Chapter 1000 999: Payouts (2)

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1000 999: Payouts (2)

The screeching of metal followed by the showering of sparks as the two Jackalkin engaged in a deadly dance of blades drew the attention of all standing within the plaza, and the initial curiosity and intrigue that had drawn them in was now replaced with morbid fascination as we all watched the spar in progress.

The third spar of the series that was owed to the Sultana and already Anput looked absolutely battered, but she needed to push on and give it her all even if she wanted to rest, hence why her grunts had become more plentiful as she went on the offensive, seizing the initiative and trying to take control of this spar.

Her olive skin was riddled with cuts and bruises, while her sweat ran red as it dripped down her muscles and over those open wounds, shrouding her in a glimmering red sheen as she lunged forwards, the scimitar in her hand lancing straight for the Sultana's head.

By now, we were all watching on with bated breath, following the trajectory of the scimitar and wondering where it would be in another second, since the current target was the black veil that covered the Sultana's scarred visage... and that simply wasn't going to be where it landed.

And right on time, the Sultana flicked her wrist and used her own scimitar to slam Anput's down towards the ground, the flourish moving the curved blade to the side before she pushed it downwards and into the ground, trapping it with her own.

Then she took a step forwards and slammed her free hand forwards, her palm striking against Anput's sternum and sending the Jackalkin staggering backwards, gasping in agony as the thick, flat bone was cracked beneath the force of the Sultana's blow.

Even with the agony of a cracked sternum, Anput pushed forwards and yanked her scimitar back, raising it just in time to block the heavy overhead swing that threatened to cleave her in two, though the clanging of the metal as the two blades met was a terrible sound for us all

Anput in particular as she listened to the sharp, high pitched crunch as part of her scimitar cracked, the power behind the Sultana's attack almost shattering her weapon that had been coated in mana and forcing Anput to make a swift decision.

The Sultana was fighting with a single hand on her blade and the other completely unhindered, relying entirely on technique instead of power - though she had an ample supply of that lingering within in her rope like muscles - as well as speed, so Anput was in a precarious position.

Trying to launch another attack with a cracked sternum and scimitar was extremely difficult, but she couldn't let the Sultana have time to contemplate what to do since that would allow the veiled woman to begin weaving traps into her current fighting style, setting the younger Jackalkin up for guaranteed failure.

So what could she do to try and last a little longer than she was currently?

"She's right you know. You need to start fighting like you always do; stop being reluctant to switch it up. This weird reluctance to step away from the traditional fighting style..."

Pinching Anput's arm, I glared at the Jackalkin when she opened her mouth to retort me, only to remain quiet when I added "You aren't here to earn brownie points with the Sultana, you're here to showcase your skill and show her how well you've improved. So stop being stubborn and fight like you always do. Last minute muscle memory will only make this more painful than it needs to be!"

Biting her lip, she looked away from me and kept quiet, saving her energy and breaking away from us after her wounds healed, the Jackalkin stepping back into the arena and accepting the scimitar the Sultana tossed her way.

Instantly, the younger Jackalkin turned the scimitar into a straight edged blade, which she lengthened into a longsword that she seemed to be more comfortable with after all this time fighting inside the Empire and training against Jahi.

Like the other three rounds, this one was started by Anput whenever she wanted, a single benefit given to her for these spars, and one that she always tried to make the most of.

Leone and I retreated away and rejoined Jahi, who was watching the fights with a stoic expression and crossed arms, her attention given wholeheartedly to the fights, entirely undivided and unable to be taken away by anything else.

Meanwhile Lady Kio remained in a mood as she stood with her five pups, the Dogkin glaring at me whenever she could before occasionally giving an answer to Aisha, who watched the fights with curiosity and slight fear.

Lunging forwards and stabbing at the Sultana, Anput made use of their now equal reach to remain just outside of the Sultana's range, which allowed her to push the Sultana back just enough to give her the time to switch her weapon again.

Now wielding a spear, Anput stabbed forwards as swiftly as she could multiple times, forcing the Sultana back even more as the older Jackalkin constantly leapt around, trying to find an opening around the various metallic stars that dotted the air around her.

When Anput's thrust almost nicked her cheek, the Sultana stepped forwards and into the range of the spear, but as Anput was yanking her weapon back, the spear tip curled around as she shifted the weapon into a scythe, which was about to pierce the back of the Sultana's skull.

And yet, we were once more reminded of how far above these warriors were when the Sultana grabbed the haft of the scythe and stopped it in its tracks before stepping into Anput's guard, her scimitar snaking towards her daughter's belly.

It was also where we were reminded that we were born of the stock of these warriors, since Anput had no issue slamming her knee into the Sultana's groin before kicking at the Jackalkin's knee, resulting in a groan of pain from not only the Sultana, but also all of the men and futanari around us.