Chapter 1005 1004: Similarities Throughout Generations

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1005 1004: Similarities Throughout Generations

"What do you mean you can see it in my eyes? See what?"

I tried to feign confusion at her words, hoping that the dense Sultana from before remained right in front of me instead of this sharper, crueler version that was crouching and staring at me, but of course... I was out of luck in that regard, and honestly, I wasn't surprised either when she leaned closer and whispered directly into my ears, the older, stronger Jackalkin not giving a damn about my personal space.

"Don't play dumb, pup. I can see it in those ambers of yours; a thirst so carnal and dark that it can make eyes even as beautiful as yours dim. Your lust for blood and desire to flay flesh simply for the hell of it. I can see it, I can smell it..."

She pulled back after a moment, but even then it felt like her presence enshrouded the entire world as she looked me up and down, her gaze heavier than almost any I had ever felt before; it pierced into my very soul and made me shiver, my everything going cold as I was reminded yet again that I was merely prey masquerading as a predator in this world.

I was reminded that the fish in this ocean were far deadlier and ravenous than I could ever imagine, and that what was crouching before me wasn't a fish in that analogy, but instead a bird of prey waiting to swoop down and snatch me from the ocean's waves.

It was a horrifying feeling that I never wanted to feel again, and yet the source of it didn't relent as she whispered "You're a killer, a murderer, but unlike everyone else here, you relish the splatter of blood across your face, the rush of adrenaline that courses through your veins whenever someone pleads for mercy... You're a hedonistic bitch, aren't you?"Geett the latest novels at

Swallowing hard, I steeled my resolve and tried to stare into her veil - and for a moment, I felt more like I was staring into the void once more - only to have to look away, the fear that gripped my heart making it hard to breath as I remained rooted in place, but even then...

"And so what if I am? Does it matter?"

I glanced back at her and froze once more, unable to take my eyes off of her veil as she leaned closer to me, before she chuckled quietly, her raspy vocals causing that to be a rather grating sound as she nodded and answered me after a moment.

"It does... It makes me rather happy and expectant for the future, Katherine Zara. My wife might say that you will dilute our gene pool, but I think differently. I couldn't think of a better mate for my eldest daughter than you... I think you're an even better partner than Jahi Asmodia is for Anput..."

Trailing off, the Sultana nodded when Anput slammed the side of her spear into the abdomen of the Death Jackal, folding the warrior in half and dropping them to the ground with that final hit before pressing the tip of her spear against the Death Jackal's neck, pinning them down and forcing them to concede.

As soon as she won, Anput turned and grinned over at both of us, her chest heaving as she dragged in breath after breath from an intense fight, and that made the Sultana drop the conversation instantly.

Smiling back at her, I remained seated as I watched her help the Death Jackal up before the two clasped forearms in the typical warriors handshake, with the Death Jackal giving the Begum a few quiet words before they went their separate ways.

Sauntering over to join us, Anput continued to grin as she stretched and relished in the after glow that came from a good workout and a win against a tough opponent, though she looked between us and asked "So what were you two talking about? I saw you were rather close..."

The Sultana snorted in amusement at that as she replied "No need to get defensive, Anput. I wasn't making any moves on your mate, just asking her some questions. I have to admit... I used to question why you were so enamored by some random Dogkin from the Empire, but I understand it now... albeit from a different perspective. One that you likely don't have..."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Glaring at her Mom, Anput leaned forwards and tried to take up and intimidating posture, though considering everything that we had witnessed merely a little while ago it just made it seem rather... odd.

Something the Sultana knew too since she just met Anput's glare and said "Want to go again then, Anput? Feeling confident after beating a Death Jackal once?", which made my mate take a step back and smile at her Mom instead as she shook her head and replied "No, it was just a momentary lapse of judgement~! I didn't mean anything by it~! Hey, are we going to have some curry for dinner?"

She snorted again as she nodded, though she glanced back at me and just said "See?" before walking over towards the Demoness instead, watching as Jahi began to lift one of the Dogkin above her head and slam them down on the tile.

"What was that about? What did you talk about?"

"Nothing much. She just asked me about your Mother and my Mother some more... she really doesn't seem to understand why they have a 'rivalry'."