Chapter 1011 1010: Ka’Volan (3)

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1011 Chapter 1010: Ka'Volan (3)

"You really think they don't need any aid? I mean, look at that..."

Jahi gestured down at the sea of flames that had sprung from the earth after Ka'Volan slammed its four flaming fists down, the Fiend unleashing a Domain type spell that empowered it within a small area, which it was using as a shield against Leone so that it could fight Anput one on one.

"At what? An uninteresting, basic Domain that anyone fresh off of a Core Awakening could conjure up with enough mana, or the fact that Anput has to actually begin trying in this fight? Ka'Volan has raw strength and a fury to make it dangerous and unpredictable, but as you are likely well aware, raw strength has nothing against good technique. If you cannot control your strength, you should not have it." Finnd new chapters at

"I understand that, but still, being trapped within a Domain - be they a basic one or a complex one - is still dangerous on its own, and this Fiend has a high amount of Fire Mana and a decent control over it! Why shouldn't we just make this a four on one?!"

Jahi's anxiousness at wanting to be there for our lovers in a battle was obvious, but as soon as the Sultana glanced at her and said "The answer is simple; ganging up on an enemy and tearing them down with numbers does nothing to improve your skills. You killed a Fiend but learn nothing at all. If you desire to do so, be my guest; I won't stop you. Just know you are stifling the growth of your lovers - one of which is my daughter.", her flat tone giving Jahi pause as she glanced back down at the two mortals and one Fiend.

"They'll be alright, Jahi. Leone has magic that can even the fight some more, and Anput has Fire Mana as well; she won't be too vulnerable in that heat. We should trust them and let them learn here. Besides, we both know that the next Fiend we come across - if it isn't too bad - will fall on your shoulders and mine instead of theirs. So let's just believe in them and let them train against this Fiend."

The Demoness bit her cheek as she stared down at the two, her amethyst eyes filled with reluctance and worry as she watched Anput summon a weapon for herself as she rolled away from a triple punch, the Jackalkin making liberal use of her agility to outmaneuver the unwieldy Fiend to buy more time for not only herself, but also for the Vampire who was in the midst of unweaving the Domain around her.

Her concern trickled through our bond as we watched Anput roll once more, the roaring Fiend swatting at her and trying to catch her from all angles, each of its fists crackling with power as they blasted through the air towards her body, which she had begun to coat in her Metal Mana as a precaution.

Taking her hand in mine, I soothed the Demoness as we continued to watch from afar, this odd experience that we rarely subjected ourselves too making it hard to settle down and not lunge forwards to join them, even if I get the logic behind why we should remain afar.

It was logical but I sometimes despised how logic worked, and that only made me slightly more annoyed as Anput spun away from a jab and retaliated with a swift set of cuts straight to Ka'Volan's arms, her katana dancing around as she began to leave even more into her speed.

Another barrier blocked the needle storm, giving it just a moment to recuperate mentally so that it could turn and send a rapid barrage of fire bolts towards Leone, peppering the area around her and driving her back out of the Domain, leaving Anput alone with Ka'Volan once more.

The curtain of flames thickened as Ka'Volan shouted "[Ignasia Maceria]!", making use of an incantation to further isolate Anput from Leone as it flexed its raw magical strength, and as soon as we heard that shout, Jahi wrenched her hand from mine and grabbed her great sword, preparing to rush down into the basin to join Anput.

"You have little faith, Demoness, and it is both endearing and irritating."

That simple utterance from the Sultana gave her pause again, the Demoness gritting her teeth as she snarled "I have faith in Anput, but if I can help her, why shouldn't I?!", something that made the Sultana nod as she remained silent.

Not getting a response from the veiled woman beside us, Jahi turned back to the basin and was about to rush down once again, though this time it was Anput who gave her a reason to pause as she saw the Jackalkin dart beneath the Fiend's legs and crouch behind it, avoiding the reactionary backswing and giving her the freedom to launch herself once more.

But this time, instead of landing a simple attack and running, the Jackalkin decided to be greedy and go big, so she leapt into the air and plunged her katana straight down into the Fiend's neck, the silver blade encased in a cocoon of rock for even more damage.

Stabbing the katana into its neck, she twisted the blade instantly and ignored the Fiend's gargled roar as it tried to reach for her, only for it to go limp as the katana in her hands vibrated, that cocoon no longer remaining on the metal as it instead bounced around within the Fiend's body, decimating its insides and doing severe damage to its spine.

It might be an abomination born of the anger found from the world, but even still it was a living, breathing thing, and like most vertebrates, dealing damage to the spine led to the inability to do most skeletal functions, leaving the Fiend to stand there unmoving.

"You have little faith..."

Clicking her tongue, the Sultana stood up from her spot and approached Jahi, patting the Demoness' shoulder as she said "Though I must admit I thought we still had another minute or two before Anput decided to go for a killing blow. The world is full of surprises... like that this Fiend isn't just dead yet."