Chapter 1018 1017: Bared Fangs (3)*

Name:My Servant System Author:
Chapter 1018 1017: Bared Fangs (3)*

My words had made Anput's eyes go wide as she laid under me, but she was unable to say anything as I began to thrust forwards, losing myself to her tight pussy and amazing muscles, my desires consuming me as I finally managed to be on top of the Jackalkin, and not sitting on her lap riding her.

Pounding her womb incessantly, I rocked the entire bed with each and every thrust, my hips smacking into hers, which sounded out nicely as my meatier thighs clapped against her muscular thighs, creating that wondrous sound that was far more addicting than I had ever anticipated.

With my penis hammering her womb into a new shape, I released her head and began to pull back, running my hands over her body and admiring her muscles in an attempt to last even longer, taking my mind off of the wetness that soaked our lower halves, take my mind off of the tight, writhing hole that wrapped around my shaft and tried to wring out my semen.

It was obviously not enough, and if anything... it was the wrong move, since the thing that I found the most attractive about Anput physically was her muscles; these chiseled shapes that gave her entire body definition, this firmness that made you feel so safe and secure when she hugged you...

"I really do love you, Anput..."

Those words escaped my lips as a gasp, and the Jackalkin just stared back at me as I sped up even more, my hips moving faster than her hammering on an anvil and just as hardy attempts to become a smith alongside her showing itself to us both as I gradually shaped her womb.

"Oh Gods above do I love you, but damnit if you aren't an irritating woman to love sometimes! At least, during times of 'duress'..."

It took all I had to speak my mind now, my vision slowly brightening as my orgasm drew near, her pussy devouring my cock while her womb sucked on my tip, all while the Jackalkin herself clenched her muscles and massaged my penis in hopes of getting me off even faster.

Running my hands up and down her abs, I eventually found myself enthralled with what rested below them, my fingers dancing around her knot as I targeted another sensitive spot for the Jackalkin, making her writhe around in ecstatic agony below me as I gave her an abundance of pleasure.

She was such a perfect specimen of a futanari, fitting one of the many ideal types so easily with how she merged the wonders of man and woman into a single body; the strong, confident muscles, the smooth olive skin, the gentle curves and long, luscious hair, the handsome face...

All of it seemed to be exquisitely sculpted to create someone that any man or woman would drool over, and when you paired that incredible body of hers with a cocky, humorous personality that never seemed to come down from her perpetual arrogant happiness, you truly had a perfect partner waiting for whomever was lucky enough to have her.

Trailing her fingers down my arms, she clasped her hands over my own and grinned as she led them onto her ass, 'forcing' me to fondle her butt and appreciate one of the few places on her body that was softer than everywhere else.

"But listen, you crazy Vampire... you're a million years too early to think you get to be on top of me... no matter how we have sex~!"

Chuckling to herself, Anput leaned down and grasped my breasts, turning the tables on me as she began to tease my nipples and forced a moan from my lips, which let her add "You're right in some regards, Leone... I do sometimes act like I am the Gods gift to this world, and sometimes I over blow the things I accomplish so that people praise me more... if you don't like it though, you could just shut the fuck up and suck my cock instead~!"

The Jackalkin squeezed my chest and silenced me with a soft growl as she continued on, not letting me speak at all... but it only began to remind me that this was who I had come to love, even in all of her imperfections.

"So I can't promise that I won't try to steal your credit or act like I did more of the work, alright? Because honestly? I don't give a rats ass about any of that, really. I do it just to do it, so that I can have people praise me more; it makes me feel good. Now, in private, between you and me, between us and Jahi, us and Kat? I have no problems praising you and ensuring they know just how incredible our not so little Vampire is, but Leone..."

She leaned onto me, and the Jackalkin licked my cheek all the way up to my ear, where she whispered "You'll never be the top with me, and never with Jahi. Maybe with Kat, but even then... You're not a top, Leone, and that's fine~! If you want to get your dick wet, fine~! You know I'm more than happy to give you the same treatment I give Jahi, but... Leone, you're not dominating me, no matter what your hunger for blood tells you~! So shut up, let me ride this fat cock of yours, and suck my blood."

To prove a point - and making me momentarily want to try and prove her wrong - Anput spat on my cheek and smirked at me, before she tilted her head and revealed her supple neck, the previous pinpricks oozing blood and snatching my attention away from her saliva on my cheek.

Before I knew it, I was burying my fangs into her neck once more, and in doing so I almost missed how she whispered "I love you to bits, Leone, I really do, but damn are you temperamental sometimes... and I think I can be a bit of a brat~! Thanks for the idea though; I bet Jahi will love~ putting me in my place..."

Her words registered for a moment before slipping away when she began to move, and I gasped as my vision began to lighten again, the Jackalkin's vagina clamping down on my cock and squeezing out my sperm as she began to bounce up and down.

Then her fingers moved around my nipples and began to tease me there too, all while her blood flowed down my throat and warmed my body up, swiftly and efficiently switching our places in this session as I slowly returned to my usual self, the hunger abating.

But there was still an urge there for more that irked me, something just out of reach that I didn't quite understand; something that illogically whispered for me to take more and more from my lover.