Chapter 991 990: Instincts*

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 991 990: Instincts*

"Did I ever feel weird because Yasmin was left with few options to pursue in life? No? Not really... I mean, looking back on it it was a bit odd and exploitative, but... what were we to do? Send her back to a family that let her be sold off - as a child, mind you - to a powerful ruler so that she could be cultivated into a 'pretty flower'? I know I usually say might makes right, but as a Mother, if you really let your child be sold off to be a sex slave without even lifting a finger..."

Shaking her head, the Jackalkin sighed as she caught the head of the hammer, her metal coated fingers crushing the metal as she glanced at me and said "Then you deserve to burn in hell. Just because you are strong doesn't make you right, and just because you are weak doesn't mean you are incapable of doing the right things. That's just the truth. So no, I don't feel bad that Yasmin was taken from a shitty family and added to our own. She got more from us than she ever would have gotten from them."

She restored the hammer a moment later, her mana allowing her to alter the shape of the simple tool freely as she prepared to forge something random, just to get her excess energy burned off after being cooped up inside the carriage for hours.

"Besides, she's paid well, given benefits and is in the safest location within the Sultanate at all times; there is no reason for her to have wanted to not be a servant here. She wasn't a young, stupid child, but instead someone on the cusp of becoming a teenager. She understood what she had been sent here to do, what future awaited her if Mom wasn't benevolent and so against the idea.

Yasmin understood full well what her Father had done, and what her Mother had allowed. To this day, her Mother still begs for forgiveness, but she's hasn't been given any and will likely never receive any. Yasmin also took in her siblings as well, protecting them from that weak willed woman..."

The metallic clang of the hammer against the anvil brought me back around to my senses, but as I went to ask another question Anput turned away and grabbed the ingot from the forge with some tongs, bringing out the glowing orange ingot and placing it down.

Seeing her concentrated expression silenced me, and I watched as she appraised the ingot for a couple of seconds before that hammer rose into the air, only to crash down towards the anvil again as she started to shape the metal the same way people had been shaping metal since the idea had been discovered.

Each strike lengthened and widened the billet of steel, flattening it too as she formed out a long sheet of metal that she started to curl around the horn of the anvil, creating a cylinder of some kind.

Settling into the seat, I just watched my mate work from the side in silence, enjoying the way her obsidian eyes shone from the firelight and loving the way her olive skin glimmered and rippled as she worked.

That concentration was so serious, making it so different than her usual arrogance and flair that I couldn't help but love witnessing it yet again, especially since she looked so sexy whenever she was anywhere nearby an anvil.

All of my lovers were sexy in their own ways; Jahi was a muscular warrior who simply radiated power and dominance, Anput had that swagger and charm of a confident warrior as well as the muscles to back it up, while Leone was more 'traditionally' sexy with her curves and even sexier with her shyness and ability to tease her into a blushing ball of pillowy goodness.

I suddenly found myself draped over the anvil, the Jackalkin pressing me down and standing behind me with a smirk as she made use of her strength and speed to move me so effortlessly, turning me on even more.

Smiling back at her, I just couldn't help myself as I glanced at the cuffs, asking "So... who are those for, Anput..?" even as she pulled down my pants and panties, revealing my pussy, which she buried her face into as she began to inhale my scent and lap at my lower lips.

I let out a quiet moan as I felt the familiar rough tongue of my mate brushing against my lower lips, the Jackalkin wetting her tongue and getting me ready for what was to come, taking her time to savor this intimacy and my taste.

Plunging her tongue in and out of my vagina, Anput took her sweet time indulging herself before pulling away for a brief moment to answer "Yasmin...", instantly pressing herself back against my pussy and busying herself with that, ignoring how my lips curled in distaste at the mention of her name.

Hearing that she had went ahead and made something for her servant was grating, and it made my heart clench uncomfortably as I sneered over at the cuffs, a petulant desire to break them blooming within me, but I held back and instead decided to go a separate route.

Instinctively, I reached back and pressed Anput's head against my bottom, keeping her there and rubbing myself against her face, sufficiently marking her as my lover as I spread my scent over her.

Her ears twitched whilst her tongue moved quicker, the Jackalkin mistaking my jealousy as a desire to make me cum before moving on to sex, her eagerness feeling bittersweet as I gently squeezed her head, trying my best to let it go.

It made sense that she wanted to make her servant a gift, that she wanted to show appreciation, but still...

I didn't care; I didn't give a damn about it whatsoever, and the sight of her smiling at Yasmin only made my lips curl even more but as she tapped my thighs a few times to let me know she needed air, I wiped that sneer off my face and instead let my pleasure take over.

And yet, even as she gave me that smirk and took in a few breaths, even as I gave her a sultry smile and bit my lips, it only felt like I was donning a mask, which was souring the pleasure I did feel, and it wasn't in a good way.

There was no Lust Mana to be taken from this, no benefit to it whatsoever; I just felt irate at myself, and at her, and even her expert tongue work as she began to eat me out again did little to assuage my emotions.