' at the woman, and it was that familiarity and the comfort she had that continued to stoke my illogical side as I observed this, not liking it one bit... even if I knew fully well that this was a healthy, wonderful relationship that she had seemed to foster with someone when she was younger.

This entire time the Sultana and Lady Kio had been quiet, and the pups had all been eating quietly as well, watching from the side and trying to understand what was happening, but now that the subject had been brought up, Lady Kio spoke up with a smirk, her mischievous nature making itself known once more.

"Oh, she did more than just 'hole up in her room' after getting those letters~! How often was she late to training or outright skipping them simply because she was 'drafting' a response~?"


Now Anput was 'glaring' at her Mother, but the moment her Mom poured herself a glass of wine and muttered "More than I care to count, and more than I want to remember..." she blushed hard and looked away, hiding her expression from us but not controlling her ears nor her tail well enough to hide the 'shame' she felt.

The Sultana sighed as she swirled the dark scarlet liquid in her glass, before lifting the veil slightly to reveal a scarred visage and thin lips as she took a sip, momentarily diverting my attention.

"It was far too often... and each one was just yet another 'cruel' reminder of what was to come."

The melancholic rasp made Lady Kio roll her eyes as she said "Personally, I was just happy that the place didn't reek of citrus when she left!", something that made Anput almost shout, an odd strangled noise escaping her lips as she looked towards the petite Dogkin.

Jahi raised a brow and murmured "Well that is certainly good to know~!", which made Anput growl softly as she clenched her fist, still glaring at her Mother.

Leone was blushing, peeking at Anput before peeking at Jahi instead, which the Demoness caught as she smirked at both Anput and Leone, loving this new 'ammunition' that had fallen into her lap.

All the while, Yasmin was watching their antics with a warm, motherly smile, before she looked towards me and tilted her head, our eyes meeting as I continued to observe her.